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Everything posted by kshays

  1. LOL, I thought his sig said FL. I usually take my vacations down toward the FloraBama line at the end of October for a week. It's pretty warm there compared to here in KY That is colder than it gets where I live for sure. I read a long time ago concrete was bad on the batteries so I usually do what you do, put them on something else. Do you trickle charge them from time to time as well while in the basement?
  2. Where do you keep it at when it gets cold? Here in KY it can get down to 0-15 degrees during the winter. I won't be doing any fishing during this time, but I am also wondering if there are any hazards to keeping it inside the house until spring comes around. Kevin What I've read and seen so far, it's a must pretty much.
  3. I don't fish in the really cold anymore, but the days here in KY can get to a high of 70 and a low of 30 at night. Hey MN, I should have mentioned I was looking at the LiFePo4, not just a regular Lithium one Ty for the info, always good to be as safe as possible. Oh, also I do not have a heated garage. I would like to go ahead and make the switch to LiFePo4 batteries, but the way the weather is here in KY and with me not having a dedicated heated garage to store the boat in, AGM may have to be what I go with if I put them up front. Either that or just make sure I take the batteries in my office until I go fishing and then bring them back inside after I get done. TY Kevin
  4. Hi Airshot, I thought I replied to you last night, but guess not. Whether I go with ATM or Lithium I will make sure they are cushioned and strapped down really good, vented out the back also. In a way I would like to just bit the bullet and get Lithium's, but I have heard in really cold weather that could be a problem. Thanks for the advice!
  5. LOL, yeah that is what i'm facing right now. I don't want 100lbs or more up front with AGN if/when I get a 24v TM and getting 2 of the lithium's will be expensive, but half the weight.
  6. Hi Tom, Thanks for the input. Here is what I was considering. Now I've not went ahead and done this yet lol. Cranking and House in the stern/passenger side, fused, battery switch then going to fused panel. Also a battery charger for those in the back. In the front I was looking at interstate deep cycle, but I do not see any AGN. If I do end up putting one in the middle it will probably be a lithium-ion. I just don't like the idea of a 50-60lb battery up there, but I could be wrong though. With the lithium being half the weight of the flooded/agn I figured this would be the best option if I go that route. It would also be isolated and have a battery charger with it and fused of course. I have a local interstate dealer here in town and i've had really good luck, but all those have been for vehicles and not marine batteries. If I ever decide to get a 24v TM, if it's not in the middle then I'm guessing I will have to have the electronics and cranking on the same battery and 2*27's in the stern as I'm pretty sure that will be stretching it as far as available space goes. ty, Kevin Or perhaps LifePO4 ?
  7. Currently I have 2*24 groups in the back left which I plan to either leave there or upgrade to 27 groups. I'll be upgrading the trolling motor later on, but it probably will not be for another year or so. I will be upgrading all the wiring in the boat too Ty! Yeah, I agree the majority of the weight should be in the back and probably on the passenger side in my case. My gas tank takes up the middle and right side of the stern. Totally agree. My main concern was if anything major would be wrong with putting the TM battery right in the middle of a boat Thanks for all the input everyone!! I had to pick one for a solution, but for me everyone who replied gave me some input to help me make a decision and help me out! Much appreciated. Kevin
  8. Yeah, the rod locker compartment should be enough to hold a 24/27 pretty easy I would imagine and there is a descent amount of room in it. That was a concern I had was how was it going to handle the rough waves at times, even though I'm on a small lake it may not be much different than sitting in the back. Here is a pic of where it would be moved to. Kevin
  9. I have already taken the rods out of the center and installed a recessed TM tray myself. I could fabricate and probably install the 3 rods which was there before by lowering the tubes by 2" with no problem. The center compartment was the one I was thinking too, but didn't know how the weight distribution was or how hard it would be on the batteries in rough water. Would make it much easier to have a battery charger there for the DC batteries and one for the back batteries too. ty, kevin
  10. Hi, Currently I have a 2007 175 tx pro team bass tracker. It has a DC 24 and a Cranking 24 in the back. I am going to be completely re-wiring it and was hoping to have electronics on the DC battery, motor on the cranking battery. My question is has anyone ran either 1 or 2 trolling motor DC batteries in the middle compartment where the rod locker is/was? Or what are your other suggestions. I may get a bigger Trolling Motor in the future to replace the edge, but it would only be a 24v one. thanks!
  11. Ty Alex. Just now noticed you replied. Kevin
  12. Called both which are near me and they have to order it from their dealers. Here is the link I found contacting their reps. https://www.marineengine.com/parts/mercury-marine-accessory-parts/remote-controls-and-components/1994-up/remote-control-4000-panel-858690a1-a11 I just need the top handle, but it looks like mercury may sell it as a handle kit only. Kevin
  13. No salvage yards, just 2 marine shops, but I will check and see though One specializes in bass trackers too.
  14. Need to find if this is compatible, but I guess when I searched for "control handle" I started finding more of what I was looking for https://www.ebay.com/itm/134647291905?hash=item1f599aa001:g:unMAAOSwo81kq2hJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8Ee%2F0HfGF4pnf7w%2BqIDNsn1fTnpHl8ZWQ46FN276gGC6Aja6qob7zs9ilxico%2FMUECzl4r%2FRvnYfSyB2eOV4jGoVQfCN79C7eia8%2FAbJAIE58Fx6HhD6%2BwrPnbenlY76ceuvXDKAsGQFOfpNKPrhkmjxDHhHAvcXWyhgO8aMdiBjS8UHCHhwD9eakrPkv4FG2pRkKYB4BI79zOY%2BDDqWDHED3aH0udFJlBVCBMgJKQh2FLMsFDM1WT07WVt423c%2B5ZOXmxCMUuD12Npry6RL42krPf2lhESa%2Bbg2OiQ%2BB7OdgqsWuAxISa%2FhrYHmEkYY0Q%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBM9tP8qa1i Here is another pic of what is broken off.
  15. I would rather buy Merc also, unless I found a good aftermarket one. I have an idea now to start searching, but need to get the numbers off the Merc to make sure Kevin
  16. I would not think so either, just wondering if I can find the handle by itself or if I will have to get something like this. https://www.amazon.com/ZOYAN-Outboard-8M0011213-Throttle-Concealed/dp/B0937BDL9Z ty! Need to find if this is compatible, but I guess when I searched for "control handle" I started finding more of what I was looking for https://www.ebay.com/itm/134647291905?hash=item1f599aa001:g:unMAAOSwo81kq2hJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8Ee%2F0HfGF4pnf7w%2BqIDNsn1fTnpHl8ZWQ46FN276gGC6Aja6qob7zs9ilxico%2FMUECzl4r%2FRvnYfSyB2eOV4jGoVQfCN79C7eia8%2FAbJAIE58Fx6HhD6%2BwrPnbenlY76ceuvXDKAsGQFOfpNKPrhkmjxDHhHAvcXWyhgO8aMdiBjS8UHCHhwD9eakrPkv4FG2pRkKYB4BI79zOY%2BDDqWDHED3aH0udFJlBVCBMgJKQh2FLMsFDM1WT07WVt423c%2B5ZOXmxCMUuD12Npry6RL42krPf2lhESa%2Bbg2OiQ%2BB7OdgqsWuAxISa%2FhrYHmEkYY0Q%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBM9tP8qa1i
  17. Just purchased a boat and need to replace the handle, but I am having a time finding one for some reason. Here is a pic of what it looks like. It still works, just have to do it with 2 hands right now. I will get a better picture and upload it tonight. 2007 Bass Tracker 175 tx pro team 50hp Mercury 2stroke 3cyl Thanks
  18. Hey MN, Yeah, that is what I used for my rocking chairs I built from construction lumber to seal them. They are holding up really good, even though they do sit on a covered porch. When I re-carpeted my boat I used the same type of glue for that project. I'll post some pics here in a minute of before and after. I'll also post a pic of the storage compartment I will be working on too. Your boat looks much nicer now Kevin Hey gimruis, going to link a pic of the compartment. I could probably fiberglass a compartment lid for a good fit, guess some plywood under the lid after I got the fiberglass shaped how I want it. The maroon was when I got it and I tore it all out and used outdoor rated carpet glue to put down the grey.
  19. I did think about coating it with polyurethane as well. My first thought was to get regular ply, coat it all over, put carpet and fasten carpet on bottom side and call it a day lol. Boat is a 16' fiberglass. I've read the same thing on pressure treated wood too. thanks! Kevin
  20. I've looked through the forum, but not much came up. Two years ago I used regular plywood to redo all my compartment lids. I put carpet over them and it looked pretty good, however this past March I noticed the lids were rotting pretty bad on some. I am looking for ideas since this is an old boat, to come up with better ideas on lids so they will not rot in a year. Ideas so far are these. - Baltic Birch plywood sealed on all edges then carpeted. - Baltic Birch plywood sealed with fiberglass and cat hair. - Advantec OSB with same methods as above. - Regular plywood with same methods as above. - Gluing up solid wood and prepping it like above. Any other ideas are welcome. If it would last a few years and I have to do it again, not a problem. Thanks!
  21. Found one to buy, but it is not the most legible though. Kevin
  22. Ahh, I've done the same thing before myself. Now I'm just trying to decide if I want to try and learn to set the timing or just take it to a marine shop here and have them do it. I would like to learn how though, much rather learn than having to depend on someone else for everything Kevin
  23. This is probably the oem size, although mine was 3/16". Replaced the plastic t-connectors with brass t-barb connectors last night and new hose. Verified no leaks and everything seems good so far. Johnson/Evinrude OEM 5/32" Fuel/Gas Primer/Recirculation Hose/Line 772571-1 ft | eBay Kevin
  24. LOL, man I would say you are right on that, did not even occur to me when I said fuel lines. These are the small lines going to the carbs. Here is a screenshot, part number 43 is the tee and the hose was 50, 45, 67, 44, but on my boat all was the same. This week has been busy to say the least, had a server go down which had multiple VM's housed. Kevin
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