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Everything posted by kenmitch

  1. I'll have to read the articles when I get home. I figured the Ugly Stik has caught more big bass than any other rod line. Guess now there's proof to back it up. Probably holds true for most species of fish at least in freshwater.
  2. I took the yak out yesterday AM for the 1st time in over a month. CA weather has been too dang hot lately to even think about fishing. I didn't figure it was going to be a good day but wanted to at least get on the water for a few hours to try out some new gear. I wound up catching 1 dink 1.25lb bass on a lipless. Didn't have any other luck trying out other stuff. Missed a couple on the ned rig. I haven't really done much finesse type fishing yet as it's boring too me. There was another kayak angler fishing the area around me. We were about 40-50yds apart from each other at times. He wound up hooking into a 10.69lb bass which I at least got to see the him fight and land. I peddled over to him check out the beast. I think it was around 10:15AM when he hooked into it. He hooked it on a jig/trailer rig it looked like. So I guess big offering for a big bass came thru for him. I took some photos for him on his phone as the solo kayak fisherman doesn't really get the photo opportunities that the boaters get. It was also the 1st time I've seen a Slayer 10 on the water besides mine. It lived up to it's name for him....I'm patiently waiting for my turn! I guess it's the if your in the right place, at the right time, and throw the right bait they'll eat it up for the win.
  3. Thought it was befished every time....Not exactly sporty too ke at leasy. Predictive typing for the fail. Should have been....Thought it was bed fished every time....Not exactly sporty too me at least...Instead of the drunken sentence above.
  4. Another thing to consider is the bass population in the pond. If anglers keep the catch it'll slowly dwindle away becoming increasingly harder to even catch one. Some people just don't care about rules, regulations. size limits, etc. I'm not sure how the brain of a bass works but I'd imagine they do have some memory capabilities. Seeing how their brains look pretty small I'd imagine the long term memory storage is even smaller. Seasonal patterns, favorite haunts, forage, migration routes, most likely have higher priority than alien encounters. I don't think their stupid but at some point they most likely would become forgetful. Bass don't always stay in the same place so maybe it's more of a location thing in the end. It doesn't hurt to try spots you've had success in the past to see, but in the end they might have moved to the next best structure a couple feet deeper or even shallower.
  5. In a nutshell....Yes it would go out the overflow along with the water. It would be lost by dilution with the water so the fill rate would dictate the loss rate. The slower the fill the slower the loss. If you can stay legal with a low fill rate then maybe it would last an outing with a top off? It would make an interesting experiment.
  6. Nice to see the issue was fixed in a timely manner and you got your DC in hand to play around with. Too bad some had to jump all over you for even bringing up the issue.....Hopefully they won't demand a letter from the Daiwa rep for proof.
  7. I've casted a lipless off on 30lb braid before. I caught 3-4 bass on it at 1st at least. Braid wrapped tip and I didnt notice. I weent for a long cast....Lure flied into abyss.
  8. Slack instantly twisting and coiling doesn't sound normal for a baitcaster setup. How did you spool up your reels? What kind of baits are you throwing?
  9. That's an unfortunate event that could have been avoided entirely. Your lucky you or your dad weren't killed or seriously injured for life. Why your dad chose racing the boat while pinned to shore with both your lives at stake is the real question. The sensible person would have just let off the throttle and chosen safety 1st rather than playing chicken with the shore and the boat. The boater was inconsiderate I'll give you that, but your dad was also at fault. As for you mom she was just doing her job putting your safety 1st. Your lucky she even let you guys go out at all after that. I'm not trash talking your dad so don't get upset over the statement. Most likely he just got caught up in the moment and machismo kicked in instead of common sense.
  10. It looks like a nice reel for those who fear the baitcasters nasty nest of despair. Kidding aside it looks like it's a nice reel for anybody that's in the market for one as long as it fits the budget.
  11. I've never had a issue using the improved clinch not with braid. Maybe I'm actually not doing it correctly? Haven't looked lately to see as I just tie what i think it is/was.
  12. The weak thumbed will be dissapointed it looks like. Thumb rules!
  13. Baitcasters 30lb braid Sufix or PowerPro most of the time depending on best deal when in need. Just ordered a 150yd spool of Sufix Performance 40lb braid on Amazon this AM for $8.17 (add on item) to get the free scissors. Spinning reels going with 10lb Sufix straight braid debating on a leader.
  14. Mojo has slightly better blank it looks like. Worth the xtra $'s? Possibly? I'm not sure, but not too me at least.
  15. Cabelas has the St Croix Premier 7' MF PS70MFSG in stock currently on sale for $90. Might be worth a look and see.
  16. Yes. Amazon also has cheap SLA batteries.
  17. Have you looked at the St. Croix Premier rods that Cabelas currently has on sale for $90-$100? Stock comes and goes but you can still backorder them if your in no hurry. I just picked up the Dobyns 703SF during the recent ebay 20% deal, and the St. Croix Premier (PS66MLFSG) from Cabelas when it popped back in stock, but haven't had a chance to test either of them out yet. Dang weather has been too hot lately to take out the yak. St. Croix seems like the nicer of the two rods I purchased. @Darren. I was looking at the Yo-Zuri hybrid as a leader option myself. How does it hold up?
  18. That's nice to know it's fully reversible and it's still a viable option for me.
  19. Seems like a really poor place to save a couple of cents in manufacturing if that's the way they all are. The Fuego Lt was on my list of potential spinning reels but that's a deal breaker for me as I reel right handed also. I was going to say maybe a bad batch but if you've checked different sizes also I doubt it's a batch issue.
  20. It'll probably survive. Wonder what they're thinking when they're staring up at us? Poor guy'll probably have night terrors for a couple of moons.
  21. A shorter regular rod could come in handy on hikes to fend off critters....Just say'n
  22. There a shallow water anchoring system. Chains and safety ropes are optional. Don't mess with the cajun's. Ever here of the term gator bait?
  23. Never argue with the wife when she wants to buy a boat....You lucky devil. Good luck on your future adventures! Now back to the stranded bass....Do you think the pools will shrivel up and they'll die? Is it possible to catch in smaller pools and release in larger ones? Bass gods will reward you for saving them.
  24. Your birthday is over....But the memories will last forever! Happy birthday! PS. Your birthday bass was bigger than mine. Caught a pair of ladies on my birthday 5.12lb and 4.53lb.
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