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Everything posted by Derek1

  1. We’ll I catch allot more 3 pounders. You already have a rod on the way. So order your reel and a spro ray 50 in the morning dawn color. the thing looks ridiculous, but catches fish. it’s fun.
  2. Well, it swims pretty good. Would definitely be better with some smaller up top. I knew the bade wasn’t gonna spin. It flutters like I thought it would. Threw it for a bit today. Caught a couple of these.
  3. Not yet, that’s a great size.
  4. Lol
  5. That’s interesting facing the other hook down. If I put it up it will definitely catch a lot of crap. I’ll probably use it once it will get wrecked and I’ll move on.
  6. They get pretty bent up on the main bait sometimes
  7. That’s pretty much what I was thinking They get pretty bent up on the main bait sometimes
  8. So I figured I’ll play. Lots of room to mess around here. Love to hear who’s already tried this. Might not work we’ll see
  9. I thought we were talking big stripers in a tidal situation. Yeah , any reel will be fine.
  10. Feels better in my hand for big hooksets
  11. For what you want to do I would use the currado k. It a workhouse, in 3/4 ounce range and holds more then enough 40 pound braid. I like the k better for jig fishing the the mgl. That’s just my opinion though.
  12. There pretty good, like most of the xzone stuff I’ve tried.
  13. I bought one when I got my first casting reel. I used it out in the parking lot at BPS soon as I left the store. Made two casts, then went back in had the guy cut the line out and re spool it for me. I don’t often tell that story. good times.
  14. Slow for sure.
  15. I’m shallow on the bank. So mostly 3/8’s.
  16. A good spinnerbait bite is a fine day. Like throwing a grappling hook into traffic on the freeway.
  17. The no pic thing is just not right man
  18. Give or take a ish
  19. You get less action if you leave the tail stuck together
  20. I figure holding a fish by the lip with my hand for a pic. Was the nicest thing I did to it.
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