I noticed a huge decrease in missed blow ups when I got a dedicated frog setup. I got a 7'3'' Heavy/Fast, paired with braid. There is little to no give, with the stiff rod, and line that doesn't stretch, so if the fish has a good bite, you can count on a hook set.
I have dedicated a considerable amount of time to frog fishing in the two months I've been fishing. I have learned how to watch the water/cover around my frog and sometimes you can actually see movement signalling an incoming fish. It's really cool when you can see the strike coming!
Being so aware, I have actually learned to really watch the blow ups, and I noticed something that I don't see talked about much, either on here, or on YouTube, so I'm not sure if I'm right, or if I'm crazy, but I have started to determine that some of the missed blow ups I've had, are actually not bass at all, and are large bull frogs.
Having hooked one I can guarantee they go for the bait, lol. And I am convinced that some of the smaller blow ups are frogs attacking the bait. I have witnessed one frog literally stalk my bait, and jump from the pads onto the top of the frog!
You can also bend your hooks up, not a lot, but slightly open up the angle on them, and they will catch a little better, but I don't do that to my new frogs now that I have a dedicated setup that takes a good amount of "work" out of it for me.
It's definitely a learning process, but it is well worth it for the fun involved. I personally love to hunt lilly pads! Before you know it, you'll be having fun with it! I have a spot that is so perfect for "frog" fishing, I don't even need a frog anymore, lol...