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Everything posted by kenmitch

  1. This thread reinforces the fact that you can't weight a fish from a photo as the guesses are all over the place. Nice looking bass no matter what she weighs in the end.
  2. The lower jaw is touching the end of the board, look at the shadows. I used the Roland Martin length and girth to weight calculator originally. It's hard to guess the girth by a photo, but viewing the shadows she's thick. Unless his calculator is whackey she's over 10 lbs. I guess we'll see soon enough.
  3. The circled icon is a time slider. Click on it.
  4. Not really much to add to the topic as others have covered the most important stuff already. Google earth and view the past images of the body of water. If it's a lake that has fluctuating water levels you might be able to notice stuff that's not so easy to pick out on a map or not even shown on the map. Things like old foundations, underwater structures, etc.
  5. Looks to be in no mans maps land as you most likely already knew anyways. Does your sonar have the ability to create your own maps? 200 acres isn't a whole lot of area to log really.
  6. What do the bass eat in the lake? Maybe the underlying issue revolves around the food source.
  7. Is your real name Mike Iaconelli?
  8. That's one of those big girls we all dream about. Congrats! It's hard to judge a bass by a dead on photo shot even with the length. I'm gonna have to go against the crowd and say she's a DD. As for my official guess I'm just going to go with 11.27 lbs. and call it a unscientific approach of fish photo weighing.
  9. 2nd the Boodedox as it's what I also went with on my Slayer 10. Pricey, but worth it if you can swing it. I got mine from ACK when they sent me a 20% off coupon code. Maybe check out ACK's offerings and sign up for their email newsletter and they'll send you a 15% single item coupon code to save a few bucks.
  10. Nice one! Congrats on your new PB!
  11. No experience with it Gopro.com has a $100 trade in promo going on. https://shop.gopro.com/tradeup?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAjwp_zkBRBBEiwAndwD9Vf8qBlvxqEwrr3dwAqYj0xiIRkXjNa4KXMjrCDSdjAmySh6YXCe5xoCqi8QAvD_BwE Might be worth a look. They even cover the shipping.
  12. Pelican Bass Raider? If so front would be my choice. Transom mount model with the handle flip around mod would be my choice. Kayak? As a pedal driven kayak user I see no real value in center mounted trolling motors, other than I wouldn't have to pedal. I'd lean towards a front mounted trolling motor with the ability to steer with it if at all possible. I like to creep into spots and pivot to change casting angles. I use a 1/2 to paddledo this currently, it would be nice to have a trolling motor up front to do it for me.
  13. Largemouth was too long ago to remember the lure I was using. Spotted was a shakey head worm rig.
  14. It's nice that they spelled it out for those who lack common sense.
  15. I'm not trying to be a perve....But depending on your wifes breast size you might be better off taking her shopping for one rather than ordering one online. It won't do her much good if in the end she won't wear it. Maybe look at the Astral Women's Layla Life Jacket on Amazon if your ordering one online. Looks like it would be comfortable.
  16. I wonder why they don't actually have a traditional trolling motor option or at least a mounting option available for one. I doubt it's a weight capacity issue as I'd imagine anybody fishing would prefer to be solo on it anyways.
  17. You've been around a long time, not as long as dirt, but you'd probably have more of an idea than me at least. She'll probably be around 6 lbs after the spawn? Her bellies huge! I'm old school and don't do selfies....I'll settle for the long armed and the measuring board if worthy. Now on the other hand when I catch the DD my net will be a temp live well as long as there's another boater within site! I'll have no issue busting a Iaconelli when the time comes.
  18. Nice one! My 1st bass of the season was 7.02 lbs and my new PB. Now I'm working on my dinks, and the occasional 2.5-3lb'rs. Got me 2 more dinks and a 3.69lb'r today.
  19. That's a nice one! Welcome to the 7lb club! I got my 7lb PB on Feb 26th and I'm still on the hunt for her big sister! I kayak fish and never have anybody around when I catch the bigger ones to get a photo of me holding it. I'm hoping someday I'll be fortunate enough to catch a nice one with somebody close enough to snap a photo or two for me.
  20. I hooked him about 40 ft out from the shoreline. He didn't really give much of a fight at all. I unhooked him and took 2 quick photos before I released him. When I put him back in the water he just sat there with his mouth open and rolled over. I lipped him and move him around for a little bit and released him again and he closed his mouth and swam a couple of inches and rolled over again. This time I just grabbed him by the tail and pushed him around for a minute or two before he decided to quickly swim away. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, hopefully none of his buddies or potential mates see it. Poor guy looks like he hasn't eaten for weeks!
  21. I carry one of the BPS gold series folding nets behind my kayak seat just in case. I throw lipless most of time and sometimes it's not safe to lip the larger bass. Smaller ones i just lift with the line. It doesn't take up much space and will flip open 1 handed. Model # GSF25-35
  22. I've never bed fished. I've seen others do it, but I'm not into it. I did once catch a male that clearly had spawned and was probably guarding fry or just left them. Poor guy was exhausted and almost didn't make it. Shakey head fishing from shore.
  23. The kind you cook in or the kind you smoke? If it's the kind you smoke double up on the munchies, and probably add some beverages to fight off the cotton mouth. If the place looks worthy maybe a nice ax handle or bat and practice up on your Squatch howls. Of course any response back will be some other dudes thinking your the Squatch....If your lucky Mrs Squatch will have her way with ya! Not sure if mentioned yet....Dry bag with emergency clothes, backup fire starter.
  24. I fish out of a Native Watercraft Slayer 10 Propel which sits pretty low in the water and is stable. Although I do have a anchor and rope I never carry it with me as I prefer to just move around. My tolerance for wind and weather varies based on other factors I mention below. 10-15 mph winds are tolerable as long as other factors involved are favorable. I've been caught out in 30 mph + wind gusts before and it isn't any fun. Around here the wind sometimes cant make up it's mind in which way it wants to blow and shifts back and forth at times. My tolerance for the weather varies based on how I feel, what time of year, do I feel lucky, and things like if it's my birthday. I'll use my birthday on the 21st as an example. On Sunday it was 80, Monday it was 79, Tuesday it was 70, Wednesday we had a cold front hit and it was 58. Just so happens my birthday on Thursday was 53 with a 77% chance of rain. Normally I wouldn't consider going, but it was my birthday so I sucked it up and went out anyways. I wound up getting 6 bass in the yak, lost 3 in the fight, and had 1 short strike that missed. I got rained on just like the weatherman predicted, my hands were cold and wet, but in the end I had a really fun time. They were all 1-2 lbs, but fun to catch none the less.
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