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  1. With all due respect....when did you come inspect my hooks? The hooks I bought ARE NOT BIG ENOUGH for the Horny Toad. The throat is not deep enough to allow for a clean hookset. Perhaps you misread my post. I quoted your previous hook recommendation...then stated that I had purchased some hooks with the centering pin but they aren't big enough. By the way, I love your signature line!
  2. The hook I'm using now doesn't have the centering pin, though I bought some that do. They aren't big enough for the Horny Toad though. Still no comments on super glue. Anyone use it with Horny Toads?
  3. I did a search and couldn't find this anywhere in past discussion, so I'll start a new thread. I bought a bag of Zoom Horny Toads a long time ago. Like, probably ten years ago. Tried throwing one a time or two and quickly moved on to something else. A couple of years ago, I got the urge to throw one again, after having intermittent success with Scum Frogs, Booyah Pad Crashers, etc. I didn't care for the action when rigged on the EWG hook I had it on. My fishing partner tossed me a hook with the screw keeper wire on it. He had had them so ling, he can't even remember for sure what brand it is. Anyway, I started catching fish on that Horny Toad. The weight of that hook gives it near neutral buoyancy. If it sits in the water for a few seconds, it will very slowly sink. I have a tendency to prepare for the worst, and I know inevitably that sooner or later, I will lose that hook. I have several other screw-lock worm hooks, but they're all narrower, and while they work great with worms and craws, they aren't deep enough to allow a good hooks with the Horny Toad. I found some Mustad hooks on Amazon that I'm wanting to try. I wondered if anyone here has tried them, and if so, what were the results? Here's the link.... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000AUV14/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1&psc=1 Next question....do you use super glue with the Horny Toad? I have not thus far, but have been seriously considering it.
  4. Looking at this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00817R87M/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1Z03B87ZP7KU9&psc=1 Reviews are pretty good. I'm planning to pull the fuel pickup unit, but had to order gasket material to make a gasket, as the old one is in bad shape, and I can't find one like it online.
  5. And on to the next question....what bulb/line should I get? The last fuel line I bought was like 20 years ago. Just walk in and buy one. No shopping/comparing.
  6. I'm thinking this is the gasket I need, but won't know for sure until I tear into it. It is shaped like this, anyway. https://www.westmarine.com/moeller-mod-plate-gasket-screw-kit-11882727.html?&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=[ADL][PLA] Bury&utm_content=autoag0000x21227124701x11882727&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_lEeqMznS7M6zR5_XWIJIZOZzFB&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4ZW8wMbAhwMVsDcIBR3NVQ1VEAQYASABEgIp4_D_BwE
  7. It’s till pouring rain so I can’t do much at the moment, but I did lift the cover and look at the tank. The pickup unit has six screws. The gasket it breaking up terribly around the unit, so I know it will have to be replaced. Now I have to ID the pickup unit in order to get a new gasket and possibly screen. Does anyone know what brand uses six screws? Most that I’m seeing have only four.
  8. Okay…I’ve learned a little something about it. We’ve been staying at a lake house owned by a man I work for from time to time. I’ve had my boat in the water since Sunday, tied up under his boathouse. It set in to raining this morning, and I had a three mile boat ride to the ramp. I got about halfway there and it started shuddering. It was raining pretty good, and I had no desire to sit out in the middle of lake in the rain, so on a whim, I reached and began to pump the bulb. As long as I kept pumping it, the motor would run fine. I did notice that the bulb was not springing back after a squeeze. The bulb is not new by a long shot, but will normally pop right back. My initial thought was fuel pump, as it is 20 years old, and set up for about seven years. However, after the bulb event, I began to suspect pickup screen or fuel line liner. Any thoughts given this latest discovery?
  9. Sometimes mine will just shudder, then take off again, sometimes it will shudder and nearly die, I’ll back off on the throttle and it will die. Cranks right back up, sometimes will take off again, sometimes shudder and die once or twice, then crank and take off. It’s never left me stranded, and I’m not that worried about that. But it’s annoying to be zipping along at 30 MPH and suddenly have it die out.
  10. I’m confident it’s not heat-related as it cut out yesterday after less than two minutes on plane. I’ve been researching what all it could be. Planning to start with pulling the pick up unit out of the tank when I get home (we’re on a trip now), and check the screen. Then checking line and connections. Then possibly cleaning the injectors.
  11. Did it shudder every time, or intermittently? Mine will run just fine for 10-15 minutes, then sputter and die. Crank right back up, run thirty seconds, sputter and die again, then might crank and run fine for ten minutes and then repeat the whole process all over again. I was thinking if it were a plug issue, it wouldn’t run right for the length of time it does. Can bad plugs yield a variable result?
  12. I always use non-ethanol in my boats. Not sure 🤔 if the previous owner did. He flushed the tank thoroughly before I bought it. It cranked and ran like a champ the first few times I ran it.
  13. I’m thinking it’s fuel injected, so no carb there. I was going to ask if the injectors could be the issue. How could the plugs produce this effect?
  14. The fuel filter is always full. I have squeezed the bulb, wondering if fuel line collapse might be the issue. Can’t tell it helped. I saw earlier today that some fuel lines have a “liner” that can separate and cause blockage. One resident contemplated replacing the fuel line. Also wondering if the fuel pump might be suspect. Twenty years old with very little use.
  15. I bought a 2004 G3 Gator Tuff 1756 SC last year from a friend who bought it new. It came with a Yamaha 60 4-stroke, which had 22.5 hours on it when I bought it. It had set up for about seven years before he sold it to me. He took the tank out and flushed it thoroughly before selling me the boat, and cranked it with muffs to make sure it was good to go. The very first time I took it fishing, it ran great for about 20 minutes, then began to cut out at half-throttle or higher. I’d take off the fuel filter and shake it out, blowing it out best I could, put it back it, and go for a few minutes before repeating. Once I got home I washed the filter bowl out good, and blew the filter out with the air compressor. It ran fine after that. I replaced the fuel filter with a new one a few months ago. Fast-forward to today. Took my wife out for a ride on the lake, and it began to cut out terribly. Removed/checked fuel filter. It looked fine. It will run fine for about 15-20 minutes, then cut out again. I’m wondering if I need to remove the pickup unit from the tank and clean or replace it. And possibly replace the fuel lines. Anyone got an idea what may be causing this? Motor looks nearly new other than a couple of the letters peeling from sun. It’s been stored under cover its whole life. I’m confident it can’t be anything serious, but don’t care to waste time/money chasing the wrong fix.
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