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Everything posted by jkart

  1. try looking up kayakbassfishing.com lots of good info.
  2. try going to kayakbassfishing.com lots of good info
  3. could those of you with livewells made from a cooler please post some pics with a parts list? I have tryed to use the search but didn't work to well' thanks Jeff
  4. I'm not sure witch one you are looking at, the mod. v or the regular Jon boat. I have the mod. v 1448 and like it a lot. Very stable. I plan on extending the front deck for more room. Anyway I would recommend the boat to you. Jeff
  5. thank you all for the replys keep them comeing. I can see there are of diffrent ways to get injuryed. A lot to watch out for.
  6. last summer I got a boat off ebay. everything went well with the pick up. the guy worked with me in where we would meet. I sold that boat to a new bass fishermen this spring and got a new boat.
  7. Bassnleo That's funny I under stand that. I have done the same thing now and then
  8. I would like to know if any one has had any injurys when fishing or boating. As for me I sliped off my trailer trying to get the boat on at a bad boat ramp. I got a big cut on my left hand,broke left wrist,sprained left ankle, black and blue from left butt cheek to left sholder (landed on trailer). Thank god i'm right handed. I still don't how I didn't hit my head on the bow stop. Thanks for reading Jeff
  9. I just spent some time typing up a post when every thing was reset and my post did not go through.
  10. I got lucky with mine .the one I was suppose to get is like yours,but it was stacked on top of another boat on a traler full of snow and to heavy to pick off by hand.they ended up giving me one with a trolling motor bracket.lucky me.I was thinking of makeing a small platform up frount for bow light and fish finder.
  11. peterf I was looking at your boat earlyer today and it looks grate.I was drawing some ideas on paper and came up some thing close to yours,how is it to fish in.I would like some ideas that you would have.I am just thinking about painting it.what is the reason you would not have painted it. thanks
  12. I just got a new tracker grizzly welded mod.v 1448.I plan on extending the front deck,makeing a flat floor on the rest and carpeting the whole inside of the boat. I am thinking about panting the outside. my ? is being that the boat is new the paint is in good shape.do I need to use etching primer before paint or can I sand it and paint.I wont to get it right the first time so it looks good for a long time. thank you jeff ps (I can not wate for spring to try out MY new boat)
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