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    soon to be Hemphill Tx
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Toledo Bend, Mill creek

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  • About Me
    I am RETIRED but workin harder than ever!

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  1. Yes Sir. that's what I like about this area its got a lot of spots within a 5 min boat ride.
  2. We are in beechwood 1 subdivision on mill creek. one arm north of indian and buck creek. i can see texas island from my back porch.
  3. Nice one. good to see them bedding up. the retirement plan has taken off and in the process of clearing out 20 plus years of clutter preparing to move up to my home on the lake. hope to see some of y'all up there. not been sayin anything but have been following it all along the way. And a big Hello to BayBoat fisherman. seen you out and about the lake.
  4. I may not say much but i be listening to it all. got a hook and line map(and a magnifying glass) a while back and studying the lessons from all you guys past and present. roadbeds? hum might go and take a look if it aint blowin to hard. and if it is then plan B make a gumbo!
  5. Well i got the pics resized. the profile pic is one i caught on good Friday last year in Sheldon Reservoir guessing 8 + but no scale that day. and yes that is a Pelican plastic boat with 2 big boys in it.
  6. update from this weekend. the 3.24 from last report had a tag for the bass cash bash and im ordering a trolling motor.? this past friday i fished early on the same point in mill creek that i got the tag, but only 4 short fish. saturday early i tried it again just at sun up and again 3 short fish. by 8 ish headed over the crossover to the cove that the cross over goes almost into. i went into the arm to the right and worked the grass and trees and caught 4 fish in there. 3 were small 1 to 2 pounds but i was able to land a 4.72 pounder on a hula popper. that was something seeing that get ate! man i forgot how good a fish that size can fight. when i can figure out how to resize the pic i will post it. just would like to say thanks to Catt and all the rest for the info.
  7. Well i finally got to go fish this past Saturday. Catt i fished the area from Between the point of Hickman's Camp & Mill Creek RV Park for about 3 1/2 hrs that morning till it started to thunder a bit. i caught 3 1/2 fish ( I'm shocked at how a 9" bass will EAT a 10" worm) best was 3.24 and 2 fish too small to weigh oh and the hungry LIL' guy. not much structure but grass shallow 6 to 8'. saw a few small bait balls with fish around them, going back this weekend to practice some more!! Practice makes perfect that what they say anyway.
  8. no not yet just started looking it over on the lake master map.
  9. no i am further west i am dead center of the round point next to paridise point marina. if you look at the sat veiw of google map look for beechwood loop i'm the longest peir in that area, 22 fow under the floating pier.
  10. the longest peir in middle of beechwood loop between pleasure point marina and beechwood 1 boat launch.
  11. yes Sir. closed in December and been fixing a few things up mainly trying to get the yard in shape so it dont take but 30 t0 45 minutes to mow, blow and go fishing. had fun loading the freezer up with the crappie. Don't have a Big Boy Boat yet! got an older 20' pontoon with fishin seats up front. will make due for now.
  12. Thanks Catt. well i think i got the crappie around the dock figured out now i need to find out where the big girls hang out and then see what they like to dance to. just takes time and working the waters. but i have read this whole post thru and have been looking at th HB hi def lake master map on the ole helix and a whole new world has unfolded infront of my eyes. ill be rereading a few select posts and put some points in the bird and then the fun starts. not lookin to set the world on fire just want to go FISH!!!!
  13. New to TB started the retirerment plan and bought a waterfront house in Beechwood 1. now the old itch is back and its hard to scratch the information in this thread is AMAZING to say the least. I can see I will need to venture out more as I learn the lake and the helix 9. It seems TB is going thru what Conroe did after the Grass carp were put in so the skiers could have fun. I hear you Catt the fish have adapted but the fishermen have not. Will be reading and looking at the map to sharpen my way of looking at apiece of water. To all of you that have contributed to this OUTSTANDING post and kept it going with so much knowlege. THANK YOU from a Texan that was smart enough to marry a Cajun gal.
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