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About VaAngler

  • Birthday 01/22/1987

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  • Location
    <p>Russell County, VA</p>

VaAngler's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. I love my G3, the pricing on it was the most reasonable i found, and the quality doesnt seam to be sacraficed by no means, and by pricing i should be more clear, Its the only one i could find bear and ready for me to custimize as a want to.
  2. Its an ok place to fish in the spring, nite fishing isnt to bad in the summer.
  3. Love my G3, started to buy the tracker glad i didn.
  4. Yea im not crazy bout week ends on that place, a week day can be crowded enough
  5. any body else been recently
  6. Me and my buddy went to briery creek yesterday, great trip between the two of us we boated 47. not to shabby, but not the magic ive witnessed before on that oversized pond, i think in bout 2 more weeks fishing be better
  7. Good point. any siggestions on what would be good to seal it with? Mayb some sort of spray. any kind of suggestions on this please
  8. rain doesnt slow me down. Im not really sure what to seal it with a 2 part epoxy mayb,
  9. I was sitting here pondering. I put the rear seat pedastol on my boat i Cut a 4 inch access hole on the front of my bench seat and put the plastic screw cap thing on it made it look good. It allowed me to put 5/16ths bolts an some big ol' washers under it and really make it stout. My fishing buddy is no little fella. In doing all of this i had to channel the foam under the pedastal. tI was simalar to great stuff foam. I was wondering if i should spray something back over the spot, to mayb seal this or if it should be ok left as is. Figured you guys would have some great insight and experence with some thing like this. I like the access hole its big enough for my cell phone, camera, and boat and trailer registration.
  10. mines a mod v. But not a whole lot of differ
  11. is it mod v bottom or flat bottom
  12. Let us know how the bite was when you were their and what methods were working etc.
  13. I got a g3 1548. Do any of you all have one or a boat of similar size I am puttin a 80lb minkota on it and have a 9.9 yamaha on it. Do you all think it will be a stable rig with 2 people on pedastals in ponds mayb the occasional river trip(noting to swift). Any feed back please. The primary lake i will be using it is briery creek. My buddie has a 1648 and it seems great, will the foot shorter make a huge differ or is both of them having a 70inch beam the main factor.
  14. Thanks I completely understand the differ in series and parallel circuitry
  15. I ordered a 80lb minkota do i need to run 2wires to my batteries or for some odd reason will i need 3. Trolling motor plug has 3 wires
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