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Everything posted by Stringjam

  1. This pic didn't turn out the way I was hoping, but I still really dig it for some odd reason.
  2. Country music is defined by the people who create it....so IT IS what IT IS. Hanks Williams and Johnny Cash didn't invent country music.....it was around long before them and will / has gone on long after - and it reflects the attitude and sound of the "country" artists that write it. Whether it sounds closer to southern rock or pop is neither here nor there......the music is either GOOD or BAD.
  3. The original Charlie-O, or (and much more easily attainable) BigM's version of the bait. original Charlie(urethane foam) Marty's Charlies Zoom WEC Deep Stumpy Zoom WEC Z-Flat Coffin Bill - one of the finest clear-water flatsided baits you will encounter in life. Any of the good Little Petey clones (this one's a Ron-E-Bee) My own version of a mid-teens diver is actually my favorite deep diver. This bait is compact, flat-round hybrid, casts very well, cranks very easily, and can bust almost 18' if you know what you're doing. Supermag
  4. I can find something from pretty much every genre that I really like. Favorite is too hard, so I'll just to a short list. Metal (mostly progressive): Mastodon Tool Meshuggah Periphery Mnemic Opeth Tesseract Rock: Porcupine Tree Alter Bridge Soundgarden Audioslave STP Clutch hmmm...list is already getting too long.... First two albums from Black Eyed Peas (pre-Ferg) I actually do like Lady Gaga - for one thing, she can sing her a** off, unlike so many other pop and country girls..... Bill Evans from the classic jazz camp Andy McKee (new acoustic) Tony Rice (bluegrass) so many more......
  5. Neat stuff fw.......I like the light gill shading you've been doing on your recent baits - the contrast really helps them stand out.
  6. Great work, Marty! One of my favorite bait designs in one of my favorite colors! Very nice!
  7. Those Tapp-types are killin'!
  8. Feeling some Periphery this morning....ready to start the day! (warning: math metal content) Thanks for the Kaskade & Deadmau5 link.....I dug it!
  9. Well then, in the spirit of "phone cameras," here's a shot from my HTC EVO (with some minimal processing).
  10. The free version of Avast is what I prefer for anti-virus. Don't use Norton anything. MalewareBytes is a great program for dealing with malware. Download it from their website. If you get infected with a sneaky virus that won't let you run MalwareBytes or download it, you may need to download it to a flash drive from another computer. When you try to install it from the flash-drive, make sure to change the name of the .exe file (some viruses will recognize what it is and not let it load if you don't). There's a free program called Rkill that you should also download and run (it kills the malware processes so you can run your removal programs without the interference). There's a lot of reading you can do on the subject.....the best thing you can do, obviously, is not get the viruses in the first place, so be cautious of the warez.
  11. This is one of my favorites so far. Proof that it isn't just the camera (after all, cameras don't compose interesting shots...photographers do.)
  12. Frostie Blue......I like to pull it out of the freezer just as the crystals are forming in the neck. From the dark sodas camp, my preferred drink is Diet Coke, believe it or not. Everything else is too darn sweet. I don't care for beer.....I like Hornsby's Hard Cider alright, but I guess that's not real beer.
  13. If you can find one of the old Fender Prophecy basses on eBay, you might give it consideration. Fender didn't actually make these...they were farmed out to a Japanese company named Heartfield. My brother-in-law has one and I'm super-impressed with it given the very low prices they go for (not many people seem to know about them). Active P/J configuration, very light and comfy, and a versatile range of tones (killer slap and hard rock tones).
  14. These look AWESOME, Marty.....I haven't had much time to drop in here, anymore - glad to see you're still putting out the good stuff!
  15. Tweakers have no soul. They'll sell their own babies if you give them the chance.
  16. I do....but we have rocks here, not grass. Same concept as fishing Silver Buddy's. I've always caught bigger largemouth using the lipless cranks.
  17. Absolutely hilarious! Almost fell out of my chair when he asked "What's it mean??"
  18. He can play. I dig his quirky kill-switch stuff.
  19. Lard is always a good decision. When fresh fish is involved, it is a great one.
  20. Recording is the primary reason - - I got tired of pegging my CPU every time I opened a soft-synth with my last computer. It's probably going to see a few games as well.
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