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Everything posted by cheezledzul

  1. Awesome, thanks. Ill probably stick with the 704 then since they have the same lure weight ratings but the 704 is smaller. I dont think I really need the extra 3 inches yet and it will be easier to travel with and use on the kayak
  2. I just realized I read the specs wrong, the 704c is 1/4-1oz. But since you are saying its more like 1/4-3/4 and I have a rod with that weight already should I go for the 735c? its a 7'3" 1/4-1.5oz. I dont want to virtually get the same rod lol.
  3. So gonna get my 2nd rod. I have a star rods mf 7ft. I'm looking at the dobyns casting rods 704c or 703c, heavy fast and medium heavy fast respectively. I have 2 or 3 questions. Why is the 704 and 703 shown to have the same lure weight? Shouldnt the heavy have a higher lure weight? My medium star rods stellar light is a 1/4-3/4oz lure weight. Same as the 704 and 703 from dobyns. Does this mean they all are used for the same application? I want to get a 2nd rod and wont be getting a 3rd for a long time. I'm leaning towards the mh just so I can throw heavier lures. Since I'll only have 2 rods I'm gonna use it for generally heavier lures like spooks, chatters, cranks, spinners, and maybe some punching and occasional frogging. My medium will remain for plastics. I understand you really want different actions for most of this but I cant afford a lot of rods and I fish from a kayak on NY where i have tons of vegitation. Does this sound like the right move or would you get something completely different? Thanks in advance
  4. Got these cranks free and the rattle trap (left not pictured) I won when I was 5. Wtb covers for the trebel hooks. Can anyone guesstimate the hook sizes? Can i just buy large covers and use them for all sizes? Any info on the cranks? Primarily depth? Model and color name would be nice too. I tried looking online but couldnt exactly pinpoint what they are. -Larger says "Bill Dance fat free shad" no markings on bill. Bill has a rounded tip. -Right says 3xd on the bill. There is also a hole in the top filled with rubber/glue not sure what it's for or if/why the previous owner did it? Both have rattles. Crank hooks look the same size, 1 rattle hook looks a bit bigger/longer and 1 smaller. Bonus: how would you fish the norman? Thank in advance.
  5. Not a bad idea, may get it during the "offseason". I use a drag chain right now and at the moment I prefer being still to trolling. In strong wind/current I'll drift a little. The best part is when I want to move I can leave the chain down while paddling. The added resistance is minimal.
  6. Alright so I finally had time to do some sufficient reading. I realized I mixed up some info. I need a 2nd rod and would like one that could do double or triple duty. Based off of what I currently have I figured the natural progression would be cranking and froggin. But since cranks need medium or medium-fast action while frogging is fast at the minimum. So I guess a better question is what should my next/2nd rod, a baitcaster, be for if used for double duty? Remembering to consider I already have a 7ft medium fast with braid. Eventually when I buy more rods it will become a dedicated rod but for now I need multiple uses if possible. Dosnt have to be a perfect match for both techniques.
  7. I know it wont be my last rod. Without a doubt I'll be buying more rods. Just the last one for a little while and I have to do my best to stick to that. Which is why I'm hoping someone can guide me towards the right rod characteristics to handle cranking and frogging. It dosnt have to be perfect. I think I understand what a crank rod should be but not about frogging. If a crank rod can be used for frogging and whatever else than that's what I want till I can afford more rods. Basically if you can only own 2 rods for bassin what would they be? Since I have a rod already what would your 2nd one be?
  8. **Edited** Keep in mind Im still new. But I know I need a 2nd rod so at minimum I dont have to cut and tie a new lure every time. I am in no rush to buy but I figured I can start looking and if I happen to find what I want for a good price Ill get it and practice with the baitcaster in my back yard when not fishing. Lakes only, no rivers. I fish from a kayak mostly and from shore every now and then when Im shorter on time. I'm looking for a rod that can pull double maybe triple duty until I can dedicate it to it's best single use. Whatever you think would be the next technique in my progression taking my current rod into consideration. Current Rod: 7' Medium, Fast Taper. Current Reel: BG 3000 spinning reel w 15lb braid I WILL NOT be buying a 3rd any time soon. Once I buy my 2nd rod I will be done and will focus on "mastering" a few lures at a time. Therefore Im trying to decide on a rod that I can use for all aspects of fishing that I dont use my original rod for. I know its not ideal but thats what Im going with. My local lakes are a max of 50-60 feet deep with an average of probably 15-20ft. The most local and where I am fishing the most at the moment is 35' max in a small area. I also have access to NYC DEP watersheds which are hundreds of feet deep but Im not worrying too much about that. From what Ive read and def experienced in the last month or so is NY water has very thick vegetation subsurface and above. Even dropoffs have a good amount of hydrilla. My thought process is I can use my rod for mostly any softbait, finesse, and maybe topwater fishing. The new rod will need to pull double duty until I can afford my 3rd, 4th, 5th rod. Then it will become a dedicated __ rod. For example: frogging and cranking mostly, maybe topwater. Not sure exactly how I want to work this out but you get the idea. Id like to keep it around 7ft just because of transportation. Medium heavy or heavy casting rod ideal? Is 7:1 good for these purposes? It appears most people use floro or mono on baitcasters? Not braid? Any specific suggestions on specific models of reels? I love my Daiwa spinning reel and would like something along the same lines. Smooth and very reliable/durable. The extra weight isnt the biggest deal to me. Since my current rod is for soft plastics do I need an expensive/sensitive rod? Pretty much everything else you'll see the hit or feel it get heavy pretty easily right? I would also like to keep warranties in mind. A big reason I bought my rod from star rods is the great lifetime warranty they have. Also trying to decide between getting a KastKing Assassin which has very good reviews for only $55 or spending more for something like the Tatula for $130-$200. I would like to keep everything at about $200 but it seems baitcasting reels are more expensive then spinning rods. I can always wait and save more money or spend less on a rod and more on the reel. Sorry for yet again posting an essay long question. I figured I should provide as much information as I can so itll be easier for you all to provide a more specific answer. Tight lines!
  9. @Ksam1234 yeah i meant skirt. Knew they werent called streamers but coukdnt remember skirt.
  10. Found these savage gear frogs. With a reg nose and popping nose. $5 so I'll get a black and green. Theres a lighter green though. Which nose and light or dark green? Black with white belly or all black?
  11. Do you guys like the ones with streamers or legs? What size? I see 3 different sizes. They're the same price as my lunkerhunt actually.
  12. YUM is the best. Why pay 8 when I can pay 3. I know gar gar has salt in his but does that justify $5 for something I've been tearing up on weeds not even fish bites? Still trying to figure out what baitfish I have. I think its bluegill and saw what i think were minnows yesterday. But it seems a lot of sunfish have a small dot by the fin
  13. Sold! Lol. What is white good for? I know typically black lives are for merky or dim days because of the silhouette. But white is a very unnatural color.
  14. I didnt see this till after, I bough a lunkerhunt green tea. I'm gonna go back and return it for the live target. Florescent emerald green and white or black? Do you pop/twitch on a constant retrieve or just reel and pause. Looks like the legs require some kind of stop and go or twitch.
  15. You t rig them? What size hooks? I caught 1! Well 2 but I was holding the line while pulling my phone out and it flipped itself off. It was small though. Caught it on a 4" black blue flake over a sand and rock point. Saw the most action so far today. I fished a lot slower with the yum dingers, I think that was the biggest difference.
  16. Do the soft get shredded the same way stickbait do? Not sure how the hooks work. Do you prefer soft or hard? Not getting too many, maybe 1 or 2. I'm new so my arsenal is limited. Trying to get a good variety to cover all basis before going crazy on every color and brand of the same bait
  17. Do you have any suggestions for frogs? Specific brand model size? Omw to a big sale. I've seen the hollow with streamers which is smaller than the lunkerhunt with prop legs and folded legs but don't know which one to get. Realized today my local lake has very heavy hydrilla and beds ontop of having lillypads at the point and dropoff areas. So want to get a frog to he able to fish those areas better. Had trouble fishing the veg today but saw a lot of activity. Or soft plastic frogs? Leaning towards hollow so they last longer and I only have offset wide gap hooks. Are creature baits the same as soft frogs just different shapes? If soft frogs/creatures are better what size/color and what size hooks and type of hooks. Like I said I only have worm hooks for t rigging. 2/0 and 3/0 Thanks in advance
  18. Thanks for the links! I grabbed some cheap handles off amazon, h2o I think. Used the screws they supplied just to test it out and make sure the location is right. I'll change it to rivets once I know the placement. The head of union installation in my office had a rivet gun and a ton of aluminum rivets for me to borrow. The rivets mushroom. They dont split into 2 pieces like I've seen. This should be fine right? I figure it actually provides more surface area for the weight displacement.
  19. This little girl popped my cherry! Only got 1 hit on the wp. Caught this at the NE point over rocks and sand about 3-4 ft deep. Black w blue flakes weightless 4" yum dinger. Shes a little odd looking to me. Skinny and yellow? Then again it was my first catch. Had a 2nd fish but stupidly held the line and it flopped off the hook. When I was pulling out my pphone. i cried. Learned a lesson there lol.
  20. If the purpose of crankbait is to be dragged and bounced along the floor why buy a 3-5ft when you can get a 30 and drag it and let it rise
  21. I'll def check out those choppos! I'm trying to get variety of diff lures instead a multiple of the same to try and cover all basis. @Brew City Bass I think the NW point is filled with very tall grass, not positive though but I'm sure theres a lot of veg. Maybe lillypads, I saw it from a distance. How would I fish in tall grass like reeds? Or just around the outside? I have a norman lipless rattle crank that sinks. I cant real really tell if it dives, maybe I'm working it wrong. Could it be used to bounce off the drop since I wont get a crank till after tomorrow's outing? See image, mine is green/yellow with black stripes and red eyes. Also I've tried slow rolling my kraken but the colorado blade dosnt seem to spin. should I throw a 3/8 bullet on it? Or some split shots to get it to stay sunken while I reel fast enough to activate the blades? I also have some small roostertails in black and silver. Would that work better with a weight? Just trying to figure out alternate options till I can get lures during the sale. I'll fish the north and east with topwater for majority of the morning and if nothing I'll start throwing my stickbaits. Luckily my new paddle came in last night. My tandem one was too short so it was hard to get around with any speed. I dont think you've mentioned it but should I get a hollow frog to throw over the lillypads at the NE point? Theres a cement runoff pipe way in the back corner. Figured this would be a good way to cover the whole point since its covered in vegitation. Or do you like running soft creature bait over vegitation better? If so, any specific brand/model/size/color for frogs or soft creatures? @Fishingmickey I originally was going to get a mh rod but was convinced medium is better all around. Sounds like I made the wrong choice going medium. I'll stick with the 110. the 130 and 190 look rediculous anyways lol
  22. @tcbass thanks! Hopefully im successful tomorrow morning with it! Then I can justify buying the WP opposed to another top water and crank for almost the same price lol. I didnt realize when I bought it but this one says silent. I have not seen anything say they are silent, even on dicks website (i bought it instore at dicks). Also everywhere I look says the 110 is 3/4oz not 1oz. Did I buy the wrong one? Im pretty puzzled.
  23. Cool. I'll give it a try. Its supposed to rain by me today so hopefully in the morning the runoff will bring more fish to slay lol
  24. The point on the ne corner has tons of lillypads and alge that comes out very far. not sure if its past the point or not i only checked it oon Wednesday from shore. The east drop is where I saw some big sm caught and saw a massive one jump at about 8pm. there were tons of baitfish breaking the surface at that time I guess feeding. I only checked out probably from the north of the 30' line and up. The shallow is a little rocky but weedless and clear at the time. Theres a handful of overhanging trees but a single line of vegetation going along the drop off. I was dragging bait along the drop but would get caught right at the break. The west coast I fished a few times. From the Boat dock down the first 1/4 is clear with 1-2 big boulders. Then the rest of the way to the south theres lillypads about 5ft wide and then coontails from the lilly line to the 15-20ft line. I was told the west lillypads is a honey hole but I havnt seen much and only 1 fish has been caught there while I was there. Need to grab beads for Carolina. have swivels some old mono and bullets. I've seen bluegill but not sure what was jumping that night. I actually somehow knew about thermocline way before I started bass fishing but dint have any electronics. I'll def give your timeline a try Saturday morning. That will help keep me from switching lures too soon. I'm leaning towards power fishing right now, maybe because the glorious senko tyoe has failed me thus far lol Also the closest baitshop/hunting to me, 30 min drive, is having a huge sale starting today. 20% off all lures and soft bait. Gonna try to come up with a list of specific names, sizes and colors so I can get it while there. Also am planning on picking up a combo for my dad so he dosnt have to use my kid pole or his 8ft+ saltwater rods. I'm thinking a 7ft medium-heavy fast tip would be perfect (so I can borrow it for cranks when hes not fishing ?). That should be good enough for deeper cranks right? Dont want to get him something too stiff or a lot of action where he cant pull fish out.
  25. WP is west point? I'm new to reading maps for fishing, I only see a point on the NE corner opposite of the boat dock. I'll be there till at least 11am. My cousins will be in town for my sisters bridal shower so need to keep the boyfriends and whoever company lol. Do you use spinners through lillypads and sub surface coontails? At that NE point theres a lot of big branches in the water I think. Theres a man made water run off. One of those cement tubes in the corner. There wasnt a ton of water flowing but that whole corner has a couple water run offs in the first 1/4 of the lake going south from the corner.
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