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Everything posted by BIG M

  1. BIG M

    New Bluegill

    Thad, that is a better looking bluegill pattern.
  2. I think that is a really cool looking bait. Your skills with the airbrush are outstanding. You might try laying some netting over the sides and shooting a light transparent green over the yellow and then mist a light coat iridescent green over the sides. The scales should really stand out from the yellow base.
  3. The baits look great. May I ask how you got the satin finish.
  4. Dave, I'm going to use a dressed treb on the tail and that will help keep it stable. I have not tried doing fins or tails yet. Dad, keep practicing and you will be painting like a pro. Get a pack of those cheap baits from Janns and just keep repainting them over and over.
  5. BIG M

    Mag Divers

    Thanks guys, those batis are a lot of work both carving/sanding and getting the bait balanced. If one little thing is off the bait will not tune correctly. John, keep an eye out because I'm going to make a 2.25 inch bait that will hit real close to 20 feet.
  6. I've never head of anyone making their own hooks. Could you bend a hook to fit your needs?
  7. Here are some of standare flatsides, top bait is 3/8" thick. The bottom bait is my first subwalker.
  8. BIG M

    Mag Divers

    Here are a couple of Mag divers. Top bait is made from white cedar is 7 inches long and weighes 1.5oz. Painted in my version of threadfin shad. Bottom bait is wester red cedar, 6 inches long and weighes 1.125oz I'm trying a new lip design on this one.
  9. Very nice work right there.
  10. Daivd, I'm very impressed and part of me is highly ticked. My first baits painted with the airbrush got repainted about 50 times because they sucked so bad. You did tell me that you had some skill and now I've seen it for myself.
  11. Here are a few flatsides and little rounder in some different craw looks.
  12. The thin stuff is somewhat pliable but you may can soak it in hot water for minute and make it more pliable. I have really wanted to try one of those jigs.
  13. you might try using some 1/32 inch thick polycarbonate (lexan), you can heat with a lighter to make the cup face. The polycarbonate will not tear and should last several yrs. You can find the stuff at micromark tools and other hobby stores. It's used a lot on model airplanes.
  14. Jann's netcraft
  15. BIG M

    Spro Bait

    I remember when that guy use to hang out at TU several yrs ago. He claims to be the best natural pattern painter in the country. I think he does top notch work with the airbrush. I know some other guys that have sold baits for over 100.00 on e-bay. Just goes to show there is a sucker born every day.
  16. Cooter, can't compare to the fat Dt as I've never looked at one. I have not fished with a store bought crank in nearly 5yrs.
  17. The baits are 2 inches long x 3/4 inch tall and weigh a little over 1/4oz. Depth is 4-5 feet depending on line size and for round bodies have a tight wiggle.
  18. Bass Dude, those baits are handcarved and painted by me. The carving is my fav. part of the build.
  19. Here are a few more of the little round body. It's now my fav round bait.
  20. Go to TU and look for a guy (Palmetto Balsa) I think that's spelled right. He is an expert on the propionate dip. That's what Rap. uses to coat their baits.
  21. Glad you hear you and your kids are getting involved. Turn those 1 dollar lures into some fish catching machines. Ask all the questions you want I'm always happy to answer.
  22. Looks like a killer little wake bait. What did you use to make the rattle? Get you some dry wall putty and you can dress the hole so it won't show. I think you did a great job for your first crankbait.
  23. All of the wood baits are hand carved and sanded by me. I like to have the control over the entire process. You can by balsa and cedar blanks but then you have build a jig to cut the lip slot true. I use netting for the scales. The netting is in a sewing hoop and I lay that against the bait and shoot the paint over the netting. Takes a little practice to get hang of it. You can also lay the netting over the whole bait and hold in place with small cloths pins. I do that if I want scales on the body of a bait.
  24. brush it on and start at the lip and work back to the tail.
  25. Here are a few more of those little round baits and a little flatside.
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