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Everything posted by BIG M

  1. You could drill a 5/16 hole and use either a 3/8 or 1/2oz weight cut down to the right weight. That's how I keep the weight low in my bigger round body baits. Have you thought about letting the weight stick out of the bait about 1/8 or 3/16, lower the weight just a little more that way.
  2. It's been awhile since I've had finished baits to post. I've been building a bunch but not painting. Here is the first finsihed batch.
  3. BIG M

    Baby bass

    That's a sweet bass pattern
  4. The 0 degree lip angle to keep the bait running tight. I sent you a sub that was chest weighted only, just can't remember which bait. I'm looking forward to the results of your open water tests.
  5. Very sharp looking baits, you have some talent.
  6. Jon, very sharp, tight action on that bait. That thing wiggles like my Tapp bait, I'm surprised with that wide lip. Do you have a pic of the bait to show the ballast weight position.
  7. The digital scale is a must have, along with a wheeled marking guage.
  8. Ben, I use the 7 min loctite and the rod builders epoxy. Cure time is the only difference that I've noticed.
  9. Jon, I would not worry about chest weighting if the baits is sitting good in the water now. I find chest weighting just hinders the action. I only do it on those really big balsa divers because they require so much extra weight. I'm surprised that bait took a full 1/4oz and still floated. In the future with a fat body like that you can use the heavier finess weights and a 5/16 hole. Those weights are pretty easy to cut/trim to the proper weight. Very cool to watch you build this bait.
  10. That bait will run 4-5ft.
  11. You don't have to worry about any bait I paint looking like those. I couldn't paint that if you were in the shop walking me thru it.
  12. That is a sweet craw pattern but all the baits look great. I need some of this painting skill to rub off on me.
  13. Jon, in my ventures with the deep divers I've found that the line tie needs to be close to the mid point of the lip. If the bait doesn't act like you want give that a try. I measure the exact mid point from the nose to the end of the lip and go back 1/16 of an inch. That is a very interesting lip you have there. Nice work.
  14. BIG M

    Drying rack

    Jon, I need you to build me a drying rack. My poor little set up only holds 6 baits.
  15. Barry the paint on both baits is sweet. Now you need to get the mama cat wet and tell if it swims. I sent that one out on the fly but I'm not real worried. The second bait is a hard rod thumper that will just tear any cover apart. You should have a lot of fun with it. I will get the other Mama cat to you real soon.
  16. Jon with that body style there is not a lot of choice where to place the weight. Several of the magnum divers that I made for you have weight in two locations. I used your pic to show where I would put the weight in the belly and the chest if the bait was balsa. With it being sentra I think the belly weight will give the bait the proper nose down attitude. Don't glue the weight in place until you have given it a float test in the sink. What style of lip are you going to use?
  17. Oh my!!!!! Barry, you sir make my baits look good. Where's the pic of the Mama Cat clone? I have another one carved and I'll hold it hostage until I see that pic ;D
  18. I'm impressed with the concept and the fact that it works. I was a skeptic at first. I think your moving lip is a very cool idea. How deep does your bait run?
  19. I'm interested in the action and how it tracks. I like the way you are thinking. You also did a nice job on putting that lip design together.
  20. Jon, A nice squared billed shallow runner would be easier to build for your first bait. I would suggest you try an 1/8oz ballast weight first. If you get some XPS finess weights 1/4oz those fit nice and snug into a 1/4 inch dia hole.
  21. Dang it, got to wait until I get home to see the pics >
  22. BIG M

    Round 2

    Very nice baits and now I can no longer like you. You are painting to well for a newbie.
  23. Jon, that's look real good like a Poe's bait. Next time drill the ballast port before carving while the bait has true flat sides. Sits in the vice better and you can carve out any marks made on the sides of your bait. Be careful with the amount of ballast weight you use or it will be a fast sinker. I've built a few of those trying to find the right weight.
  24. Don't sell yourself short, those baits are top of the line. Very clean looking patterns and no way I would have guessed your first time painting baits.
  25. The only other materail I use is Garolite (g-10). I like it because it's 1/32 thick and very easy to work with. It does have a durablitily issue when cranking rocks, the lip edges will chip away.
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