Was blessed with a brain that revolves around fish.
Any species river, lake, ditch, or sea I'll catch them and let them swim free.
Not a gear snob...spinning, casting, fly rod, trolling, seining net, or push button paw patrol rod...don't care as I'm fascinated with the capture and understand of the why and how I did it. I'm a real sucker for sight fishing any species of fish.
Went to school for fisheries and it hasn't made me a dime.
Read and talk to random strangers online about fishing that I most likely will never meet.
Stumbled into competitive fishing a few years ago and love the thrill where I don't sleep at night.
Have had multiple fish tanks varying from natives to exotics(currently only 2 but one being a 120g saltwater tank that is very time consuming. Do not recommend with other hobbies or children).
My family fishes, wife's family fishes, dated the wife by fishing, and family vacations are typical planned on some type of fish activity.
Through all that, my greatest joy is in the current moment by taking my son and hopefully eventually daughter to lake to catch whatever we catch. At the same time have 2 under 3 certainly has limited my time on the water to quick trips around their schedules, but that's all fine with me.
Life will change/evolve again in the future years, but I'm positive fish/fishing will play a part in someway.
Rereading this makes me question my sanity, or maybe fishing is what keeps me sane?