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Everything posted by BIG M

  1. Here is a copy of the old Hedd Hunter, very nice little shallow running bait with an extra wide wobble.
  2. You can use cork but from what I've read very hard to carve and finish. Try balsa foam if you looking for something other than wood. It's more expensive that balsa wood and makes one heck of a mess when sanding. I made a couple of baits with and I don't like it, but I love balsa wood.
  3. A big deep diving crank takes about 7 hrs start to finish. If you want to count drying time on the sealer about 4 days. Takes 24 hrs for each coat to dry and all my baits get 3 coats.
  4. I would even fish with those that is a really cool looking pattern. One day I'll hit you up on how that was done.
  5. BIG M

    jerk baits

    Hookemdown, that's 3 years worth of practice and I still screw them up from time to time.
  6. BIG M

    jerk baits

    Munkin, there is nothing wrong with the colors, they just didn't turn out like the picture in my mind. Here a little tip: get a piece of water pipe about 4 inches long and practice on that, easy clean up.
  7. BIG M

    jerk baits

    Here are a couple of jerk baits I just finished, I don't like the colors all that much. What do you all think about the paint patterns? top bait is 6 inches long and the bottom bait is 5. Both baits weigh in at 1/2oz.
  8. Very, very nice, the wire hangers look much better than screw eyes (hold better too). Like whittler said, take lots of notes and really study your mistakes, it will help you in the long run. By the way I'm very impressed with the jointed bait.
  9. BIG M

    2 new baits

    Supermat, the splatter back bait will run approx 16 feet, the purple back will hit 18+. As far as what gear to use, I don't know never fish with those big baits. I like the small cranks that are a 1/2oz or less in weight. I build those for customers that request them.
  10. I may not know the science of why my baits work but they do work.
  11. Cephkiller, that was impressive I can't argue with you because I don't have clue what you talking about there. Those three baits will sink in water 50 degrees or lower. My LC suspending pointers do the same thing. I don't know why but I did assume that the cold water was the reason, thank you for clearing that up. Guess I should have taken a physics class in school, wormed my way out of that one. Some guys use science to build baits, I use trial and error. It took about 6 errors to make those baits suspend. Brokejew, that jerkbait has real good action but it's still a little light, needs another 1/4 oz of lead to make it just right.
  12. BIG M

    2 new baits

    These a 2 more deep divers, 3.5 inch long baits that weigh 1.5oz each.
  13. John, those are really sweet. I like the little detail touches your adding to the paint shceme. If you have time shoot me a PM about the mods you did to the DD14, I've been doing some mods to Deep Little N's to gain an extra foot or two. Lets swap some ideas ;D
  14. Thanks fellas for the kind words. Cephkiller, those 3 baits will have a slow rise in water temps above 62 degrees and below that they hold position or sink (slowly). Cold water does not increase the buouancy of a crankbait.
  15. These are flat sided cranks that will run 12-14 feet deep, serious weighting here. These cranks will suspend in 58-62 degree water, lower than that they start sinking.
  16. I really like the looks of that jig, if I could only find a nice hand poured trailer for it.
  17. I'm a little biased but I feel my own baits are the best all around crank baits.
  18. BIG M

    new baits

    Here is a new batch, all are over 3 inches long and weigh over 1oz.
  19. devcon 2 ton is the easiest to learn to use IMHO. go to walmart and in the craft section get a pack of plastic water color brushes. Get an old coke can and cut the bottom off, now cut a piece of stiff wire and form a U shape. Now put some epoxy in the outside portion of the can and use the wire to mix around for about 45 seconds. Paint on your lure a fairly thick coat and rotate for about 20-30 min then hang to dry about 10 hrs. Is that clear as mud or what.
  20. (garolite sheets) is what you'll look for at Mcmaster-Carr.com, g-10 is a dirty yellow, g-11 is a translucent green, g-7 is kind of white.
  21. Great looking baits John, what is the depth range on those baits.
  22. Josh, the bait looks great and glad to hear it's running good. If you want to get really good at making that style of bait, start on another right away. Everything is fresh in your mind and you should be able to work out the small wrinkles, the next one will be perfect. Great job on that one and I hope to see more.
  23. BIG M

    New Crank

    great looking baits there.
  24. Here are a few from the drying wheel, 1/4 to 1/2oz in weight
  25. www.mcmaster-carr.com, you want to get 1/16 inch thick polycarbonat and 1/32 inch thick g-10. The poly is softer than it looks, but tough as nails.
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