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  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
     Lake Murray

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  • About Me
    Old Veteran

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  1. As a Sailor, who raised a son who became a Marine, USMC all the way. I have never seen brotherhood as I have with Marines, respect everywhere you go as a Marine also.
  2. Bikers are good people,,,,,
  3. If they don’t weigh better than 2 lbs they get thrown over the boat on the hook set,,,, hook usually is thru their head right between the eyes, proper form will be there if you have the intent to hit em hard
  4. You eliminated a bunch of water that does not hold fish, there is that!
  5. Been using Berkeley rods for a long time, I like the Ugly Stick
  6. Never seen the popo, But it is being over taken by the Lance Armstrong wanna bees
  7. This is near Saluda, NC,,, this particular road runs in and out of SC/NC , several miles long and not a house or business on it, creek runs parallel too.
  8. One of my favorite stretches of “motorcycle” road,,,,,
  9. Master what ghoti said,,, s l o w d o w n
  10. Water level is down, might need to find some deeper water holdin’ Bass,,,
  11. I guess it’s the “world” I live in, but turning him in/snitching isn’t something I would do, neither is allowing him to cuss me in front of my son and his, but that’s just me. I would have also questioned him in the past about what bait he was using a long time ago, just part of the way we are here when talking about catching fish. I can’t imagin someone around here fishing like this guy and no one having a clue as to what he was doing.
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