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Everything posted by sfpalatka

  1. I loved to have you. If we could exchange numbers without it going all over the internet that would be great
  2. Hey mike, it's been awhile since I have been on the forum. I Have not fished in awhile do to moving on some property that my son and I bought. There are several clubs down in Putnam. It seems like all clubs are getting pricy. I dog hunt in the pipeline area of Ocala National Forrest. You are welcome to hunt with me. Let me know.
  3. Nice fish. Congratulations on your pb.
  4. Thinking that your drag is locked down and it is not. I was flipping in some water hyacinths and hung into a GIANT bass. Needles to say that my drag wasn't tighten down all the way not allowing me to pull the bass clear of the water hyacinths before it got rid of the hook. I had pulled bass out of the slop before with it. But apparently not as big as this one.
  5. Nice batch of fish Mike. It's great when everything lines up.
  6. Nice fish!
  7. Nice fish. It's nice when the stars align
  8. I have been a Deputy Sheriff for over thirty years. I Retired once and got back in it. My first duty weapon was a 357 magnum. Then went to a 9mm glock. I love the glock, but not the performance of the 9mm ammo back then. The poor performance of the ammo caused me to go back to the 357 magnum. Later on down the line the Department bought us Glock 22 40cal. We kept them far a long time with good results. Now our Department just went back to the Glock 17. They tell us that the 9mm ammunition has came a long ways. As for the glock, I love it and never have had a problem with it. If you look at most of your firearm manufactures, the all make some sort of copy of a glock.
  9. Welcome fellow Floridian
  10. Welcome to the forum
  11. welcome to BR
  12. Nice fish. Your wife was right.
  13. I agree with you we can always use the rain. I remember back in the early ninety's we did have a drought up here in North Florida. Most of Palm Coast burnt to the ground.
  14. That's been about every day since January
  15. I have seen them in the river big enough to open up your own boot store
  16. I use the one that has the clacker on it. I have had a bunch of hits on it. I bent it back in shape I don't know how many times.
  17. Hopefully he or she well learn to stay away from boats. It's gator season right now. This one was way to small to be harvested.
  18. Nothing like going fishing and having a gator follow you. He was chasing our lure back to the boat. No matter how far I trolled down along the pads, it would show up. This has happened to me before but usually they would loose interest. I almost threw him a clock to be able to keep tabs on him.? He is a youngster so he should learn soon enough that chasing becomes boring after awhile.
  19. It open the door for me to spend more time at the gas pumps.
  20. Nice fish. I love buzzbait fishing. I have caught a lot of nice bass on them.
  21. I have been there to. Since we have been getting a lot of rain, the water temp has been down in the morning around 83 degrees. Been pretty lucky lately fishing vegetation. If all else fails, you can use the ultimate stick bait DYNOMITE JUST KIDDING
  22. mainly frogs swim baits and lizards
  23. I have fished docks up and down the St. Johns River for years and have been fortunate with dock owners. I have had pleasant conversation with them while fishing their dock and given good information by fellow bass fisherman on where the bites have been lately. I remember being told one time by a nice elderly women to watch out for the manatees that she saw a little earlier in the morning. Most of the time I do pass the dock if there are people on it. But even then they ask" if I have done any good yet". I am glad that my encounters with dock owners have so far been positive.
  24. Went fishing at Lake George.Caught several fish. Here are photos of a couple fish that we had caught. Hey
  25. Welcome to BR
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