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topwater buzz

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Everything posted by topwater buzz

  1. Anyone fished the Lake Fork Tackle's magic shad's before? Look interesting but no experience.
  2. Last year I bought an XPS Extreme rod at BPS. Not a newer model. Older one which is not my best rod but one I really enjoy using. Two guides got crushed by my four year old. Rather than buy a new rod is their anywhere I can get these replaced? Will BPS fix it if I take it back? Hate to waste a rod that does a decent job and I enjoy.
  3. I have always liked 6"6'' or even 6'3" rod. I do not have a chance to fish from boat much anymore. Mostly from bank at a few nice ponds and such! Looking at Powell Max spinning rod in 6'. 6'8" is just to long to drag around and through the bush. M EX FAST action for plastics use only. Am I going to notice a decrease in in overall rod preformance in shorter length? I realize longer cast and such will be decreased but this is not a big deal in my situation. Just never used a shorter rod and need some advice. I assume sensitivity and such is not affected? The only other rod I am looking at is Shimano Crucial in say 6'3" to 6"6" length.
  4. I vote we split the gum! Then we can all be happy! I agree my last couple of trips to BPS have been disappointing. Nothing I want in stock. Etc... I am happy to say a new local tackle shop has opened. Family run. Carry all brand reel names and for now Loomis and Shimano rods. Not bad. If you like something they will spool up reel you like on rod you like with 1/2 oz sinker and dare you to cast it into the taco bell next door 100 feet away. What more could you want!!!
  5. I need a shorter rod since most fishing will be limited to bank fishing. So lets say 6"3" or so is length is good. Spend @150.00 dollars more or less. I would also like to toss shallow running crankbaits. Been looking at Falcon Lowrider series and Shimano Crucial is avaliable in 6"3" model. Both listed as spinnerbait rods and both have different actions listed. One is MH,MF the other is M,F ACTION. Any thoughts on what you guys have had good luck with appreciated!
  6. OK I give in. The white one is very nice. What does Daiwa make????
  7. I am looking to buy like sweatshirts, hats, etc.... Cannot find any after several searches. Any clues??? Thanks!!!!!
  9. Anyone ever used Graphite plus series? Looking for a general purpose rod. Also looking at Compre or Crucial. Just curious about Kistler rod since there is a dealer now close by who will be carrying them! Thanks!
  10. Brings back good memories. Back in 60's my Dad who take me to my grandfather's pond and tie on a purple Creme worm. Complete pre-rigged with beads and spinners. Had Zebco 33 and two piece Zebco rod. I would fish for hours with same bait and I can still remember plastic smell they have. One time I was fishing alone. Hooked really nice bass and I can still 30+ years later remember it jumped out of the water,purple worm dangling, hands sweating and peeing down one leg before it got loose. No one believes me to this day but I will never forget that day. The day I was hooked on fishing. Creme worms and a life time memory!
  11. SORRY! I should have read you checked on XiA. Been a long work day! I would spend extra $10 if you can. Newer model had Digigear which I think is really nice. Again sorry to have told you what you already knew. Still. If you have any questions about XiA please let me know I will be glad to help!
  12. I bought one for my father in law about say 6-7 months ago for 49.99 at Cabelas. It does not look like this model. Spool is different and it is a model XiA. Look on cabelas or bps web site and see if I am correct. I used it and it is ten bearing reel. A little heavy but not bad and very,very smooth. Again look at models and try and get XiA. This is newest regal model. Hope this helps!
  14. Time to spend a little more money tomorrow. Picked up my new Avid spinning rod and must say to those of you who recommended it. Worth the xtra money! So! Shimano reel time. I would like this to be basically a general purpose reel. Crankbaits, spinners.... Looking at Curado in both 100 and 200 size. Like weight of 100 but like the HEG option in 200 size. Is HEG worth weight increase? Rebate makes Curado an attractive option. Or spend away and get the Chronarch 100B. I could get Calais and my wife would divorce me on the spot. Now thats a tough one. Kiddding! Thanks!
  15. Well as always I get good honest advice. I now think I am going to spend a little extra and get an Avid. If I have to pay the price for a new model then so be it. Nothing is a bargain if its not what you really want and I think from your suggestions an Avid is worth the upgrade.
  16. Went to BPS to pick up a new spinning rod. For Symetre 1500 with 6-8lb test. Using it for weightless plastics, shaky head and light weighted tubes. I wanted to spend around $100.00 dollars. These are rods I looked at and all felt well. Thought I would seek some good advice from you guys before buying. Shimano compre, Shimano crucial, Allstar IM10 and St. Croix premier. Also what action would you get for the above applications. Thanks for the help before I buy!
  17. In regards to say Shimano spinning reels or Daiwa for that matter. What is biggest difference if any other than line capabilities between say 1500 size, 2500 size and so on. I guess to make it easy is there any real differences between 1500 and 2500 Symetre's other than spool size? Same gears and such?
  18. Quick qyestion for roadwarrior please. Which Chronach would you recommend for the Loomis rod recommend. 100B or 50MG? Do you really that getting the Core for 100.00 more would be worth it? I really want to go all out because I have sacrificed for several years to get to this point so I might as well indulge this one time. Well maybe two times! Thanks for all the help!!!
  19. I meant to say GLX on Loomis rods. But. Looked at St Croix Legend's and they felt really nice. This may sound sad but on my new baitcaster I want something which looks really cool. I think Chronarch looks pretty slick. I bet fish dont care so I should'nt either.
  20. OK. I just paid off my house and truck early. Now I have some money to play with before I bury it in the yard. I am taking $500.00 to BPS. Want new baitcaster and new rod. I am sure I will get a Loomis IMX series or St. Croix legend elite series rod. So real question is I have never really looked at higher priced Shimano baicasters. Always used Citicas and have been happy. Which one is best value for money? Curado, Calais, Chronarch or I think Calcutta FE in 50 size looks intriquing. Give me some personal input. If I have to spend alittle more so be it. Thanks!
  21. I was in BPS last week looking to get a new 1500 size spinning reel for light line fishing. I bet I fumbled through reels for an hour or more. Finally decided to stick with Shimano symetre. I also bought a Daiwa Exceler in 2000 size. I liked the Plueger Medalist alot. But. If this makes any sense where as the Shimano and Daiwa feel smooth and powerful at the same time. I felt the Pflueger was too smooth for my tastes. May sound crazy but I felt better connected with the Shimano and Daiwa. Anyway to change the subject completely. I assume you are a big illini fan. I graduated from U of I in 1984 with many a beer to show for it. Leave me a message back and maybe we can chat some more!
  22. I also agree there are two sides to this arguement. Honestly, and not to sound braggy. I could pretty much buy whatever I wanted. But I look at it as to how much time I have the chance to fish. Therefore I buy Shimano Citica's as compared to the new Core. I learned two things a long time ago. Nothing is ever a bargain if its not what you really want . Secondly. The bitterness of poor quality long outlives the sweetness of a good deal. Either way fishing is fun and afforable to all.
  23. $240.00 total. Plus or minus a few bucks.
  24. This is how much I am willing to pay for a couple of new rods. One for worming, jigging the other for cranking. Give me some suggestions. If I were willing to spend more then what. Is it worth spending more? Thanks!
  25. Well. That pretty much anwsers my question. Thanks! Looks like I will stick to Shimano and fish on. I was considering a Daiwa SS but I might as well stick to newer technology and I like Shimano spinning reels.
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