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  1. Anyone know anything about these? I'm intrigued by them but I was highly underwhelmed by the last Berkley fad lure I fell for.
  2. There's some study I read somewhere that said plain-ol' small stickbaits out perform all the meme Ned craws and creatures that have came out recently. Which I guess makes sense that a finicky bass would be more willing to attack something that can't pinch it.
  3. Between the 5 different brands of scissors I've had, lost, or not used in favor of whatever knife or multitool is in my pocket, FishUSA's were the best. https://www.fishusa.com/FishUSA-Premium-Braid-Scissors/
  4. It's the same difference between watermelon and green pumpkin
  5. Always love catching channel cats while fishing for bluegill to use as catfish bait.
  6. Caught this long green crappie while fishing docks with a 1 inch Gulp Minnow and a feather jig on the ultralight.
  7. I miss the old blue and green.
  8. Fell for the Nikko meme because NDYakAngler and Richard Gene both shill for them. Bought some Hellgramites, Leeches, ribbed swimbaits, and little shad-shaped swimbaits and the things are so tough I can't get them on anything. The Hellgramites and Leeches will go on ned heads with some encouragement. But I can't get either of the swimbaits to go on anything: ballheads, EWGs, Twistloks, swimjigs.
  9. It's hard to argue against plain simple Trilene XT
  10. I just use my bass tackle. I use my bass tackle for blue cats too.
  11. Anyone tie loop knots for "finesse" type jig heads like ned rigs, ball heads, and darters? I've been watching alot of Richard Gene who swears by it.
  12. Z-Man makes a 3.5 inch CrawZ too
  13. I got skunked while bass fishing so I went up into a short creek that's only accessable by kayak at the back of a slough and caught 3 perch and a buttload of bluegill and sunfish. It's a good thing I brought the ultralight with me and can have fun catching smaller fish.
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