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Tennessee Boy

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Everything posted by Tennessee Boy

  1. I have Solix 9s and a Solix 15 all on RAM mount at the console and up front. I used the largest ball (D size) and it works well. Just make sure the ball is mounted securely. I remove my units from the boat after each trip and the RAM mounts work well for this.
  2. Apparently it is a concern for the OP.
  3. What kind of reel are we talking about?
  4. McKinney may be the next KVD.
  5. So has anyone on this forum ever broken a rod while casting?
  6. Yeah, if you ain't making the reels then you're just a marketing company. It's still fun to debate who sells the best DOYO reel...I guess.
  7. If you live in the Lascassas I'm familiar with then you are very close to Percy Priest. It's a great fishing lake until the drunk pleasure boaters take over in warm weather. I stay away in warm weather even on weekdays. The other lakes mentioned are also good. You might also want to consider Tims Ford. The closest world class lake is Guntersville.
  8. It’s ironic that Scott Martin wouldn’t even be here if pro anglers didn’t seek information before a tournament. His father met his mother at a local tournament weight in when his dad and Bill Dance were watching the weightin before a BASS tournament. I guess it was legal then. 😀
  9. It depends on many factors. I don't think you can spend too much time graphing. I've been known to spend 100% of my time graphing. I don't catch much but I find lots of places to fish in the future.
  10. I don't think he failed the polygraph test. He told the truth during the test and the truth got him disqualified. That's the only value a polygraph test provides. It sometimes compels people to tell the truth. I heard a story of police using a copy machine to get a very dumb suspect to confess. They put his head on the glass of the copy machine and ask him if he did it. When he said no they pressed the copy button. The guy realized the machine could tell he was lying so he confessed. 😆
  11. About the same time the carp invaded Kentucky lake the fishing tanked. I went decades without getting skunked in the month of May on Kentucky lake. I took off work for a week in May 2019 and fished four days on Kentucky lake and caught 1 fish. Everyone blamed the asian carp for the bad fishing. Was this the cause? Who knows. The fishing has rebounded since then. The carp are still there although I suspect that their number have dropped some. There were other things that could have contributed to the problem. The amount of grass that was in the lake went down significantly. This always affects the fishing. Kentucky lake is important to me and I've tried to look objectively at the asian carp problem. I have not found the answers I've been seeking. In the end all that really matters is the fishing has improved a lot in the last couple of years.
  12. Five years ago I had two shops within 5 minutes of me. Both are now gone. There is one 20 minutes away that I've been to once. It was not worth the drive. BPS is about 20 minutes away and has a good selection but I mostly buy online now.
  13. I think BASS chose to address the FFS paranoia through scheduling. MLF has already shown us how different Texas in February is from Florida in February.
  14. I remember when you had to wait months to watch a 30 minute summary of a BASS tournament on the Bassmaster TV show. Now we can watch them live and discuss them online with friends. It's all good.
  15. It seems Alex has generated a lot of interest in fishing robes. Here are two you might want to consider. Zebco Fishing Robe $19.95 Megabass Fishing Robe $379
  16. I don't get as fidgety since I retired. There's always a reels of some sort on my desk. I used to keep a yoyo on my desk when I worked in the office. It was great for clearing brain fog. 😆
  17. Congratulations. I hope the new gig works out well for you.
  18. Welcome. I’ve always wondered about those lakes at Fairfield Glade.
  19. Hopefully I can top this one I caught on vacation last year in Connecticut. FYI, the sunglasses make me look older, I'm only 62.
  20. Your earlier statement that they run up the numbers with dinks using finesse techniques was a problem in the first MLF season when the minimum was 1 pound. Edwin Evers won the first Redcrest with 63 fish and 59 of them weighted less than 2 pounds. Most were caught on a finesse worm. Since they raised the size limit you don't see this as much. I would prefer to see the minimum be 2 pounds and I prefer a five fish limit but that's just me. We debated all this on this forum after the first season and many people preferred the 1 pound limit saying they liked to watch them catch fish. Bobby Lane had a good day by any standard.
  21. Bobby Lane's Biggest 5 fish on the final day. 5-10 5-8 5-8 4-9 4-8 Total: 25-11
  22. After Stage 2 here are the updated numbers according to my calculations in the great experiment. In Stage 1 the FFS periods produced 11.26 lbs more on average than the non FFS periods. In Stage 2 that advantage disappeared and FFS periods on average produced about 1 ounce more than non FFS periods. For the season the average FFS advantage per period dropped to 6.67 lbs or 84% more than non FFS periods. It will be interesting to see how the numbers change going forward. Stage 2 Numbers Total Weight: 3849.8 lbs Average Weight per Angler Period With FFS: 8.01 lbs Average Weight per Angler Period Without FFS: 7.96 lbs Average FFS Weight Advantage Per Period:0.06 lbs Percentage Increase in Catch Rate with FFS: 1% Total Weight with FFS: 873.63 lbs Total Weight without FFS: 2976.13 lbs Total number of fish caught: 1589 Average Fish Size: 2.42 lbs Average Fish Size with FFS: 2.32 lbs Average Fish Size without FFS: 2.46 lbs Percentage Increase in Fish Size with FFS: -5.6% Number for the Season Total Weight: 9468.0 lbs Average Weight per Angler Period With FFS: 14.64 lbs Average Weight per Angler Period Without FFS: 7.96 lbs Average FFS Weight Advantage Per Period: 6.67 lbs Percentage Increase in Catch Rate with FFS: 84% Total Weight with FFS: 3893.25 lbs Total Weight without FFS: 5574.75 lbs Total number of fish caught: 3978 Average Fish Size: 2.38 lbs Average Fish Size with FFS: 2.35 lbs Average Fish Size without FFS: 2.40 lbs Percentage Increase in Fish Size with FFS: -2.2%
  23. Last time we saw Keith Poche he was squeezing under a bridge and heading off the grid. I hope MLF can get their official and camera man back.😆
  24. I like the Gator Trax but it’s a real disadvantage in this tournament. He’s making long runs and there’s a lot of wind.
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