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Everything posted by GReb

  1. Marginal impact. That won’t change anything
  2. The rod and line are also variables when fighting fish. Unless you are dragging fish out of thick cover I wouldn’t worry about the ratio. As a fellow fast reeler I can relate.
  3. It’s one of the most versatile rods on the market. If you’re a guy that likes to take only a few rods it’s a must have.
  4. Their ratings are usually accurate. I’ve bought a handful of “excellent” rods that still had tags or plastic on grips.
  5. I spent a bunch of money on power tools and they gave me one of those $100 free wine vouchers. I don’t live in a state where online alcohol purchases are legal but if anyone wants it DM me and I’ll send you pictures of the voucher.
  6. On some of these places ie SLR, Chick, Guntersville, Harris, Champlain, etc. what isn’t a community hole? At this point between the local knowledge and the pros visiting every single year there’s not much undiscovered juice. The regurgitated schedule is a problem that needs to be addressed.
  7. https://www.brewersassociation.org/statistics-and-data/national-beer-stats/ This suggest the beer market is down overall with craft beer actually doing better than mass production companies
  8. 2D is limited. The cone makes it virtually useless in shallow water whereas livescope has no limits with perspective mode.
  9. It had to flatten out eventually especially with the economy. There’s only so many IPAs a store can shelve. A lot of the big craft friends of mine have turned their attention to bourbon and whiskey. I think there’s a certain group of people who just like exploring and once they’ve hit a certain point in their journey it becomes boring and they have to find a new one. But I don’t think craft beer in general has any threat of going extinct
  10. I repaired one last year and didn’t find wrapping a new guide very hard but the epoxy part of it kicked my butt. I tried using the 5 min epoxy tube that mixes the ingredients together when pushing out. The first attempt never dried and stayed gummy. I had to completely start over. The 2nd attempt I pushed out half the tube and mixed it because people said trying to mix a small amount didn’t work great. This worked and it set up. But it doesn’t look all that great. I wouldn’t try this product again. See below for better options thanks to the folks here
  11. FFS is the equivalent of Barry Bonds being allowed to see the pitchers grip on the ball before it’s thrown. If Chris Sale told me he was going to throw a fastball or curveball it’d make no difference. I’d still struggle to hit. However can you imagine what a MLB hitter would do in that situation? They’d all hit .500 plus with 50 homeruns.
  12. “I know what I got”
  13. Balistol would prob be my first thought but I’ve never used anything other than alcohol and a microfiber.
  14. NPFL has an opportunity
  15. I’d be interested to see viewership ratings before and after FFS. I bet this years ratings plummeted for both MLF and Bass. The brand has a value and if FFS is negatively effecting that value they will be forced to make changes. Until then it’s not going anywhere. However as a fan I have begun to lose interest. Regurgitated lakes and FFS are not interesting to me.
  16. It does to me but not to a lot of folks. Dobyns still sales the crap out 5.5oz Furys If the average rod is more than 4.5 oz I won’t even consider it. Too many really good offering below that mark today. There are exceptions for specialty sticks. Most of mine are in the 3.8-4.2 oz range
  17. Man that’s a rough day. That’s an awful feeling laying on the ground hopeless fighting for your life. I’m glad you came out on the other side. I took 5 hits from wasps two weeks ago. One got me in the eye lid and my eye was swollen shut for a day or two. Doc gave me a shot that really sped up recovery. I can’t imagine having dozens of those all over.
  18. This popped up on my social media feed today. Leash did it’s job! Now I’m looking at buying one.
  19. Maybe Randy has a point here
  20. I may have a different take but the organizations are creating an environment for cheating by failing the anglers making them go $50-100k in debt before the season starts. Bass has been around long enough to have an established brand that they shouldn’t be dependent on anglers funding the purse. I’m not condoning cheating by any means but when you put that kind of monetary stress on people they will go outside the rules to make ends meet. It’s just reality. Especially at the end of the season if they’ve not turned a profit and creditors are asking for payment
  21. Totally different bait. The SV3 is compact and blades are thin and spin fast. The wire also vibrates more in my opinion. The KVD has a bulkier profile and more flash. Good baits to alternate until you find what works. It’s similar to comparing a flat sided squarebill to a normal body.
  22. Just need a new league ( such as NPFL) for west coast. Have 5 or so tournaments each year not conflicting with MLF and Bass. You’ll get some new west coast guys but the Cody Myers, Reese, Ehler, Ish, MDJ etc would maybe fish as well bringing notoriety. It’s probably a shorter drive from Dallas to Clear Lake than it is to Champlain.
  23. I’ve had issues with both but higher end models from both have been bulletproof.
  24. You can’t start a teaser thread like this and not fish it out. Too many bait monkey VIPs are now eagerly waiting for you to fish out that $40 Walmart combo 😂 But what if…..
  25. He already did several days ago claiming over half fish caught will die
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