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Everything posted by MrFrost

  1. In order of importance to me for this year's firsts: Took my granddaughter fishing and together we caught a crappie and a bluegill. (She held the pole and I helped her reel, she couldn't quiet turn the reel on her own, she's 2.) Took my daughter fishing, she came a couple times last year, which was my first year fishing ever, but she never managed to hook anything, but this year she caught bass, crappie, and bluegill with me. Went fishing with my wife multiple times. Caught my first ever King (Chinook) Salmon wading in Lake Michigan. Took up fly fishing. Caught my first rainbow trout, which was my first catch ever on a fly rod. Fished my first trout opener, caught my limit of delicious rainbow trout. Explored many new bodies of water and caught fish at all of them. Took up wading. All in all, even though it was my only second year fishing, I can confidently say it will be hard to beat. I learned how to wade and fly fish. Caught hundreds and hundreds of fish. Last year, my first year fishing I literally caught bass only. This year I caught bluegills, perch, crappie, bass, catfish, trout, and salmon. Wading with the fly rod is my preferred method. Bluegill are my favorite to relax and fish for. Salmon are my favorite sport fish, and perch are my favorite to catch to eat. What a year.
  2. I am lucky when it comes to fishing partners. In my opinion. My son is my original, and main fishing partner, unfortunately, due to me working two jobs, and him working two jobs, plus having a two year old (my granddaughter) we don't get to fish together as much as I would like, but he's the first person I call when I am planning something. Then I have a good friend and co-worker that I generally fish with a couple times a week, typically for twenty to thirty minutes before we go to our second jobs (we work at the same place for our second jobs). But my wife and daughter are also fishing partners, just not nearly as often. But they love to go sometimes, and never complain. They've both out fished me on occasions as well! Edited to add, my son and I happily share our tackle with each other. And my buddy and I will usually buy two of whatever bait we're having good luck with, and give each other one.
  3. Save the money and go Gen 1, but owning one, I may be a bit biased. Definitely worth the money if you're looking to add a nice reliable concealable sized handgun to the lineup. Definitely not picky on ammo, in my experience.
  4. I should have added, if you think top water is fun on conventional, wait for your first strike on a popper on a fly rod! I've got blue gill, crappie, and bass on poppers and it is fun!
  5. I used YouTube videos to learn, and practice. I learned a few months ago. Here in Illinois, you can fly fish some of the fisheries that stock Rainbow Trout a week before the season opens, catch and release only. I wanted to do that so I bought a 7'6'' 3wt setup, and practiced in my backyard with a two inch piece of yarn tied on. No hook. Then hit a stocked stream and caught some Rainbows. Then added a 9' 6wt and took them both to a local pond and caught bluegills, crappie, and bass. It's worth it to me. It's so different from conventional fishing. There are days when I like to have three rods or more, and walk the bank searching out bass, but then I also have days were I want to throw on my vest, and have one rod, and everything I need on my person. I know it was advised above to stay away from packages from big box stores, but I have to "Synch" combos from Cabela's and they came with fly line, and tippet already spooled.
  6. Also, be sure it's bass. Believe it or not, frogs like to attack hollow body frogs. A lot. Lol.
  7. Good Job! Way to decrease the size of your presentation to locate fish! It worked!
  8. The size of the fish you'll catch is so hard to predict just by the bait you're using. Case in point, I caught my PB (just under 5 pounds) this Spring, while fishing for crappie, on a 1/32oz jig head with a 1'' Gulp Alive minnow.
  9. I caught my first fish ever, about one year ago, on June 9th, 2018. LOL.
  10. The benefit for them is the sales. It was marketing on their end. The whole proposition up front is for the sales of five rods in 30 days. The extra social media content again, is in their favor for marketing. The only "loss" is whatever mediocre discount they give you, but is it really considered a loss if they wouldn't have the sales without the discount? Sure the markup covers whatever discount they'd give you, so in reality, you being a "prostaff" is literally equal to you just being a customer, but you'd be a customer with an obligation.
  11. I seem to catch more bass, while targeting panfish. So that has been my approach on most of my weekly outings this year in my spare hour or two on the weeknights. I have caught some bluegills that were easily ten inches, and probably close to a pound in weight...well, that may be a bit dramatic, but huge gills. I actually learned how to fly fish this spring, panfishing. My first ever attempt (after learning to roll cast) I hammered like a dozen gills and as many or more crappie. Caught my PB largemouth on my panfish setup. Now, to put it into perspective, this fish was still shy of 5 pounds, but to me, it was a giant! On a five foot ultra light spinning setup with 4lb test, a slip bobber, 1.75'' panfish plastic, and a 1/32nd oz jig head! Last year, I was all gung-ho on catching big bass, and I really limited myself, and didn't catch a whole lot of fish. This year, I have over simplified my approach, gone out with the mentality that any fish is a good catch, and I have had the absolute best year so far fishing. Plus, when you are ok with catching a bluegill, it's almost impossible to still get skunked! Keep fishing for those gills!
  12. From that one guys Facebook posts on the IDNR page, I would say you are 100% correct. They will pay their little fines and keep doing whatever they want.
  13. With my limited knowledge and understanding of baitcasters, I expected something like 20 feet, but I was amazed that he was able to easily cast 40-50 feet, from my estimation. He has 6lb mono spooled on it.
  14. Ok, this response may not be popular, but I have the right solution for you. My son just got this setup, and he can cast a 1/16th ounce jig head and crappie plastic much farther than I would have ever expected. It's all relative, it won't outcast a decent spinning setup, however, it will cast far enough, that is for sure. All together it's under $80 before tax, so you can grab some jig heads, plastics, and a slip bobber and have a crappie slaying machine. My son already has crappie in the freezer and he just got this setup Sunday. BassPro Crappie Maxx Baitcaster Bass Pro Shops Crappie Maxx Signature Series Crappie Casting Rod
  15. I noticed a bait you didn't list as having tried, and it may be due to limited availability in your area, but have you tried live bait? I know the ole' bobber and hook may seem antiquated, but it could help you land some fish? Also, I'm in northern Illinois, so we may not be experiencing the same conditions, but so far this Spring, I have caught every single one of my pass while panfishing. Yes, 1/16th ounce jig head, and crappie plastics under a slip bobber, have landed me all of my bass so far in 2019, and two over 4lbs. My buddy has caught a couple large bass this year on Mepps number 2 or 3's. 1) Live bait (minnows) 2) Panfish bait (1/16th ounce) 3) Mepps (#2 or 3) Those would be my recommendations.
  16. To this day, one of my favorite combo's is this one right here... Shakespeare Cirrus Spinning Reel and Fishing Rod Combo Sure, it's a Shakespeare, and only $23, but I went on vacation and didn't have room for any gear, so I ran into Walmart, grabbed a cheap combo and some tackle, and had a blast fishing ponds near our vacation home in Wisconsin. My best three days ever fishing actually. Marketing tells you, you need "X" amount of ball bearings or this or that, this was a two bearing reel, don't even know the gear ratio, but I loved finesse fishing with it. Rod had good feel and allowed me to feel my bites, and they were LIGHT bites, I was catching largemouth that weighed less than a pound, lol. But, I gave that combo to my Brother-In-Law, so that he could take his son fishing, and start making memories. I replaced it with a more expensive 2-piece combo, but part of me wants to go buy another just like it, lol.
  17. My son wanted to test out his new crappie setup, so we braved the snow and cold, hoping it didn't bother the crappie too much at our local little honey hole. It didn't slow them down a bit. We had probably 30 between us in an hour. I also managed to land an ok largemouth. I only took a couple pictures, one of the first crappie I landed, and of the bass. Even though we were cold and wet, it was still a fun time.
  18. That's good to know, as I have not wet mine yet, so wasn't sure which soles to have on first.
  19. He asked for my fishing license and also my ID and matched the two. Side note: It was only 7am when I limited out, and he said that he had already had a bunch of radio reports of people being caught dumping their limit in their trucks and heading back to the water. I gladly let him look around the inside of my truck to see that I had no hidden trout.
  20. For those who buy their licenses online, and print them, I did not print mine this year, I have it on my phone. At the trout opener on Saturday the DNR agent that checked my bucket said that it's much easier having it on your phone, and that it is totally acceptable these days. Some people would still rather have it on them physically, but I'm going to save the wallet space, lol.
  21. Got waders and wading boots from the wife for Christmas, the boots are Korkers Greenbacks, and it came with the studded lug soles and felt soles, interchangeable. Haven't had a chance to wet them yet, but have heard nothing but good things about Korkers.
  22. Thank you. I knew for certain I'd miss other options, because my research was admittedly biased towards stores/websites I frequent personally. H2O's option at first glance appears to "look" better and more appealing to me than BPS's. Closer to the "Choppo," but even cheaper.
  23. I put together a very quick comparison, of the four brand/choices I am aware of. I am certain there are others, but these are the four that I have found to be comparable. I am partial to the WP myself, but will be trying out a Choppo for sure, as it most closely resembles the size 75 WP (in shape), which I like the most.
  24. I find both to be pretty easy, but Wisconsin definitely seems smoother.
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