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Everything posted by Rahlow

  1. As a Sailor, who raised a son who became a Marine, USMC all the way. I have never seen brotherhood as I have with Marines, respect everywhere you go as a Marine also.
  2. Bikers are good people,,,,,
  3. If they don’t weigh better than 2 lbs they get thrown over the boat on the hook set,,,, hook usually is thru their head right between the eyes, proper form will be there if you have the intent to hit em hard
  4. You eliminated a bunch of water that does not hold fish, there is that!
  5. Been using Berkeley rods for a long time, I like the Ugly Stick
  6. Never seen the popo, But it is being over taken by the Lance Armstrong wanna bees
  7. This is near Saluda, NC,,, this particular road runs in and out of SC/NC , several miles long and not a house or business on it, creek runs parallel too.
  8. One of my favorite stretches of “motorcycle” road,,,,,
  9. Master what ghoti said,,, s l o w d o w n
  10. Water level is down, might need to find some deeper water holdin’ Bass,,,
  11. I guess it’s the “world” I live in, but turning him in/snitching isn’t something I would do, neither is allowing him to cuss me in front of my son and his, but that’s just me. I would have also questioned him in the past about what bait he was using a long time ago, just part of the way we are here when talking about catching fish. I can’t imagin someone around here fishing like this guy and no one having a clue as to what he was doing.
  12. As a non boater, I always offered, and many times paid gas and launch fees if given the opportunity, why in the hell would you not at least offer? Ok, as a boater I’m going fishing anyway, well, so what, if not for me and the expenses I have incurred, you as a non boater wouldn’t be going. Now as a boater, I expect you to at least offer, and rarely if ever accept the offer. I also think the action of back seating someone is a cheap shot, granted I only have fished team tournaments, and the boater that taught me bass fishin got upset if I did not cast close to his cast, his only rule was to not cast over his line....and we caught many many fish inches from each other. Or in the same spot the other just cast and retrieved from!
  13. Home made out of 2 car hoods, some where around 1940 models. Edit to say: My girlfriends cousin contacted another cousin who fished out of this boat in the French Broad river near Asheville, NC, he told her the hoods were from 1940 Fords, as is the center section which is from the roof of a 1940 Ford.
  14. There is a credit deal called Credit Care, interest is a little high, but most times you get a short interest free period, don’t be late or miss a payment though, and like others said, take care of your teeth, or be prepared to spend several thousand,,,,, and invest a lot of pain, nothing you can do about the way wisdom teeth grow, all 4 of mine were sideways and had to be surgically removed also.
  15. Simple if you look around, Bass Pro Formula Spinning reel, $49.99,,, Stainless steel, double shielded bearings,
  16. Oil, gotta oil em, just a drop is all ya need. I’ve got 20yr old Quantum baitcasters that have not rusted,
  17. Wow,,, thanks,, much appreciated! I hope I answered all the personal messages, I apologize if I missed one. Some good news I did get thru this is, lungs are clear, stopped smoking almost 5 years ago, after 40+ years, heart is strong, no damage to it, docs kinda amazed at that fact since I averaged 90% blockage throughout the heart. surprising how weak this surgery makes ya! Again, thanks for the well wishes and prayers, heathen or otherwise,,,lol
  18. The lesson here is, no decision in this situation is left to boaters, the rules are clear, so even if one does not see the other, the correct actions are specified. And speed at night should be “no wake” speed. And folks should keep the idiot and moron comments to themselves. IMHO
  19. Meet Spider-Man, he deployed to Afghanistan with my son. Every deployment I always gave my son a keepsake to carry with him over there. He in turn gave me something. This was his 3rd deployment and my grandson was just old enough to realize where daddy was going, he approached my son the last hour before boarding the busses and pulled Spidey out of his “sea bag” and gave it to his daddy saying “ here Dad, Spidey will help you get the bad guys and keep you safe”,,,,,,,,,,,,,I still get a tear when I remember that moment,,,,
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