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About Krux5506

  • Birthday 10/31/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rochester NY
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Ontario South shore and bays

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. It's certainly tough with kids not fluent in their own ways with fishing so I commend you for having the patience that many people lack. What I've found with my own kids who are way younger than that (2 and 4) is they love touching worms, fish, other bait whatever but when we are out fishing on the boat, unless the snacks are plentiful, they lose interest quick. Last time my daughter was out with me she fished maybe 10 minutes, then was just hanging out, eating snacks and taking in the scenery. I finally asked her why she wasn't fishing and she snapped back at me "Because Papa I'm just trying to RELAX!!" Hopefully as she gets older she'll find the relaxation in actually fishing, but until then if she's happy just being out there with me then thats good enough for me.
  2. I co-own a business with my Dad so playing hookie doesn't exactly work, and if I miss a day then inevitably I'm paying for it when I do get back. That said, I think I am due for a "mental health day"....
  3. I used to tie a lot of steelhead jigs and used pro-tech powder. Like someone else said I'd just heat the head up and dunk it. Certain colors covered far easier but that's typical in the powder/paint world anyway. Using this method of powder coating in an actual setting is called hot flocking...Not a proper method per say (goes against mfg recommendations) but you can get good results in the auto/industrial world so therefore the results from hot flocking jigs is fine, with or without a fluid bed.
  4. I'm almost wondering if Dicks would have taken the yak back if you just didn't even mention anything about modding or drilling holes lol. Would the staff even notice? Probably depends who's doing the return.
  5. I have both and would give up neither. Lately I get to use my boat far more often than the kayak which at this point, i may be getting out 2 or 3 times a year on the yak. Best advantage to the kayak is simply fishing places that I cannot access with my boat, or bodies of water that are either motorless or have HP limits. It's very difficult for me to pick which one I like better. Boats obviously are better for longer outings, more comfortable etc but kayak fishing really is fun. Just avoid the super windy days on a yak.
  6. Which Rebel did you get? I have a 17' Rebel xl sport from 2010. Nice boat but eventually I'd like to upgrade. I go out often on Lake Ontario with it but stick to calm days. The boat can handle the chop out there but getting into 3-4ft waves isn't even fun to fish in so regardless of what the boat can handle out there it's not always what I can handle while trying to fish...if that makes sense. As far as what a boat can actually handle it's hard for me to see how any bass boat with such little freeboard could possibly be safer than a deep v especially on the great lakes.
  7. I hardly ever lay into a hookset when fishing a ned rig...which these days is more often than i want to admit. I've gotten a bit addicted to the ol ned rig. But anyway, 7' Dobyns fury medium light fast action rod does well for me, and I'm usually just running straight 8lb mono. This could be in Lake Ontario clear water or murkier water elsewhere either way it works fine for me. Half the time its not even about feeling a bite it's just watching your line twitch or slowly start swimming away. Seems like often the fish hook themselves. I do agree with the zman ned jigs don't hold up well. Actually the TRD's themselves probably last longer than the jigs. Usually the holder on the jig breaks off at which point its basically useless or eventually the hook will just snap in half.
  8. It's legal. That's why nobody in charge will give you the straight answer. I personally don't really care to fish within marinas during the busy season...quite honestly it can just get awkward and I'll choose not to intrude too much within a marina out of courtesy. Once fall rolls around and boats are pulled out then it's a different story.
  9. I used to fish everyday after work in my early 20's before I was married with kids now I fish maybe twice a month if that. Fishing everyday though for me wasn't as great as it may sound. I'd often get burnt out from it and felt like I was doing it just out of habit. Sure I had great times on the water and I do not regret the amount of time I put in but life and responsibilities change, as does mindset. I appreciate the time I do get way more now than I did before.
  10. I couldn't do much without coffee until pretty recently. Haven't had any in a few months now, because I had to lay off due to some gut issues. It was one of a few things my Dr told me to cut out only for a couple weeks but I liked how I felt so I've kept it going. I do drink tea now instead, usually black or yerba mate so definitely still getting caffeine. I will say I made one cup of coffee a month or so ago, took a few sips and it tasted awful to me. I guess I lost my taste buds for it, so I'll stick with tea. It's definitely nice getting up in the morning and not needing coffee to get going. Even if I skip the tea for the day, the withdrawal is no where near what it used to be.
  11. There was one time and only one time I fished knowingly without a license and I did in fact get caught. It was one of maybe 3 times total in years of fishing that I even got checked for a license. The officer basically advised me to get a license, mail a copy in with the ticket and they'd drop the fine. That is actually what they did, but I still had a $100+ surcharge. What I don't quite understand is, can you be asked to show a fishing license even if you aren't fishing? In my case, I was holding rods about to leave when an officer approached me, but not fishing. At the time I just consented to it though. NY isn't exactly clear on whether DEC officers or game wardens have special privileges that typical police would not have, i.e. the typical "probable cause" requirements. Just curious about how the 4th amendment would apply here.
  12. I had the same issue last year with the same type of locking pin. Had it left on my truck for years, so absolutely no way I was getting the key into it to unlock. Ended up grinding it off and getting a new one and now I just remove everything when not in use.
  13. figuring on everything fishing related like boats and kayaks it's easily tens of thousands, none of which I regret. The $10 lure I end up not liking or losing to a pike is what annoys me the most!
  14. Operating at 35 MPH in rough water and making a sharp turn...........why? My 75hp Honda tops out a bit over 35 and I can honestly say I never am running that thing wide open in rough water not to mention making sharp turns wide open. Can't help but question his supposed countless hours of boating experience here.
  15. Really love my Old Town Predator PDL I got last year. Super easy to stand up in. Yes weeds can be annoying with a pedal drive but like mentioned above, pop the drive up and use a paddle when necessary. I bought mine from Eco Fishing online and they were great. At the time there were some major delays and I think it took me about 2 and a half maybe 3 months to actually get mine but they made it very clear everything was delayed with material shortages, shipping etc. Hopefully by now it's improved though.
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