The Cara heavy cover jig 7’4 rod would be perfect for your needs. Nice strong back bone but lighter tip. It fishes like a MH but has the added backbone deep in the blank if you need it. Really good stick for sweeping hook sets.
Wheeler, Scott Martin, connell, MDJ, etc that post regular tournament content and travel logs have guys who shoot and produce their content. I’m sure others don’t but it’s becoming the new norm
As far as YouTube goes, most seem to have their own cameraman producing the videos and I’m sure that person takes most all profit from views. The angler probably just leverages the views into better sponsor money. Just my guess
I believe it has a different spool and pinion support as well. I had two 18s that both weighed 8.3oz which is more than the box stated. I sold both shortly after buying because the side plate had some edges that dug into my palm after several hours. I don’t get that with the 22 for some reason
He pulled off his dock stretch and let MDJ have it in final minutes. They were heading towards each other fishing each dock. MDJ caught a 4 pounder to get in knockout.
The lack of cameras is a big problem. The need at least 10.
I believe in elimination days they put cameras in the boats fighting for that position. The guys at the top are just running new water practicing for tomorrow.
I actually owned the Head Turner for years before trying. Snapped my HCJ rod being an idiot trying to boat flip a 5 pounder in pads. Grabbed the Head Turner and liked it better. At the time I owned 4 Head Turners. It’s one of my favorite rods for a lot of things.
The 22 bantam is so much better than the 18 in my opinion. It’s more comfortable, feels lighter, and casts better. The 18 bantam was like holding a brick
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