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BubbaBassin’ last won the day on June 15 2018

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About BubbaBassin’

  • Birthday 07/05/2003

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  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake West Point 

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. 10/4. I’ve heard of one around here. Thanks for the attempt guys.
  2. I do! I have a navionics chip in one of my depthfinders
  3. I fish this lake, Lake Harding, on a daily. Literally every day folks. And I’m gonna be dead honest. I suck. I cannot find the fish. I’ll catch one or two a day, nothing big. No pattern. Just randoms. I can’t find a pattern to save my life. I have all the time in the world to learn it to start to compete there. So how would you guys, with unlimited time, work through and really figure out these fish? Conversely, how would you find fish on a time crunch? Say prefishing for a tournament. Just really struggling here folks.
  4. The surface temp has been very consistent at 84 degrees, and the surface water willow is still very green. Although we do have some new invasive types that are quickly taking over ie snot grass and hydrilla, but the main creek channels seem very active lately, I just cant present in 30+ feet of water as they are mostly glued to the bottom. The thermocline also seems consistent at exactly 35 feet. But the bait seems to be shallow! It’s very confusing. This is a very fluid and changing sport. There is no steadfast rules to follow and I struggle with that. I should also mention I experienced the disappearing effect people describe in relation to the fall transition, I was hammering them off of deep riprap, I pulled 3 5+’s off of one spot which is unheard of on this lake on wensday-fri But come monday they were nowhere to be found.
  5. As we make our way into fall, my little lake is acting odd to day the least. As I understand it, the fall transition is marked by tanking water temps, but here on lake harding, the temps are the same! But the bait is already schooling in the backs of a certain creek, and the shallows are starting to flood with bait. Notice I said bait schooling. Because the bass? They’re either smart, or not here, because there isn’t a bite to be had. At least not for me. The last two tournaments have been won with 15 pound bags, which is astronomical for this lake. But I’m striking out. Wondering if anyone would mind putting in there two cents to help out. TYIA. Tight Lines.
  6. I didn’t even know it was a ledge.? I was prefishing a tourney and had already established a couple patterns shallow so I figured I’d see if could find some deep. Would a dropshot on top work for presenting to those fish?
  7. What do you guys see here? Any fish? Or just rock?
  8. The marking have to do with genetics and like humans with freckles, different colored skin and birthmarks gives us traits as an individual, different shaped noses and cheekbones translates to lateral lines and bulky frames can be due to diet and growth patterns, but as Tom said, bass have a unique trait that allows them to change there coloration based on cover and feeding patterns, much like a natural camouflage, as they are ambush predators, they are widely regarded as adaptations to allow them to better blend with there surroundings.
  9. Flipping the thick stuff with a big worm has produced well this year.
  10. I meant that when my little aluminum boat had to go over six foot waves at 40+, there was a lot of force being put on that transducer. I adjusted it to it’s original position, and it worked again.
  11. @WRB Welp. Time to update the PB with my first graphing fish. I’m 6’3 for reference.
  12. I fixed my transducer, I didn’t look closely enough at it’s position, it must have been knocked loose when I had to run to the ramp full tilt to get out of a thunderstorm. I will commit to getting a fish from depth finding until I get one. Thanks for the advice.
  13. I fixed it, my transducer was off from running during a big storm, assuming one of the bigger waves knocked it Loose to the point where it wasn’t noticable from a distance. All fixed now.
  14. What’s your best story of fish, largemouth or otherwise, just being absolutely in the wrong, weirdest place?
  15. Luckily we have storms keeping it lower here in east bama, our water temps are juuust peaking into 90.
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