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Everything posted by rebster

  1. I have been buying jigs from Ken at leadfree bass jigs. He is ought of Stoughton ,Ma. Great products & service !
  2. After 3 days the minnow trap had nothing in it. Not good !
  3. . I caught a 3 pound largemouth bass yesterday & it put up quite a scrap. I know this is not large but it is a private pond with many stunted bass. The pond needs as many bass removed as possible. I'm going to set a minnow trap & see what food is available.
  4. I have fished a few of the local ponds but many are choked with weeds. I don't know anyone to fish with in my area. I would like to find some folks to fish with.
  5. All the local ponds seem to have small bass. Most folks are happy to catch them & don't appear to make an effort to catch larger fish.I am told by many that bass don't grow very large here. A two pound fish is big ?
  6. When I lived on Cape Cod last year we would use full size Buzz Jets. One of the best top water baits I have fished. Very well made & easy to fish.
  7. rebster


  8. There are no bait or tackle shops around Exeter ,Me that I know of.
  9. Thank you very much . It's nice to start meeting new folks.
  10. How good is the bass fishing in Pleasant lake in Stetson Me ? Where is the boat ramp located ? Thank you
  11. I live in Exeter, Me. & am new to this area. I would like to locate places to fish for bass & some folks to fish with. I have an 8 foot frog boat with electric motor. I am 72 years old & retired. I have all the gear anyone would ever need. I fly fish & use bait casters & spinning gear. I'm not interested in killing very many fish but that is my decision as long as others obey the laws I have no issues . Thanks to all that read my post
  12. I have recently moved to Exeter ,Maine & want to know where are the best places to fish in this area. I do catch & release. Thank you !
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