Got out this morning for a couple hours before work as I often do to fish my favorite local. Father's Day fishing found me hitting on a creature feature. So I started the morning using the same lure to no effect, well a couple dinks that just couldn't do more than nibble the appendages. I decided to jump in the car and try the other end of the lake, near the d**n.
I cast a few more times around the paddys and brush and still nothing. I got my line wrapped around some rocks and wood so I decided to cut some line for a fresh line. And... I figured, what the hell I'll throw a popper. Lunkerhunt popper on I cast a couple shots and work the bait near paddys and tall plants with no results.
A ways out are patches of underwater growth, grass, millfoil etc... just touching the surface. Bass like to hide in there, right?? I cast out a good distance and start jerking the lure; twitch twitch reel... repeat. I get the lure halfway back and SLAM!!!! I hesitate just a second and pull up on the rod tip to set the hook. FISH ON!
She was a beauty! Great fight right up to the bank. No scale with me but 31/2 to 4 lbs.
A few casts later, again out in the deeper water brush I hit and set another. Also a nice fish.
I had a couple other hits but I was so schoolgirl giddy excited from the topwater hits I probably jerked too early and missed them.
This Topwater thing.... Man is it exciting. That slam on the surface is awesome!!
Eric J