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Everything posted by BIG M

  1. Basspro, wasn't trying to be short there. Lucky Craft does have a Sexy Shad pattern but it's alot different than the other baits on the market. They use grey on the back with a dark grey to black scale pattern, yellow lateral line, and brunt orange on the belly. Not a hard pattern to paint. Try sending an PM to Dampeoples he can usually hook you up.
  2. That's not Sexy Shad, it's Charteruse Shad.
  3. Sounds like too much paint in 1 coat. The trick with an airbrush is learning to do multiple thin coats of paint. Get a hairdryer and use the low air/high heat setting. Dry your bait for a few seconds after a couple of thin coats of paint. The thin coats are the trick to shading and layering of your colors. Also use pearl white as your base coat on every bait, makes all your colors look brighter.
  4. Sounds like a clog, will it spray water? My first brush was a passache VL and had nothing but trouble, got a gravity feed Iwata Eclipse and I must say this brush is the cat's meow. I only tear it down about 2 times a month and never have any problems. It has a .35mm tip/needle and I can spray just about anything, even micro-flake (big pain with that one). Go to dixie art and you will get free shipping. You will have to order a new hose and get an in-line filter also.
  5. good work there, a jointed bait is not the easiest build.
  6. I like a to hold my spinning rod at 10:00 position for walking spook type baits. Also change your line to one that floats, I personally like Power pro for everything.
  7. I keep a empty 35mm film container full of tooth pics cut in half just for peggin weights. Just jam the pointed end into the worm weight from the bottom or top and break off the rest.
  8. 3/4 sell pretty good unpainted plastic baits. I prefer #3 for better customer service and faster shipping.
  9. You are getting good with the brush, good looking baits.
  10. The bottom feed eclipse is also a .5mm tip/needle, but the gravity feed is .35mm. What I like about it is I can spray 1 drop of paint if needed and even the heaviest pearls will shoot without a lot of problems. I don't have any experience with other brushes so my advice is very limited.
  11. Thanks for the kind words, I did not have any idea that crazy color would be a hit. Now just need to find some time to see if the fish dig it.
  12. You say there is lots of rip-rap in small lakes, crankbaits run parallel to the shore line, crash the rocks. You are going to catch fish and may loose a lure or two. I find this tech. works best when the wind is really blowing into the bank.
  13. You can paint a fine line with a gravity feed brush. All of the high end brushes with a tip/needle size of .2mm will fit you needs. Now there is another deal with those fine lines is the type of paint you are using. Not all paint is created equal. All my baits are paint with the gravity feed eclipse and I doubt I'll ever buy another brush.
  14. the rest and I call the bottom color Sexy Shad after a night on the town.
  15. here are a few of my latest finess cranks and 1 short fat jointed waker.
  16. Thanks fellas, Jon, I sure had a lot of fun making those baits for you. Still can't figure out why the red bait is so jumpy. The M-shads are the cat's meow, I've caught over 70 fish on the regular and thin version in the last month.
  17. I doubt there is any real difference in the baits. I've painted more than a few of the LC copies from Jann's and those a well made baits for the price.
  18. BIG M

    Night bait

  19. I love to see the work of the Striper guys. good looking baits.
  20. Thanks Eric, that kind of praise from a fellow builder is special.
  21. BIG M

    New Lures

    good looking baits there.
  22. BIG M

    new cranks

    AJ, those baits are made from balsa wood. The scales are painted with a piece of net stretched over the back of the bait. I was really pleased with the yellow perch pattern on jerk bait. That's only the 2nd time I've painted that pattern. I think the bass down here will like that one too.
  23. BIG M

    new cranks

    Here is a new blue gill and re-paint of an old husky jerk.
  24. BIG M

    new cranks

    Here is a new batch, nothing special just some flatsides and round baits to cover 4-15 feet.
  25. denatured alcohol, 2-3 drops on a batch to cover 1 lure. You can adjust that to the desired thickness. You don't want devcon too thin or it will not cure properly.
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