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Ole man Fazul

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Everything posted by Ole man Fazul

  1. Put it on your hat 🤣 It is a functional hook in case you need it...
  2. They are perfect for South Jersey fisheries. The land of grass-filled shallow lakes and eagle sized mosquitos. ??
  3. 1. Sebile Flatt Shad 77mm Suspending(silent too!) (discontinued, but you find find them on the auction site) 2. Imakatsu Suspending Vibe 70 3. 6th Sense Suspending 80 lipless
  4. Hi from South Jersey! Welcome to Bassresource, Harry!
  5. Take a look at the Okeechobee Fats Tackle Backpack. It has two rod holders.
  6. I couldnt agree with you more! It is now my favorite spinnerbait and top producer. The skirt has great flutter and pulsing action underwater and those blades must be magic because I swear my other spinnerbaits dont attract them as much as this one does. I have that exact color as well, ghost shad flash. Because it has produced so well for me this fall, I recently added another to my arsenal to give them a bit of gold flash, in gold bream orange flash with double willows in gold.
  7. They never have and never will. They want more wallets to buy their products which is achieved by a higher count of anglers. I don't want a higher count, I want a higher caliber of angler. Not the ignorant bafoons I've seen lately, with no care for conservation, the environment or the impact their conduct and left behind trash has. I want empowered anglers who can take a leadership role in teaching others and taking on the challenges local governments and non-anglers always pose to our waters and resources. I don't want entitled anglers. Entitled anglers aren't taught well and don't know what it's like to struggle to have what we share as resource. If the majority of the higher count of anglers consists of this higher caliber, then I'm okay with it. Sadly, I don't think that's the case. I hope I'm wrong.
  8. Just another tool in the toolkit, like the apps flowx, windy & myradar. Helps a lot in cutting down my search both vertically in the water column and horizontally on the map.
  9. I am looking forward to it! I've found that in my neck of the woods, land of shallow grassy lakes and ponds, the surface water temps do indeed get an effect from these warm snaps. This past weekend I hooked a 3lber in 2 feet of water in a laydown. Surface water temp was 54F at 3PM. But in general, I keep an eye on the overnight temps and if there are three days above average, then I know the overall water temp will be more affected. When I do plan to go out I check https://www.beachtemp.us/ which I've determined to be fairly accurate for my area. I'm not sure about the forecasted estimates but it can be a useful guide.
  10. I really like this idea. I may do the same. ??
  11. I'll definitely take you up on this if nobody else does.
  12. Welcome Friggs! I've got a sister that lives in Birdsboro and Snicker, our Golden Retriever was born in Honey Brook ? You've got some really decent fishing up there, like Marsh Creek (big bass lake) & Blue Marsh. Haven't fished them in a few years but you should put them on your to-do list. I'm now living in South Jersey, land of shallow grass filled ponds and eagle sized mosquitos. Glad you're here! It is an unreal repository of acquired knowledge and unbelievably friendly and helpful people. Tight lines brother!
  13. Dont be afraid of tying leaders. It gets much easier in a very short period of time and not a lot of practice will get it down. The FG knot is my main go-to. It passes through guides easily and is probably the strongest knot for leaders. It's easy if you maintain tension while tying. It will take a few times to get it down but every angler should know this knot, especially if leaders are used. Over time, I learned a tighter FG than his produces a better and thinner knot. Here's my preferred method: Pic link: https://ibb.co/9wvYSH9 One key is to have the braid tightly wrapped around your ring finger and pinky, so it doesn't slip. Spread the loop open tightly with your index finger and thumb. Spread the loop with good effort with those two fingers. Your middle finger does all the work pulling the fluoro or mono through while keeping it taunt. Your back and forth wraps with the mono/fluoro are done by your free hand. It may take sometime to figure out the correct size of loop to maintain so your middle finger doesn't collide all the time. Once you do you'll be tieing it in under a minute. The other key to this technique is to keep the mono/fluoro anchored so it's as tight as can be, with a short working length. I'm sitting down when tying so I put the roll of of mono/fluoro under my right thigh and have a working length of about 18" coming out. The widest part with this knot will always be be the trimmed tags. Make sure to cut them closely without nicking the other line. If you mess up midway, use fresh mono/fluoro otherwise you would be tieing with kinked weak line. This could cause the knot to fail, so fresh line is a must. Others may also prefer a modified albright but that's not my cup of tea. Also commonly recommended is the GT knot but it doesn't spread the load. It's only 55% as strong as the FG knot. GT knot will fail prematurely. Good luck! Fred
  14. Thats the closest head to my old one as I have come across. Yup. Totally agree with you. But as you may or may not (suspect may) relate, I had some seriously good catches, if not the best with that spinnerbait, so it quickly became my favorite in the sense of confidence.
  15. I screwed up. I was intending to follow up with you and send it in the next few weeks, but yesterday I wanted to throw it one last time. Sure enough, it WAS the last time. Backlashed and my spinnerbait went flying into the lake. I spent a good half hour trying to find it with my magnet to no avail. Can't be ticked about it, or I'm trying not to be... but man, I screwed up big time! Thank you for extending me this offer Allen, regardless. It still means the world to me that you would do this. TY Fred
  16. It seems to me from reading everyone's input that holding a spinning rod is based purely on balance, which is essentially dependent on the rod and weight of the reel. So in my mind, it's basically preference but moreso necessity. If the balance is off, then the hand placement is adjusted to keep the tip up but also for comfort. While holding my spinning rig, I often wonder why spinning reels aren't addressing finger placement around the stem. Why aren't they made to be more comfortable? It's not a show stopper, but after 4-5 hours of fishing, my fingers get achey being wrapped around a hard stem. It seems to me that someone should tackle this point of contention and either make the stem soft to grip with a thin layer of foam or rubber or other comfortable material. Why haven't we seen this yet? I did come across vintage reels that seem to know how we hold them and went head first in making the stem functional to increase leverage, I suppose, ie for twitches or hooksets. I guess my rant is more about why aren't more stems made to be functional?
  17. Hands down, the Strike King Bitsy Minnow Crankbait. Crawfish color has always produced for me.
  18. No kidding? Earlier in the year I was checking out the member map and was a little disappointed there are so few of us in this area (active members). Its nice to see a fellow Jerseyian on here, on my post nonetheless!!! Alcyon has been super productive for me this year. Not sure if you fish menantico ponds, but that opened up this past weekend. I skipped it figuring that it would be madhouse. Planning on it this weekend though. What is your body of water?
  19. Nice! I am really liking the blue gill magic & green pumpkin jelly. Never thought to look at their lure making section. Many thanks for this! Wow! I don't know what to say mostly because thanks seems so insufficient. This community in fantastic and folks like you are the glue holding things together. I will most likely take you up on that offer, for sure. Thank you Allen!
  20. Just perused their catalog. Their style V spinnerbait head is spot on to mine. Not sure if that's a generic mold in the industry and this is insignificant, or were onto something... ?
  21. You bet. I took some with flash and others without. I picked the best ones of the bunch. I included close ups of the head, backsides of blades, hook/bait-keeper close-up, and included as best I could the wire-tie. The closeup of the head needs more resizing. I'll edit to add it.
  22. I appreciate the insight and feedback. Thank you!
  23. I appreciate your perspective, one I haven't considered. I will most likely start down this road over the weekend. Thank you! Hey, thanks for the idea! Didn't consider a custom. What's a custom spinnerbait run in these neck of the woods? I'm a total neophyte in the tackle-making realm. If it's similar to retail right on. But I'm not crazy about dropping two or three times that. Thanks LrgmouthShad! Picked it up as a mixed lot. Wish I knew more about it Formatting stinks on this post. My apologies!
  24. My most productive spinnerbait has been eaten too many times. While I keep bending it back into shape it just isn't the same since yesterday's pickerel bent it to holy hell. I've searched spinnerbait images to no avail. Any insight is greatly appreciated! Weighs 3/4oz, gold willow with a purple colorado. Pics don't really capture the skirt but it's a very dark blue gillish pattern, wire-tied. If I've left anything out or can elaborate in any other way please let me know. Thanks!
  25. ? I too have one! It's my 7'8" trout rod. A few years ago I switched from electrical tape to self-fusing silicone wrap. I find it to be more comfortable especially when wet. With the electrical tape I was also getting the annoying adhesive slippage in really hot weather. Then it would get all over my hands and simply suck. No more for me. Maybe my tape was really old or was really cheap.
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