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Everything posted by Stringjam

  1. I've just started messing around with the editor. I can see how this could become addictive. I wish I had more time to mess with this stuff because I could REALLY get into it. Unreal Engine looks really cool....no doubt a pretty steep learning curve (like any capable software).
  2. I just downloaded one of the custom user-made levels (i.e. Sandbox Editor 2) called "The Resort." It's some great stuff......almost too gorgeous to go around shooting people in. The YouTube video doesn't do it any justice (even on 720p it's still compressing the snot out of it). The gameplay is alright.....I could do without the adolescent storyline/dialog....but hey - I'm pretty darn impressed at what ordinary folks can come up with using the editor. I think some of the views generated in this map are some of the best I've ever seen in ANY game. It's worth downloading just to walk (and swim/dive) around in.
  3. I love my SSD. Wicked fast.
  4. I have some Zoom WEC cranks that you would have to pull from my cold, dead hands to get. I don't mind the price......I would rather have a small handful of cranks that kick a** than a tacklebox full of baits that don't. As far as the BigM reference - - they both make great cranks, and different models. I have both, and fish both depending on what the conditions dictate. FWIW, I prefer the BigM "Marty's Charlie" over the Zoom Wobbler - - both of which are based off of the original "Charlie-O"
  5. The older I get the less I want to hear the same old music from the 60s and 70s. If I never hear a Led Zeppelin or Who song again I think it'll be just great with me. Of course, that comes from working on construction sites for the past 6 years, and that's ALL the radio ever plays. Those guys freak out and crap a brick if you dare play something that isn't "classic rock." :
  6. I'm pretty sure the new Inspirons come with a decent 1GB ATI Radeon graphics processor (probably depending on what model). It's not going to be a gaming powerhouse, but you'll probably be able to run your games smoothly with some decent graphics settings. It's going to be a lot faster than your old Pentium machine for sure.
  7. Caught a 3D showing over the weekend - and I have been ultra-stoked all year waiting for this release. I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. First of all - I'm not at all a movie snob, but I really expected better. The character interaction had all the depth of a preschool playground - by the end of the film you still don't really have much of an idea who any of these people really are.....or even care. The dialog is obviously an afterthought. I could almost see the boardroom - - after Disney dropping an immense amount of cash and time in the CGI and spectacular imagery saying..."Oh yeah, I guess we should probably throw a few actors in there and give them a few lines. Anything will do." That's it...that's the only thing cool about the entire movie - - spectacular imagery. Don't get me wrong....this stuff is an art form and whoever was involved did some exemplary work for sure. (Also worth noting that the film score was fantastic....I expected as much from Daft Punk.) I would be embarrassed to hand a script this bad over to someone like Jeff Bridges. It just bores me now to watch this crap....like Avatar all over again. And the story? Basically just Bridges babbling on and on about some sort of "digital frontier" (never really explained) as he and his son (played by some painfully lame actor) try to save the world (with Bridges' super-twee sidekick). Bleh....I never do movie reviews, but my disgruntledness demanded I say something.
  8. Doesn't matter to me when it was made or what genre it falls under - if it sounds good to my ears, I'm in. Too many to mention.... Alice in Chains Alison Krauss Incubus Justice Tool Sublime King's X Foo Fighters Alter Bridge Daft Punk STP Audioslave Opeth Periphery Porcupine Tree Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder Clutch on and on and on..... Honestly not a very big Rush fan. I tend not to like them for the same reasons I can't get into Dream Theater - - they sound cold and academic. Great musicians playing music that just doesn't move me....at all. That's the great thing about music, though.....there's a lot of great stuff out there - don't think we're going to run out of the good stuff anytime soon.
  9. The Lord of the Rings The Matrix Jaws Gladiator Solaris (among my favorite film scores)
  10. If they were "original" Fred Young Big "O" cranks, you could throw them on eBay and fetch $250+ a piece for them. There have been many reissues over the years, though....both in plastic and balsa.
  11. I repainted an apartment last year where the tenant let their cat just pee on the carpet(!) The cat peed in the same spot over and over and eventually it started to even rot the sub-floor. I have no idea how that person was even capable of living in that nasty place!
  12. EASY sell. What am I offered? I was referring to eBay - but like Nate said....sounds like you can just take it back for an exchange.
  13. EASY sell.
  14. Not yet - - I haven't beaten the regular version. I let my wife play it a few weeks ago and I haven't had access to my phone for quite a while since. ;D
  15. Diet Coke Iced Coffee (iced white chocolate mocha to be more specific) Sweet Tea Frosty Blue cream soda I like mixed drinks more than straight-up liquor. Mojitos, Margaritas, Irish Coffee....you know - all that girly stuff.
  16. Oh, you say that now........in a month you'll be dropping acronyms to your bff and slipping out of the office to try to beat just one more level of Angry Birds.
  17. Exactly.....I don't think this topic could be summed up more precisely than that.
  18. Tron Legacy is actually a sequel. I'm stoked.
  19. I'm really surprised to see Jeff Bridges take so much flack here. The guy is a top-shelf actor - and I think he has enough range to pull it off. I'll reserve judgment until I see the film, though. I'm optimistic at this point.
  20. Meatballs......covered in a mixture of cocktail sauce and grape jelly.
  21. I feel so much safer knowing that THIS is going on. Lord knows that little kid is just the kind of threat we have to be on the lookout for!
  22. Yes - that is a wedding cake topper in the fridge. Few more months and I'll be nomming hardcore on that thing!
  23. My travel agent - who is almost 80 years old was stripped down to her underwear and patted down. I was absolutely enraged when she told me about what happened to her and how demeaning it was. What the hell is this place, Nazi Germany? I think people are finally waking up to the realization that in order to preserve their rights they're going to have to stop being so d**n apathetic.
  24. Because arriving at my death safely is my sole purpose in life....no matter how many liberties I have to give up along the way. : SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY God the naivety of people in this country is sickening.
  25. That is killer!
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