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Tennessee Boy

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  1. Tennessee Boy's post in Adding drag pressure to a baitcast reel was marked as the answer   
    I looked up the specs for that reel and it said the drag was 3.5KG which in Tennessee is equal to 7.7 pounds. 😊
    It’s important to reiterate that you rarely need more than 4 pounds of drag for bass fishing.  I don't think you will be flipping heavy cover with 65 lbs braid with that reel.
  2. Tennessee Boy's post in Lithium help was marked as the answer   
    I purchased a Battleborn 75ah a few years ago, and I think it was around $700. Battleborn was considered the premium American brand at the time. It has worked great, but if I were buying today, I would buy a cheap one off Amazon. If you look at Amazon reviews, a $200 Li Time battery has about the same review ratings as a $750 Battleborn. Some people think warranty and service are important. I say a warranty is only as good as the company behind it. When I bought the Battleborn, I felt good about the warranty from a strong company. Now Battleborn is struggling to compete with the cheap Chinese batteries, and if they go out of business, my warranty goes out with them. I don't think you can be sure any of these companies will be around in 5 years. Personally, I would buy cheap and take my chances. The biggest risk you take is if you get a bad battery, it can be very expensive to send it back. Some buy local for that reason so you don't have to ship it back.  
    This topic generates a lot of discussion on this forum. These batteries are actually pretty simple. They consist of LiFePo4 cells, a BMS, a case, and wires. The cells are all made in China by large companies, and their primary use is in electric vehicles. A trolling motor is a very low-intensity use compared to a Tesla.   
    To answer your questions:
    Is leakage a common problem? I've never heard of a LiFePo4 leaking. I've heard of the cells expanding from heat but not leaking.
    Bluetooth? Bluetooth allows you to monitor the charge level from your phone. You can decide if this is worth the extra cost.
    I'll also mention that you will probably want to get a charger designed for LiPo4 batteries if you don't already have one.
  3. Tennessee Boy's post in Which FFS don't I need? was marked as the answer   
    I have Hummingbird MEGA Live.   Don't buy Hummingbird MEGA Live.
  4. Tennessee Boy's post in Wire Size for Lowrance install? was marked as the answer   
    Check your manual or the Internet to see how many amps your unit pulls.   Measure the length of wire you will be running to the battery and double it to account for the wire from the battery to the unit and back.   Take these numbers and use a wire gauge chart like the one below to determine the size wire you need.   The smaller your wire the more voltage drop you will have.  Personally I would go with the 3% voltage drop number.  It’s also good to have a little extra capacity to accommodate your next big upgrade.
  5. Tennessee Boy's post in Confidence Lure/ Style was marked as the answer   
    When it comes to fishing, the word 'confidence' means mental bias to me. I try very hard not to have mental biases.
    I don't start with tackle; I start with a hypothetical fish. For example, I might say to myself that there is a fish on this point.  She's in 10 feet of water, facing into the current, on the backside of the point. She would probably enjoy a shad for lunch. Maybe it's just an educated guess that the fish is there, or maybe I can see the fish on my electronics. Once I have a target in mind, I start thinking about how I can present a shad imitation to that fish. What bait will imitate a shad at the desired depth? Do I have the line, rod, and reel to fish the bait?
    I think it's a common mistake to start with your 'confidence' tackle and look for a fish you can catch with that tackle.
    I should add that while I try very hard not to have mental biases,  I know I still do.  It’s human nature.
  6. Tennessee Boy's post in Helix 10 G2N Map Card Question was marked as the answer   
    I would prefer the older LakeMaster maps over Navionics.   The LakeMaster maps of the Tennessee river are excellent.  I have the old and new versions.   The update is more about the way the maps are displayed on the screen than updated contour lines.
  7. Tennessee Boy's post in LFP 12 V battery problem was marked as the answer   
    I don’t think the BMS needs to be reset because you are able to charge it.  My guess is the water ruined one of your cells.  These batteries typically have four 3.2 volt cells.  You have 9.7 volts fully charged which is what you would expect with only 3 cells.  I would expect to see no voltage when the charger is disconnected but every BMS is different.
    A small battery like yours may have multiple small cells grouped together in parallel to make what I’m referring to as a 3.2 v cell. If one of these small cells shorted out it would short the whole group.
  8. Tennessee Boy's post in I've Got A Question was marked as the answer   
    John Shaft, character from the 1971 movie Shaft.
  9. Tennessee Boy's post in Does GPS install Orientation affect the heading line was marked as the answer   
    The direction the unit is pointing does not matter.  If you don’t have a heading sensor,  it’s assuming you’re heading is the same as the direction you’re moving. This is a good assumption if you’re moving very fast.    You should notice that the heading will be off when the wind or current is moving you in a different direction than the boat is pointing.  A heading sensor is a good investment if you fish off shore much.
    Full disclosure,  I am Humminbird guy not Garmin but I don’t think it matters.
  10. Tennessee Boy's post in Will you southern boys take your weather back...please. was marked as the answer   
    I’ll take our weather back from you as soon as the Texas boys take theirs back from us.
  11. Tennessee Boy's post in BFS = UL ? was marked as the answer   
    @bulldog1935 you done us all a service by spreading the word about BFS on the site.  
    I purchased a Shimano Alderbaran BFS last year to try it out and was not impressed with its ability to cast light lures.   I decided that BFS was not for me and that I would stick with my spinning reels.  Earlier this year I purchased a Diawa Silver Wolf thinking it might work better with lower diameter braid.  I was not planning to fish finesse lures with it since I was doing just fine with my spinning tackle.   I was blown away by the Silver Wolf’s ability to case very light lures farther than my spinning tackle.  This is a game changer that everyone should be aware of.  I’m not retiring my spinning rods just yet.   There is more to consider than just casting distance but I acknowledge that the game has changed and I will be rethinking my choices going forward.
  12. Tennessee Boy's post in When do you guys toss out your jigs? was marked as the answer   
    If it's still catching fish it's still good.  If I’m getting bites but having trouble getting a good hook sets then I sharpen the hook.
    P.S.  Don't tell the bait monkey I told you this. 
  13. Tennessee Boy's post in Garmin sideview appearing on wrong side of screen was marked as the answer   
    No it’s not the normal setting.   I can see how that could happen on a bass raider.  You need to change the direction the transducer is pointing or change the direction you are viewing the screen from.
  14. Tennessee Boy's post in Fuse block mounted outside console. was marked as the answer   
    IP66 should be fine unless you sink your boat.  At that point it probably doesn't matter if your fuses are dry.
  15. Tennessee Boy's post in Farming question for central, mid-west folks was marked as the answer   
    I believe those are oil wells and the flame is burning off methane / natural gas.
  16. Tennessee Boy's post in Need help converting PA DNR Points for Google Earth was marked as the answer   
    40*29.543 =  40 degrees 29.543 minutes 
    40 degrees 29 minutes 32.58 seconds 
    40.492383 degrees 
    What format do you need the coordinates to be in?
  17. Tennessee Boy's post in College football playoff was marked as the answer   
    The best one loss team is Ohio St.  The second best one loss team is TCU.   They will probably take Alabama over TCU which is wrong.  That would mean the best 4 teams according to the computers would be in the playoffs.  I’m assuming Georgia and Michigan win.
  18. Tennessee Boy's post in How To Motivate A Young Man was marked as the answer   
    I know it's a growing problem.  I saw something on the news a while back about how in the last 20 years the number of young men in their 20s that were not in school and not working had grown significantly. 
    I knew of a similar situation and it turned out the kid was having anxiety issue.  He was having panic attacks at work and wasn't telling anyone in the family.  Anti anxiety drugs were the answer.
  19. Tennessee Boy's post in Apple ID question was marked as the answer   
    It's probably someone trying to scam you.  Go to Setting on your phone then tap on you Apple ID at the top of the screen.  Scroll down and you should see a list of devices that are using your Apple ID.   You should see your phone and possible some previous phones you've owned and devices of other family members that are using your Apple ID to buy stuff.  If you see a device you do not recognize then you should be concerned.  You can tap on the device and on the next screen you have the option to remove it from your account.
    A legit email from Apple is sent from noreply@email.apple.com.  A scammer would send you a email hoping you would use the link in the email to change your password.  If you think you did this then you need to change your password right now at https://appleid.apple.com
  20. Tennessee Boy's post in Naked Man floats 15 miles on a log was marked as the answer   
    I've spent the last 30 minutes searching for the right words to respond to this video.... I'm gonna need more time.
  21. Tennessee Boy's post in College football realignment was marked as the answer   
    Adding Texas an Oklahoma increases the size of the SEC’s television market and thus the size of the television contract.  There are many great schools in the south that would love to join the SEC.  They never add schools that are already in the existing market.   It’s all about money.  It’s only about money.  I predict college football will change more in the next 10 years than it’s changed in the last 50 years.

  22. Tennessee Boy's post in Any interest in trapping? was marked as the answer   
    I'm having a hard time getting a sense of scale but I'm guessing bats.
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