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Everything posted by cheezledzul

  1. Bought a ton of 3/0 heavy duty wide gap offset hooks for senkos. Just purchased 3" keitech easy shiners in bluegill flash. Do I need 1/0 or 2/0 hooks? Heavy duty or regular? Or stick with the 3/0 heavy duty? Worried theyll be too big and effect the action or too thick.
  2. Thanks everyone. Gonna return these and get either the claw or strike king. Same price so I'll close my eyes and pick. Gotta order all the bait, line for 3 rods, hooks and sinkers tomorrow. If I had more time I would shop around and maybe buy from the links you provided but they say over a week minimum for shipping. As it is dicks is 7-10 days. My new rod and reel was delivered today in just under a week but cant trust it. Going on a glamping/fishing weekend 8/4 so I have to have it all before then. Should have known something was fishy when the weights were less than half the price of all the other name brands lol. Thanks again.
  3. I bought it online so it may be lead but i dont think so. On their website they have other weights for the same price that are called "Lead". I think you are right, steel.
  4. The ones I bought were only $2.70. I guess the craftsmenship is what makes them so cheap even though theyre tungsten. $7-$8 the average price for 4 tungsten weights?
  5. The website does not say what its made of but the other options have lead or tungsten in the name. I just assumed it was steel. https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/bullet-weights-slip-sinker-16buwu116blckblltter/16buwu116blckblltter Is there any difference between these 3? theyre $8, $8, $8.50 respectivley for the 3/16. https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/eagle-claw-lazer-sharp-tungsten-worm-weight-16lshulzrtngwrmwgter/16lshulzrtngwrmwgter https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/strike-king-tour-grade-tungsten-weight-17skiutgtngwrmwt3ter/17skiutgtngwrmwt3ter https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/vmc-tungsten-worm-weight-17vmcutngstnwrmwtter/17vmcutngstnwrmwtter Theyre all described as worm weight but I see one that is called a Flip'n Weight that looks the same but more money. The worm weights are what I need right? Ill look around for better prices/options even though i doubt its going to be more or less than $1 difference. Dicks is pretty much my only option locally. I need them by this weekend but for sure by 8/3. Leave at 4:30am 8/4 for my first trip. ?
  6. I'm assuming I'm being over paranoid and cautious but I'm worried about the line constantly getting frayed and breaking. Never used bullets or braid so not sure. I'd like to avoid spending money on better ones but will if I have to. I rather spend $7 for 4 then $3 for 5 if I'll be constantly losing hooks, bait and line. Buying bait, line, and hooks for 3 people. Plus just got a new rod and reel. Was hoping these would save me some money. The holes, for all 5, at the point are pinched. The holes at the bottom seem fine for the most part. (See image below.) Will be used on 15lb braided and 10lb braided for t-rig. You cant use these for deep rigs right? What kind would I need to get? Also I have a small old 5'6" spinning rod I want to set up for my girlfriend to first use but the ratings are for mono and only go up to 6lb. I want to use 8lb or even 10lb braided. This should be fine since braided is thinner right? I know the length wont be exactly accurate and I'll have to try to gauge when to stop filling the spool. (Image below)
  7. Ook cool, thanks. Tube color? Can I use the same 3/0 offset senko hooks and bullet hooks with an oring? Might have some other hooks that wont move. Trying to buy stuff with as many uses as possible to start.
  8. Just spent $200 on new reel and spinning rod. Going bass fishing/camping in 2 weeks on a lake for 3 days. Supposably full of sm bass. Shore and kayak fishing. Buying new line (braided), lures, nd hooks. Already picked 3/16 bullets and vmc offset heavy duty widegap hooks 3/0 along with a 50 pack of offset hooks 1/0-5/0. What are your top 3 recommendations? Trying to cover a variety of needs and techniques. But for now trying to stick to 3 total types because of money. Simplicity and ease of use are a plus. Will be with people even newer than myself. Buying and supplying gear for everyone. Picking up a pack of 4" yum dinger senkos watermelon red flake and watermelon lam. Do plastic swimming paddle tails work better? Senkos are cheap snagless and easy to use so theyll be the main rig used. Thinking about getting a lunkerhunt kraken spinner colorado. What color do you reccomend? Or stay away from spinners and just use some old rooster tails I already have? What about ascending crankbait? Tdlr: getting 4"(?) senkos. Need 2 other types of lures to get. Specific colors, brand, size/weight would help. Like I said senkos will be the bulk of my lures because of cost and ease of use for everyone. Can fish top and even bottom with it. I figure this with 2 other types will make it simple while giving us all the best chance of success so they're not turned off in the future! Thanks in advance!
  9. Mods can delete. Figured it out. Didnt really have any problems even when strong wind came and dealing with current.
  10. Thank you everyone, seems like the community is putting up with my long posts and endless questions well. Im trying to do my research first but somethings are just better told from common experience not a blog. We'll see in a month if everyones still welcoming me when theyre tired of seeing my threads . Best way is to learn by experience but limited time and access forces me to live vicariously through you all. So thanks again.
  11. Hey to be clear I was not with them when they took those pictures. Its just an example of what they caught at the lake im going to. I think Im going to just stick to buying and using my 3/0 with 4" senkos for this trip even though theyre only like 12" small mouth. Im bringing some old roostertails I have myself and maybe switch with my dad whose bringing some 1/0 hooks with 3" plastic swim baits with paddle tails. Im a little low on funds after organizing this trip and buying a new rod, reel, line, weights, and now hooks and lures. Gonna have to figure out how to keep it as simple as possible while bringing some options If possible Im going to try to pick up 1 spinner and maybe a rappala diver or something cheap. Since its my first time I also want to just test things out when I have down time. So as of now the weather is predicting rain every day for the next 2 weeks and stopping the day I go. I know this changes a lot of things like water temp and clearness. How would I fish this situation? Would senkos be best or something like spinners or jerk bait?
  12. Im very new to this and dont understand the lingo yet. Sorry in advance. Skitterwalk and hopping a tube? What are these/meaning? Do you consider a 4" senkos smallies? Should go to a 1/0-2/0 instead of a 3/0? I dont mind catching 12" bass all day. This is my first time fishing where I actually took the time to learn and am determined. Just need practice working lures and reading the situation/s. Assuming you are from the area will sacandaga have more quantity/substantial bass? Or is it worth taking a 30 min drive to lake george? If so have you had better luck in the morning or night?
  13. Lol real special forces. You watch a lot tv and movies huh? Any real operator in a serious conversation will need to know the mission to tell you who's best. I'd take rangers any day for airfield and compound seizure. Green berets for rebellion and local support, devgru for hostage,etc. They all do things at a higher level than others. Aside from seals if I want someone to save my life I'll pray for a Pj, blow up an area call jtac, and if I'm on a river fishing and need to be saved from river pirates I'll call the swcc lol. As far as I know aside from seals swcc is the only other naval combat sof unit. And they do a job like the ravens. But were getting off topic... if you wanna sleep with potent seamen join the navy. If you wanna answer more of my dumb questions go here: If you were thanking me I cant accept that for about a year. But appreciate your support for troops. Meant to say this a while ago but got distracted.
  14. Background... I'm a talker, I always give background. Sorry... if you dont like long posts &a lot of ?s press back lol. So first weekend in august I'll be taking my first solid freshwater trip to a lake just south of lake george NY. It's a dammed portion if lake sacandaga, attached to the hudson. Joining my cousin who rented the site for the year. Bringing my kayak so I'll be on and off shore. He told my dad to get 1/0 wide gap or worm hooks plastic swim baits with a paddle tail work well. Poppers/floating jerk bait in the morning/sundown. He sid 3-4" worms and I asked if he prefers those flat tail worms over senkos there and he said senkos paddle type like keotech. Is 1/0 too small? From every thing I've read and researched 3/0 and 4-5" senkos are the usual. ive never seen anything larger than 3" recommended or even spoken about. Should I be following his lead or will the 3/0 5" senkos I'm using work best? Tight on money right now. Itll take a little before I can get a 2nd type of rig setup. Rather stick to my original plan but ultimately want this trip to be worth it and would rather use his rigs or your suggestions if you think otherwise. Also based off of the pictures it looks like their small mouth? Water flows NE from scanadaga over the dam to Stewart's then to the hudson. Just bought a new rod and reel and in the process of getting rigs for it. 3/0 offset wide gap, 5" senkos with 3/8 bullets on 15lb braid. Have some old rooster tails I was gonna bring too but thinking if I should get his suggested bait first. Bonus questions: Does any of this mean there wont be lm/striped in Stewart's? Not sure if this effects that. Think I should take the time to drive to lake george in the morning/evening and just fish around Stewart's midday? Is Stewart's worth it or stick to the bigger sacandaga lake? Trying to learn how to pick good areas for bass fishing and came up with this thought process lol. Not sure if direction of waterflow and dams effects bass. Real noob here. Just a hypothesis.
  15. Dads a nam vet (army) and designed all the piping system/network for the DDG. Maybe I should reach out to this navy guy and get my dad a chance to fish from one too.
  16. Lol the real men part is questionable but opinion so I respect it. The hero part I wont justify because they're all heros. Even uncle Sam's pond pirates. Maybe. Oh and doubt I'll be fishing salt anytime soon. It's just to have the ability to at some point. I'll figure that out when the time comes.
  17. So do you think I should be using 15 instead of 20 with my senkos and spinners? Is there any downside besides a little additional weight? Does it make fishing the lures harder? Less effective? I will be trying to go every weekend but I do not know if I will have the time or accessibility to do much more than that. Therefore I was looking for a setup that I can keep for a long time and use for different breeds and styles. If I want to do some light inshore saltwater fishing I can with this reel and rod (please do correct me if im wrong). Im also working on joining the army this fall/winter so Im not sure if Ill have a use for multiple rods for a while. But as far as I know a larger reel only means more weight when it comes down to it.
  18. Thanks in advance and sorry for all the questions/long post. I dont have many people/baitshops around to talk to and I'm love to learn everything i can. The local shop also told me few things that clearly went against the common thought so I prefer to ask you professionals. ? I recently purchased a Star Rod Stella 7ft medium-fast spinning and Daiwa BG 3000 spinning. I was reading a review on the BG by Alan Hawk and he said "...drain where the water caught in braid will seep to the circular recess, then it would drain through the hole. Of course it has a minimal effect and you still should never store your reel with braid on the spool, nevertheless having it still beats not having it." This is the first time i ever read that you shouldn't leave braid on the spool. Actually thought one of the benefits of braided was that it will always lay flat. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Does that mean before and after every outing I need to spool and unspool my line? I cant see this being the case. I cant see many using braided over mono or floro if true. 2nd question. With the rod and reel im the using would you reccomend braided floro or mono? Im in the process of buying but I've been given contradicting theories. As of now the plan for my rig is: - powerpro spectra braid 280/15 - 4"/5" senkos with occasional spinners - vmc wide gap offset 3/0 hooks - 3/16oz bullet sinkers *Reminder: Spinning rod & reel* With no actual experience with gear I came up with this rig just by research. Do you think I should be using 20lb+ line or is 15lbs ok? Braided, mono or floro? Heavier sinkers? Larger/smaller hooks and senkos? Also what color senkos and spinners for merky and clear water? I heard a contradicting theory that you want dark natural colors in merky water partly because it will cast a better shadow (I think). also I dont think I will do this but what is your opinion on using a floro leader when using braided line? I understand a lot depends on the water condition, depth, time of day and what's in the water. Eventually I'll build my repituar but for now im asking based off of my rig and a good starting point. I'll be bass fishing in small-medium public lakes in lower NY. From a kayak and shore. thanks again for reading! Good luck!
  19. I apologize if my previous comment came off rude. I'm apart of a lot of forums and a lot of times when people are asking for recommendations you'll get 15 people scolding or posting the stickied thread instead of answering the legitimate questions. I understand if its generic questions/posts but I think it's better spending the minuet you spend forwarding the links on answering the question. I so again it wasnt my intent to be rude. I saw you were a mod and from past experience, was trying to keep my thread from being locked. I checked the rules and didnt think i was breaking them.
  20. Yes, thank you, but if you read my thread you would have noticed I already made my purchase. I did my research and read through those stickied posts. I was asking for more specific recommendations to go with the rigs I chose to use and specifications I thought I needed. I had specific questions I needed and would like answered. Do you have any recommendations based off my last few questions? So I believe my rod's lure weight is 1/4-3/4oz. With the 5" senko, 3/16oz weight and 3/0 wide gap offset hooks I am right at the upper end of the rods lure weight. Is this going to mess up my cast? I believe it comes out to between 2/4 and 3/4 without the hooks weight (not sure what that is). Do I need to use smaller senkos or lighter weights? I didnt realize this was going to be a problem. Might have messed up
  21. cheezledzul


  22. Our rods are probably more faithful than any woman we'd have sitting shotgun anyways. ? No problem. The gear should arrive next Wednesday so by next weekend I'll hopefully be using it. Anything specific youd like me to look out for/report back on? Since I'm new to gear your specifics may help me appreciate the reel better anyways. Maybe you'll need opinions on something I would usually overlook. I'm also going to fish lake george first weekend of august with my cousin who's more experienced. I'll ask his opinion. My buddy from FL loves the reel for freshwater and inshore salt. Do you have any opinions/changes/additions on the rig I'll be using for bass? Mostly medium and smaller lakes. Both from kayak and shore. I think I'd use the same lures just different technique? Using: - 4"-5" senkos yum dinger or gambler fat ace & occasionally some spinners(Colorado) - 3/0 VMC widegap offset hooks - 3/16oz bullet slip sinkers - Powerpro braided line 15lbs. (Or 20lb test?) Is it light colors in clear water, natural/dark in murky? What time of the day would i use senkos vs spinners? I was told in general spinners are better for spring spawning and senko are better now. Sorry for another long post, as you can prob tell I'm super excited. Thanks again for your response.
  23. Been fishing for a while with old gear and live bait mostly. Mostly unsuccessful. Finally decided to get away from "more expensive" hobbies and continue enjoying whatever outdoors I can get my hands on. Hiking, fishing, backpacking, etc. The "free" outdoor sports. Picked up my first $200 rod and reel combo. The plan is to just hit freshwater on weekends. But i will most likely, very soon, end up spending hundreds more on gear and going every night I dont work my 2nd job. Call me an addict. I was recently gifted a fairly old model tandem kayak that's been in the water 1 time. This is what sparked the more serious fishing interest. Plan on mcgyvering it into a fishing yak so I have the option of onshore or offshore fishing. Since I'll end up being on here religiously, asking countless questions, I figured I should say hello. Anyways, good luck everyone! Hopefully I dont end up being a fishy's jester.
  24. Awesome, thanks both of you. Actually used both posts to make my decision. Sorry I didnt get to post earlier worked my 9-5 then 630-12 jobs today. Bought a Star Rod Stella Light 7ft medium on sale from dicks along with the Daiwa BG 3000 also on sale from dicks. $80 and $89 respectively. I was between the mojo, dobyns and star. The dobyns I only found right before falling asleep last night and then saw your recommendation and the mojo I could have gotten for $110 but decided to go with the star rod off of a friends reccomendation and I read the warranty is lifetime and I can go to dicks with a receipt and get a replacement if in stock. which it wont be where i live but easy enough. I'm really hoping i made the right choice. Didnt get enough research on the dobyns for my usual liking. The mojo was suggested a few times to me on reddit but all the posts there were not very thorough. not like here. I read some bad reviews on amazon that turned me off slightly. I figured i should save the $30 for all new hooks, bait, and line. If I dont love it chances are I'll be looking to try out a baitcaster in the near (hopefully not too) future. Plus I'll birdnest my friends rods when I go visit him in a few months for a poor recommendation lol ?. Will also be getting another rod, maybe smaller? For my girlfriend/whoever to use in the tandem kayak with me. What do you think about 5.5-6.5 ft rods for kayak fishing? Stick to 7'? Any opinions? Thanks again! Good luck out there! Oh and forgot to check/have no clue if it will fit in my impreza hatch lol. If not I'll have to use my uncles method with 2 of my ski racks lol.
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