As long as the lakes you fish can produce your new PB's then it's really just a matter of time before your in the right place, right time, using the correct bait for such a fish to bite. Figuring out all three is the tricky part as sometimes just pure luck rewards you with a new PB. The term luck can be subjective as if your throwing a particular bait while trying to catch a bass then is it luck or is it just the game plan in the end that gets the bass.
Just like you I set out this season with the hopes of catching my new PB bass. I'd imagine that all anglers set out with the goal at least in the back of their minds. I'd imagine even WRB sets out with at least a dream of topping his PB.
I caught my 1st bass of the season on Feb 26th and she was a new PB of 7.02 lbs! I knew I had a shot at a new PB, but I had no idea it would be the very 1st catch of the year. Funny thing about it was after countless hours and bait offerings I'd more or less given up any hope of catching anything on this day. I fish for fun so whenever I'm faced with outings that don't look so promising I'll just putt around in my kayak and explore the lake for areas that look like they'll be promising for future outings. Whenever I kick into this mode I'll only throw a lipless offering as it allows me to keep on the move. Whenever I see a fishy looking spot I'll cast to it and pretend there's a fish waiting to ambush my lure. It was during one of these practice scenarios that she slammed my Trap! I was shocked when she 1st broke the surface as I instantly knew she was PB worthy! I guess in the end I accomplished what I was simulating, but now instead of later....If that makes any sense.
Sadly there were no other boaters around when I caught my new PB, but I did get her to pose for me on my measuring board at least. I'm surprised she even raised her dorsal fins for me.
Get out on the water, keep your goal in mind, try different offerings, and when you least expect it it'll happen.
Good luck on your quest for a new PB!