I have been fishing this lake for a few years now in an actual bass boat with the ability to realky cover some water and in the summer, when I actually get to do the majority of my fishing, I have many days I don’t even get a bite. I see other guys bringing back 8-15 lbs on a semi-regular basis, but I have yet to really figure this lake out. I have been using all the tactics I know to use. I can find the bait fish. I fish the wind/ “current” and points. I can find bass on my electronics, I fish ledges, brushpiles, flip floating docks and buck brush, work the flats, and find where the fish appear to be holding in a particular area. I have tried everything I know to try and still may zero or only catch a few after a 5-6 hour outing. Many like to call it the “Dead Sea” but after catching my PB spot and catching 20+ small mouth in the prespawn, I can tell you that’s not the case. I see a lot of bass suspended under bait in trees or out in 25-60 ft of water and every once in a while I can get one to bite but they are tough to catch. When I do catch one it’s usually loaded with big shad and fat. I can’t inagine this is the winning ticket. Brushpiles are what everyone talks about, but the only piles I’ve found are all “community holes.” They rarely produce more than one good keeper for me. Any help in helping how to figure this lake out?