MAN! There is nothing like coming out of a dry spell!! Skunked the past couple weeks, heat, storms all o' that. Got out yesterday for a good amount of time. 2 lakes and a pond later without so much as a follow and I get back home completely down.
Last night I watch some Bass Resource videos almost out of desperation. One talked about the hot summer season and he was tubing. Tubes are my favorite go to. But he made a big point of SLOWING down.
Got out this morning and hit my local again. Go to one of my spots and start with topwater... Nothing. I go deep, nothing. I hit the dock and same thing.
I go over to a bank that is by a dam and has a long hurricaned wall of rip rap with heavy submerged vegetation in front. I grab a tube and cast far out towards the wall where there is shade and remember BR words; SLOW!
First cast nothing so I slow down even more. Lures probably about five feet from me and THERE'S THAT FAMILIAR TAP!! Wham! Fish on!! He's barely hooked and I start babbling like Bobby Lane... "Stay on...stay on...stay on...". I barely land him.
Couple casts later and the line gets heavy way out and I'm thinking its a mess of vegetation on my hook. So I give it a tug to pull the tube clear and BAM!! Fish on again!!
This bad boy gives me a helluva fight, I mean jumping up, going deep, running for grass. AWESOME! Finally land him. A Beauty!!
Ain't nothing better than that hook set!