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  • Birthday 04/07/1973

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    herrin illinois

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  1. CONGRATS!!!!!!! Thats awesome, someday I hope to hit dbl digits as well. Been chasing that dream for over 10 years now an hope it happens. I can't imagine how great you feel to finally get it done. Now you will be snaggin dbls all the time lol.
  2. Went out scouting today and found a couple groups in the area i want to hunt. My season ain't until april but was good to get out an see some. Called 3 within shooting range so that was kind of fun. I hope you get back out an get a good one tomorrow. GOOD LUCK!!!
  3. I like cranks and worms, but i tend to fish more worms. Also love the topwater bite.
  4. Berkley power bait. Love that stuff!!
  5. Very wise thing to do here, I leanred the hard way. My boat was hit 2 times last year and my insurance didn't cover a thing..... 3000+ down the drain. Its a lot cheaper to pay a few bucks extra per month even if you never use it, because 1 time and you will wish you did. :'(
  6. chartruse spinner bait, and a red shad worm.
  7. Thats funny right there.
  8. I use seperate boxes for different depths. The flat clear plastic boxes.
  9. Thats a toss up hmmmmm I love fishing but also like hitting the fishing tackle shop too. I'd hafta say i get more enjoyment out of using it though,.....nothing like that heartpounding feeling you get when you tie into a good one!!!!!
  10. Sounds like a good time, and only 5 1/2 hours from me. If things go well I hope to be there!!
  11. I wish ed and his family good luck and speedy healthy recovery! Thats a truly honerable thing to do, takes guts man way to stand up!
  12. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
  13. Congrats burley!!!!! I was wondering if you experienced any side effects? I'm thinking hard about tryin it, I have already cut back to 1/2 of what i used to smoke but just can't seem to kick the other 1/2. Thanks and CONGRATS again!!
  14. Mice also like them as well lol. I left a package out in my garage and found them a week later with 2 worms pulled out and chewed all to heck with a big pile of chewed worms sitting beside the bag.
  15. What a joke. I have to admit my buddy got hooked and ordered the walking worm a few years back. It was definately a waste of money, I can't remember him catching hardly any fish at all on them. Glad i was out of town when he ordered or I might have also LOL.
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