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Everything posted by kshays

  1. Ty! That is interesting then for sure they do not appear on yours. Guess I will play with my video settings in GEP and see if it changes anything. Thanks for taking a look, that helps a bunch Kevin
  2. Hi, Yeah, that area has a few branches that are popping up near the start of the cove right now. Let's see if this picture is any better. Looks like that is a boat, but was confused at all those spots on the water though. Kevin
  3. Ty. Here is the info. I had to upload a small pic since BR would not let me upload the original size O.O I went back to the 4/11/2016 image to view this one. It could just be something with the image, but I'm looking for low level images of the lake 4/11/2016 image 37.00'08.05 N 84.14'32.49 w elev 1015 ft
  4. I was wondering what the structure is in this map. I know there are tree stumps in the cove, but is the other rocks? I see this same structure in large portions of some parts of the lake as well. The right side is tree stumps since they are still visible right now, but this is a 4 year old map from google earth. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for that tip on the Gates! Kevin
  6. Ty Greg, I see you are not too far up north from me. Kevin
  7. Thanks scatter, much appreciated!
  8. I am pretty sure I will need to replace the fuel lines since it's an older boat and the previous owner only went out a few times the past couple of years. Good thing is it was kept dry in the garage. Does anyone know the proper fuel lines to replace in an older boat with a Johnson 75hp motor? I have seen some people say do not get the grey hoses with red lettering, but not sure if that was for a mercury or not. Thanks!
  9. Got a new DP battery and tracked down all wires going to the batteries. Re-crimped all wires with new terminals and heat shrink tubing, sanded all connectors down to a shine and re-located batteries. After hooking up the wires correctly to each battery I made sure everything worked like normal. Batteries voltage at resting right now are 12.8 and 12.7 Took it out on the lake today and it was much better seemed like! I guess it's time to make a new post about upgrading fuel lines since it's an older boat. Ty!
  10. A battery such as this scarter162? https://www.autozone.com/miscellaneous-non-automotive/marine-battery/duralast-27dp-dl-group-27-starting-marine-battery/107676_0_0 It's not AGM however looks like. Kevin
  11. Thought so, but wanted to make sure TY! Kevin
  12. Exactly what I was thinking, but did not know if it was the same with marine batteries or not TY! Thanks! So each battery should be isolated from one another correct? Thanks OnthePotomac! I could be wrong, but I'll need to go check in a bit to see if I can trace what is going to where. I was thinking a lot of the stuff such as livewell/bilge pump/lights were on the deep cycle. I'm pretty sure the motor is on the left battery which is the cranking and shows the low voltage because I went to test it out Friday night and after an hour or so I could tell the lights were dimming bad whenever I would start the motor. Ty!
  13. Thanks Jim much appreciated. kevin
  14. Hey Jim, Thanks for the info. I was thinking the same thing with the cranking myself. I'll check tomorrow to make sure it's a 12v TM. So my setup would probably be a cranking battery and a DC battery? What should the cranking have on it and what should the DC have connected? From what I'm seeing the cranking usually has the motor and pretty much everything else and the DC has the TM on it or does it matter as much if it's just a 12v TM? Now the cranking will get to around 12.3 when charged, but as soon as I turn on the fish finder it starts dropping and continues to drop when not charging. I know I've had batteries in the car show 12.2-3 v resting and were bad. Thanks! Kevin
  15. I recently acquired an 86 bass boat in really good shape. To start with I will list what it has. - trolling moter - 100 hp johnson motor - hummingbird fish finder - 2 live wells - bilge pump - aerator - lights - battery charger So nothing extreme, but just the essentials I assume? Right now it has 2 batteries. One is a cranking battery with 1000 CA and the other one is a deep cycle with 140 minute reserved capacity. I tested the voltage on both batteries with nothing on. Cranking battery registered 11.69v and the deep cycle was 12.69v. My question is what would be the best configuration? How many batteries? What should run on each battery? The group of the batteries? After researching some I found most people use 2 batteries for the TM and another one for lights, instruments and motor. Also, the cranking battery at 11.69v I would think needs to be replaced? Thanks!
  16. Never thought about that, but is good to know! Yeah, I was balancing it by placing my index finger right above the front of the reel. If I place it about 1/2" away rods balance perfect. Kevin
  17. That was something I saw when researching, but you are right they sure feel nice! Thanks, I am sure they will serve me well.
  18. I needed to purchase two more rods for my Shimano Chronarch 50MG and Curado 100D so after lots of reading and searching I just ended up calling Dobyn's about their refurbished Champion Rods. They came in this past Saturday and I paired the 50MG on the 735C and the 100D on the 705CB. My other two reels are (bantam 100A chronarch on a St.Croix Mojo Bass 6'8 MH/F and a Curado 200DHSV on a Fenwick HMG 7'0 MHF. The two Dobyn's just feel so much better than the other two for some reason. With the Dobyn's setup I did not have to do anything to balance them at all. With the St.Croix and Fenwick I had to put a rubber leg tip at the end of the rod for it to balance right and that is with the heavier chronarch 100a and curado 200dhsv! These two rods sure seem really tip heavy. From what I've fished so far I have enjoyed the Dobyn's 705CB and 735C. Only fished 5-6 hours and caught just a few bass on those, but both seem to be what I was looking for.
  19. I was wondering the same thing myself on the gear after I opened it up. At first I was like, "hmmmmm". Kevin
  20. Sounds good. Learn something new everyday I'll pick a few up just in case for the future. TY! Hello DVT, I came a hair in removing that and trying to pinch the top down because it looked bent somewhat, but never did. Man I tried slow moving the shaft by itself connected to the pinion gear to see if I could pin point the noise and a lot of other stuff. I can tell a difference in my Chronarch 50MG vs the Curado 100D in just regular retrieve. The 50mg is just so smooth and quite seems like. TY DVT! Kevin
  21. Ok, turn it back apart and removed the AR pawl and put it back together. From what I can tell the noise is gone now. What purpose does the AR pawl serve? Also, should I go ahead and get a brass gear to replace that black one? PS: Oh, that was the video I was watching mainly to clean my reels FishTank. Very informative looked like. TY everyone!
  22. Forgot to reply to the other topics Kenny. I also have a 50mg that I love and a Bantum 100A Chronarch and a Curado 200DHSV. Hi FishTank, It sounds like a clicking sound and I swear it did not make that noise until I cleaned all that grease out lol. I probably should try and get a factory set of bearings and the brass gear since I do not know how often the previous owner cleaned it. TY! I will go and try it without the AR Pawl and see what happens. Will post shortly on the result. TY
  23. Hey Kenny, I did think it was the reason at one time today lol. Here are some pics of what the gear looks like. Seems as though I am missing a bearing clip on the left side plate also. I did buy this reel used sometime back, but at that time it looked and acted like an almost new reel. There was a ton of grease everywhere so I cleaned it all out figuring that was way too much grease just sticking everywhere. Of course after that it is making this noise. Figured I should mention that as well. TY
  24. Update: Seems if I turn the reel on its side or upside down the noise goes away.
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