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About diversity210

  • Birthday 05/27/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern California
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Comanche reservoir is my favorite place to fish.  I fish many bodies of water around California, but nothing like fishing the lake I grew up fishing and know best.

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  • About Me
    Nothing really special about me.  Uncle started taking me fishing when i was about 5 years old.  My mom and dad were never into the outdoor stuff so if it were not for him.  Id probably would be one of those guys who has never been fishing.  Even at that young age there was just something about sitting on a quiet bank fishing with my uncle and the sudden outbreak of noise and excitement when a fish finally took the bait. 

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  1. Appreciate it, thank you! It was a long time coming.
  2. 22 Vexus AVX1980. Has completely changed what I though tin rigs were and could be.
  3. Well I sort of went crazy on my last purchase. Dipped into the funds I had been saving for a new planer for my wood shop. I guess the planer will have to wait another couple months because the 800 bucks I spent does not come easy. I just ordered myself a couple new rods and reels from tackle warehouse. Lost my Dobyns Sierra spinning rod to the depths on my last trip so it was time for me to re-up. Because I liked that Dobyns Sierra rod so much for spinning. I ordered 2 of them. 7ft medium fast and a 7ft medium light. I also order 2 of the Diawa Tatula LT spinning reels in the 2000 size to go with the rods. Ive never used any Diawa spinning reels so I though Id try something new. All the hype for spinning reels continues to be aroun the CI4 but Im not one to follow the hype train. Along with it Id ordered my self a few different colors of the Zman Fattyz and some Zman Power finesse Shroomz.
  4. Not really sure what kind of line you mean when you say 8-10 pound test. Braid, Mono, Fluorocarbon? I would highly recommend spooling your reel up with a hi-viz 10-15 pound braid and tying on a 8-10 mono or flouro leader. Something like PowerPro or suffix 832. Those are 2 really popular brands of braid. You can find them both just about any place that sells fishing gear and most people seem to be fairly please with either or. I think you are on the right track. A Texas rig is a good place to start. You can fish all kind of soft plastics on it and it doesn't have to just be a bottom bait. I have been known to swim creature baits through and over grass lines and have caught fish doing it. As far as what works best for you is all up to you. Know one will be able to tell you that. People can give you a general idea of what might work in a particular situation, but what works in your situation on the waters you frequent is something you will have to figure out.
  5. Everything in California continues to go up. Everyone around here got notices of the water going up again. During the extreme drought in California they raised the price of water twice. We have a surplus of water this year and they are raising the prices again. The fishing license is only a small fee for a lot of enjoyment, but the rising cost does remind you of how expensive everything here has gotten and continues to get. They have push most people to the financial brink, but continue to raise prices. Thats why we have the biggest population of homeless people in the country and its getting worse.
  6. Thank for that. I am definitely going to try and get it back. It wasn't the most expensive rod and reel, but I cant just walk in the backyard and pull money off a tree either. All that matters is that fish were caught. Im the same way. I fish with my uncle a lot and there are times when he is just on the bite and Im not. He likes to laugh at me on those days, because I have about 15 setups in my rod locker and he always fishes with the same 2 old rod and reels hes had for like 20 years. He says "boy, you have all that nice equipment and cant catch a fish" then laughs. We both get a kick out of it. Im just happy that fish were caught.
  7. That would definitely qualify as a bad day. A Horrific day if you will
  8. You are absolutely right. It is human nature to only see the things that are negative when negative things happen. There is positive in most negative situation and it takes a strong person to find it. I did share a day doing something I love with my beautiful wife and the uncle that taught me to fish. No one was hurt and everyone made it home safely. Thank you for reminding me of that
  9. On a windy day I will throw all the baits I normally throw. I just step up the size a bit.
  10. Ive never gotten caught with out my fishing license. I buy an annual license every year and keep in in my wallet. All my years of fishing around California and Ive never even been asked for my fishing license which is fine by me. As a black man I am paranoid about any type of interaction with any kind of law enforcement so i stay legal in everything I do. I never even walk in the gray area. Ive been blessed to never have any type of negative interactions with any type of law enforcement, but from a young age I was raised with a certain paranoia and fear of law enforcement and it something that I learned as I got older was for good reason.
  11. Bad day of fishing yesterday. I started out so excited, because the weather said it was going to be 78 with overcast. So I just new the fishing would be could and it was a prime day to put some pigs in the boat. Nope. Fishing absolutely sucked. I dont know what it was, but I spend 6 hours throwing all kids of different bait and covering tons of water and nothing. Threw whopper plopper, frog, and buzz baits in the morning. Got 1 hit on the whopper plopper but the fish really just bumped it. Threw big 10" Texas rigged worms in different colors, threw zman fattyz on a shaky head, ned rig, threw small smaller swim baits, flashy swimmer underspin with Keitech 3.8, caffeine shad on a weightless swim bait hook, throw swim jig, the crank baits, and I got nothing. My wife was fishing some submerges trees with a bobber and night crawler. She caught a little blue gill and good size catfish crept in and took the line. needless to say I wasn't there for catfish. On top of the sucky fishing. I lost my favorite spinning rig. Was casting wacky rigged senko. Distracted talking to my wife forget to open the bail on the reel. Ofcourse when i tried to cast it didnt go anywhere and I dropped the rod in the water. Dobyns Sierra spinning rod with a Shimano Ultegra reel. Not the most expensive setup, but it was hands down my favorite spinning set up. Dropped it in about 16 feet of really clear water so I marked it on my gps and Im going back to get it on Saturday. Would have gotten it that day but didn't have any extra clothes and didn't feel like being soaking wet all day. On top of that the trebbles of my crank bait got all caught up in my livewell net so I had to cut up my livewell net. That was another 30 bucks down the drain. On top of all that I had my uncle with me who started feeling sick which is a concern because hes a diabetic and on the way in I lost my favorite fishing cap went back and got it though. So yeah the day I thought was going to be great turned out to be not so good at all. Sorry, this isnt a question about fishing and I dont require a response unless you want to say something. I just wanted to vent I guess.
  12. Call the dealer and ask them if they can look up the specs for your car and find out what the roofs dynamic load rating is. That will tell you all you need to know about putting a kayak up there. The problem with little cars like the Gencoupe is that its not good for anything other than getting in and driving. Its a toy rather than something that has usefulness in every day life. Sometimes we have to give up those toys in lieu of something more suiting to every day life. I still have my little toy sitting in my garage. 94 Honda civic coupe that I rebuilt from bottom to top, inside and out about 10 years ago. Even converted it from an automatic to manaul. My young cousin begs me for it every time I see him. It never gets driven though because its a useless vehicle. These days if I cant do more than just get in a vehicle and drive it. It is of no use to me. Just can leg my civic go because I put so much time and money into it all those years ago. Also have a G35 coupe sitting in my driveway. It was my wifes car that she quickly grew tired of, because its a toy. Good for nothing other than just driving. The car runs well and currently has not problems. They have a timeless look and are fun to drive, but I hate the thing because they were just plagued with little problems that needed constant attention. We both drive Tacomas now they. I drive a 13 tacoma prerunner and my wife drives a 17 tacoma trd. Now we bought the 17 planning to see the 13 tacoma, but I just liked my 13 tacoma so much better than the 17 I couldnt let it go. So she drives the 17. Vehicles like the tacoma are perfect. 4 doors so it serves dual purpose as a car and a truck. Small enough to drive around town but has enough balls to do work. Reliable as all get out. My 13 Tacoma has 94k miles which means its just being broken in. The point of my novel is that I liked the little toys too, but they just dont have much use in life. My 94 Honda Civic. Well known simply as the EG. Man I dont think Ive even started the car in a year.
  13. Its been really hot here in the central valley of California, but we are getting a few days of High 70's it looks like before that triple digit heat rolls in. Thursday is supposed to be 78 degrees with some overcast so Im definitely going fishing. It just seems like the type of day thats perfect for putting some pigs in the boat.
  14. That really sucks. I know how you must have felt through. A few months ago I lost a rod opening my rod locker. It was a Duckett Micro Magic pro and Im pretty sure it had a lews BB1 on it. Thankfully I only had 1 rod on that side at the time. My wife just had this shocked sort of laugh and it irritated me so much I wanted to strangle her, but of course Id never do so (wink wink) haha. She must have known how ticked off I was because the next week I got a brand new St Croix Avid X in the mail. She knows those are my favorite rods even though I loved that duckett rod. Of course it was the wrong rod. So I graciously thanked her and sent the one she ordered back for the correct one. So something negative turned into something positive. I still think about going back and diving down for my rod though, Its been a few months so Im sure the reel is garbage but I think I could salvage the rod, but the water is always super muddy back there because its close to a river inlet
  15. Getting into bass fishing these days can be really overwhelming and complicated. That is due in part to all the companies and sponsored anglers trying to sell product. Making you feel as if you need a specific everything to do anything. It really doesnt have to be that complicating. You said you picked up a spinning rod. Thats a good start. 7ft to 7'2 medium fast action spinning rod would be my go to for bank fishing. You also said you have been learning to tie knots thats good as well. Id spool my reel up with 10-15 pound hi viz braid and tie on an 8-12 pound flouro leader. As far as baits since you are just getting started a Trig is a must. Id say Trig with a 7-10 inch worm this time a year. Wacky rig senko or yum dinger would be a must have for me bank fishing. I would also carry a few top waters with me bank fishing whopper plopper, buzz bait, super spook. You could also carry a couple crank baits. I think lipliss crank for bank fishing would be best option but a square bill wouldnt be a bad option. Keep you colors simple. Green Pumpkins, watermelons, june bugs, black and blues for the plastic worms and senkos. Whites, Chartreuses, clear, for the others I mentioned. You dont have to go crazy and get them all, But that selection of baits will go a long ways bank fishing and you can have a couple of each one to keep your tackle light.
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