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Everything posted by BIG M

  1. I'm still here just not as often these days.
  2. That bait can be repaired and will last you a long time if done correctly. If you really like the bait then go to the trouble and get it repaired properly. It's not that difficult and I can walk you thru the process. Send me a PM and we can talk about the step by step instructions. If you don't feel comfortable with the repair then I will do it for you. A good balsa crank is worth the time and effort to save.
  3. I've used this product on hundreds of lures, it's just a holographic glitter mixed in the clear coat. You can use any type of glittler but I purchased a 5oz bottle of glitter from flex coat. I use the ultra v high build rod finish. Hard to see the glitter in pics but it's pretty sharp on the baits. I apply the glitter in the first coat so the 2nd coat will cover and give some depth.
  4. We are suppose to go up there and fish the first week of Aug.
  5. Planning to make a trip to your state in early Aug to fish the Miss river around Little Falls. I know the river is high right now but what are the best water levels for fishing the river in that area. Thanks in advance.
  6. My daughter hates watching a bobber but loves spinner baits and t-rig worms. Started her with senko style baits around 5 yrs old. I've stayed away from treb hooks because I'm scared she will hook me.
  7. Those baits are really good for you first time with the brush. I like simple patterns.
  8. Good work, really like the flat sided walker.
  9. here are a few more cold water specials
  10. Here are a few of my cold water specials
  11. You want to use stainless steel safety wire, 20ga or 18ga on most bass sized cranks. Mcmaster carr is where I purchase the wire that I use. bent the wire around a finish nail or allen wrench and grab the tag ends with vise grips and twist. I cheat a little and chuck the allen wrench in my cordless drill.
  12. A thru wire harness is not the only option. I've used twisted ss wire ties for many yrs without a failure. 20ga or 18ga soft ss wire will work just fine. Seal your baits with super glue first then with a coat of epoxy prior to painting and those baits will last a long time.
  13. Save your money until you can afford an Iwata revolution gravity feed brush. You will spend 60 bucks on paint alone and the best paint for the money is createx.
  14. Flex Coat Ultra V rod finish is my clear coat. You will need a drying wheel with this one.
  15. If you are using a water based paint then denatured alcohol should work.
  16. I'm from Covington and fishing the local rivers is you best opition. I have not lived in the area for 20 yrs but all the lakes/ponds around there were private. The area has tripled in population since I was there and the ponds I fished are gone now. Like you said, saltwater fishing is the big draw down there, take advantage if you get the chance.
  17. You will need to use a water proof epoxy, most 5min epoxy is not water proof. I don't think the epoxy is going to hold well on a wire shaft, try roughing up the area with sandpaper to get a good epoxy bite. Good luck with the project.
  18. Personally I would not use the 1/8 lexan, I like to go as thin as possible to help with depth/balance. I'm sure it will work just fine but will add tiny bit of weight to the nose of your baits. For me I just like the look of 1/16 lexan and 1/32 circuit board bills.
  19. Circuit board is not stronger than polycarbonate and for the life of me I cannot figure out how the OP is breaking lexan bills. I've seen 1 cracked bill in all my yrs of building baits. The guy smacked the bait on the trolling motor when making a cast. He hit so hard that he knocked some of the wood off the nose of the bait. Maybe the OP got acrylic material instead of lexan, a mistake I've made in the past. That material is very week and breaks easy. Lurepartsonline has a very nice selection of bills pressed from lexan.
  20. bend the line tie in the direction you want the bait to run. I would not mess with the bill.
  21. Iwata takes a different size fitting, best to just get an Iwata hose for that brush.
  22. I know one guy that does this to old long A's to make them wake baits. I'm not sure it will work on the new baits due to different plastic used to make the baits. The older plastic seems to have a more rubber type consistancy and allows the baits to expand without splitting. The guy only holds the baits in the boiling water for a few seconds.
  23. Sorry to say this but buy a new reel. No way to repair that and have it hold over time.
  24. At last count I have between 400-500 cranks ready to fish but I made most of those baits myself. I have approx 50-60 made by other builders. These are all balsa wood cranks, plastic cranks are not allowed.
  25. You may not have to drill into those baits. You could wrap lead wire around the shank of the belly hook. I'm thinking 1 small split shot will be enough ballast.
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