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AJ Polley

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Everything posted by AJ Polley

  1. This summer I just started fishing a spot on the Flint River with a bunch of my buddies. The other day I went out and I told my friends i was going to go and catch a monster. A few days before, another friend was with me and showed me this spot where he is almost always guaranteed a fish. He was running a white Spinnerbait, and a huge Smallmouth took his lure because his knot failed. Bound and determined to catch this monster, I moved to the spot where I thought his bed was. The water was surprisingly clear, and sure enough, this bass was sitting there surrounded by a couple other Smallies. It was huge, probably close to 18+ inches. I floated my Spinnerbait by him 5 times, using a smooth reeling technique, and then a couple that were a little more jerky. The fish didn't seem to care about my lure, and slowly just swam away. I was really discouaged, so i tied on a jig, but it wasn't getting any attention from the fish either. I know there's a lot of factors that probably contributed to why the monster wouldn't bite my lure, but i think its because I had it tied to a steel leader. But anywhere else I fish for bass, they still attack my Spinnerbait with the leader on it. If anyone could help me out, tell me what I was doing wrong, it would be much appreciated.
  2. So yesterday I was fishing in the river and caught a Sheepshead. I sent it to my buddy and he asked me if they have teeth like a human. I thought that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard of, but when I looked it up, I seen pictures of them with human like teeth. has anyone ever caught a Sheepshead with human like teeth in it, or know anything about it? I'm so confused and flabbergasted by this I need answers.
  3. My buddy caught a 7 pound carp on a Senko. Somehow the carp got tangled up in the line, and wasn't even hooked, but he then managed to hand line it in so his pole wouldn't snap.
  4. Time and time again I go to the same spot on the Flint River, and fish off of the bank. I always go with friends, and they always catch fish. I spent 5 hours fishing today without a bite. My friend caught a giant Smallie, a couple other small ones, and a Northern Pike. I can use the same lure, and be at the same spot, but the fish just don't want to bite my lure. Am i doing something wrong? I know there's fish there because everyone else was catching fish and I never get any bites. Please help, these long fishing droughts are killing my morale.
  5. From the time I was a little kid, I'd always loved fishing. The days where you go on the dock and stick a hook in the water with a worm or some corn on it, and catch small bluegill or perch. But as I get older, as many do, I find myself always looking for more... About a year ago I got heavy into bass fishing with my cousins in the marina by their house, and I tell you what, those things produce more than any lake or pond I've ever fished in. Almost every cast you get a bite, and even though some are small, there's always that diamond in the rough. I caught my biggest Largemouth bass while it was 40 degrees and rainy. A 5 pound beast. for some, that might not sound like much, but for the area, that's a nice bass. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're looking for a place that you're guaranteed to catch fish, throw a line in a marina and I guarantee you will catch something.
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