If you are familiar with that problem, you are going to want to read this.
You drop the throttle... then you have to hit it again to keep the following wave from flooding over your transom. Why? Nearly every bass boat sits low in the stern and is configured to keep weight to the rear- for a smaller wetted surface in plane and more speed. I picked up a damaged 17' Javelin/140 Hp Johnson rig last year, and completely rebuilt it. The boat had a 5" set-back jackplate with a 3" lift. Everything was fine- except that the transom had only about 3" of free-board sitting still. Water was in the rear tray when you hit the throttle, slowing acceleration, raising the nose. The jack-plate also worked like a scoop, shooting water up and into the transom well. It took about 7-8 seconds to hit full plane. Then, on every quick throttle cut, you risked swamping the boat because the tail end dropped in the hole. I'm here to say I found a product that really solves that problem, actually several others at the same time.
Late last summer I started looking at trim tabs, and wound up installing a new automatic one called Mobster Tabs, made specifically for bass boats. In researching what it should do- I decided The jack-plate was part of the problem, and scrapped it. I replaced it with a custom lift plate that provides a 1" backset and a 1-3" adjustable rise for the motor. I tried it out again before installing the tabs. The plate change helped a little by shifting motor weight closer, but didn't solve the problem. It did lose a couple MPH on top end. Then, I installed the trim tabs.
These are loaded to the down position by pre-charged gas cylinders. When you hit the throttle, they are down; and they immediatly lift the rear end- putting this boat on plane in 2 seconds flat. As you gain speed, they are pushed up to the flat position and the boat trims automatically. Now at speed- they work wonders to stabilize the boat in 50 MPH turns, and chine walking just went away. Cut the throttle, and as usual the boat wants to squat, but just a bit before that creates a problem with the stern wave, the tabs drop again, and whaddyaknow... the tail end of that boat just climbs up and eliminates the problem. It also eliminated the need to trim the motor for initial acceleration and flatten it again when building speed. One terrific product, very well made and very well designed. I'm really looking forward to a fun season with this rig.
If you're tired of problems like this, check this item out. NO- I don't work for them, and they aren't in any way compensating me for making a recommendation. I'm just a customer who paid full price for the product. But it's rare I buy something that not only works as advertised, but exceeds my expectations so well, and that deserves support. Their website page is: