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Everything posted by BIG M

  1. Jon, you are really jumping on the painting thing with both feet. I want to see some of my cranks with your paint.
  2. The only way to make a bait designed to run 10 feet, hit 20 feet is by adding enough excess weight to make it sink.
  3. You will run into that problem with any of those palstic knock off's. Most run pretty good but then some just don't run at all. You can't expect much more from a 2.00 crank. You could go to Wal-mart and hit the discount bind and re-paint.
  4. Here are a few I got painted this weekend. Simple body styles and colors.
  5. BIG M

    New Cranks

    Hawk, Yes I can put a single knocker rattle in any of my baits.
  6. Jon, I already told you that I hate but it's still a great looking bait. I can hear it now, can't go fishing I've got baits to paint. I know because I say, "I've got baits to build". This sickness will take hold of you fast and there is no cure. I got a little fix for the eyes, wait until you next e-mail.
  7. That is pretty sweet.
  8. Looks cool, I bet fish will eat that bait. A little advice on the lip slot, cut it about another 1/16 deeper. Give your lip a little more bite in the wood. You can also make a totally different bait from that same body style buy cutting the lip slot at 20 degrees. I look forward to seeing more of your baits.
  9. Fish, Your cranks have a uniqe look and it's a good look. I like the sticker eyes.
  10. BIG M

    More cranks

    Here are a few more I just finished. Some of these are re-paints of some old baits that were unproductive.
  11. Hello from Benton, not too far away. Lots of really nice folks that love to share info.
  12. I paint very few patterns that I consider difficult, because I'm not a good artist. I don't see colors very well in my mind's eye, so I shoot them on the bait and then decide if it looks good. here is a very simple school bus yellow/black, flo orange belly. 1. Base coat Wildlife colors (super hide white) 2. Base coat yellow Golden paints (Dairylid Yellow) 3. Scales Wildlife colors (payne's grey) 4. back stripe Wildlife colors (detail black) 5. belly C-tex (flo orange)
  13. BIG M

    New Cranks

    Here are a few I was able to finish this weekend. Sorry for pic #4.
  14. Looking good, try that color combo over a lemon yellow base coat.
  15. Down size the split ring and hook on the front hanger, that should fix the problem. Make sure to a short shank treb hook.
  16. Tackleunderground.com, start there first and use the search function. Look for posts from Coley.
  17. I hate split ring pliers, I use a pair of needle nose for this job. Put the hook on the ring first but just enough to hold the ring open, then install on the hook hanger.
  18. My wife broke off a fish and caught it again on the very next cast. She got her jig back in the process.
  19. Green sunfish, my local lakes are full of them.
  20. Very nice indeed
  21. It's the small scales baby ;D
  22. I've always used an ink pen, sorry no help.
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