Tom, if I may call you Tom, do you think the generation after yours and I believe mine, as a general rule, have the patience to fish the way we did in the 60’s or even the 70’s?
I remember the Lowrance flashers, I knew the depth indication was good, and even some sort of structure or cover that blipped above that, but it still was a study to try and determine just what that blip was, for me anyway,,
I was a bank fisher until the late 60’s and my poor Baptist preacher uncle did not have any thing other than an anchor and rope to measure depth lol We mostly crappie fished, tied up under bridges or anchored near docks or boathouses,,,
I started serious Bass fishing in the late 80’s and early 90’s in farm ponds and small lakes limited to trolling motor power, electronics were not considered necessary in those locations, we wore em out thrashing the banks and off the points and known creek runs, old road beds etc.
I didn’t want electronics then,,, had no need for em.