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Black Hawk Basser

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About Black Hawk Basser

  • Birthday 11/21/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Lake View, Iowa
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    North Raccoon River
  • Other Interests
    I am a commercial fly/jig manufacturer, and tie thousands of baits each year for local shops.  When I'm not fishing or tying, I love to take walks and lake cruises with my wife and son(Liam).  I also love football, basketball, and cooking.

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  • About Me
    Bass fishing is my biggest passion, a close 2nd being tying flies and jigs.
    I love power fishing for bass, with topwaters, spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, and flukes.  I also love cranking and jigging for smallies in the nearby river.

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  1. I thought tHe CoIn ToSs DeCiDeD eVeRy GaMe
  2. I guess I could see that with plastics. I don't have nearly enough hard baits to worry about keeping inventory. I use a phone app called Inkpad in which you can make a list and can check off each item. So, when I 'need' a replacement bait or bag of baits, I just un-check those on my list and reference that when I'm shopping.
  3. The coin toss didn't decide the game. There is a defensive side of the ball. The defense can even score points, themselves! And, I'd bet most people wouldn't be complaining if the Chiefs had lost the game. Buffalo's coaching choked it away with them protecting the sidelines, which was stupid, because KC had time outs left.
  4. Why???? How does this help you??
  5. Here in Iowa, I haven't had crap for luck with white spinnerbaits. Predominantly black with red accents has worked way better for me, for whatever reasons.
  6. I use an alcohol burner. I'm always wary of using a heat gun or blow dryer due to dust. It has always worked for me.
  7. Been ice fishing and plan to go at least a dozen more times before ice out! It's a hoot when you can get into a big mess of panfish and/or perch.
  8. Those guys aren't called fishermen, they are called idiots. They are the same lot that take a dump on the ice and leave their cans and other trash in a hole in the ice to freeze.
  9. Fed Ex sucks. Last thing they were supposed to deliver to me, they brought to a vet clinic a half mile from my house. They said that their GPS system pinpointed my house there. SMH
  10. Countless NW IA bass can't be wrong
  11. I've never given it a thought to store any of my stuff anywhere but in my garage like always, and I do not notice any ill effects. Us hardwater guys have our stuff out on the ice and play with it on -10 days! Only thing I've broken is my butt from falling down.
  12. Yum Vibra King Tube: No wrong way to fish it, unique look/profile, great colors, durable for a tube
  13. Patriots in 1st place as of right now....let's go Bills!
  14. Oooh, 17 degrees here this morning, but super windy. If we have another couple of those overnight lows with no wind, we'll be on our way..
  15. Try places where there is some lighting. Marina lights, dock lights, etc. You may be surprised how shallow they will be nearby some lighting at night in the fall. Think big jerkbaits like a Rapala HJ12.
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