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About Sporteus

  • Birthday 04/20/1968

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    Middlefield, CT
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  • About Me

    Newly re-entering bass fishing several decades.  Active trout spin fisher.

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  1. Minnow, I was thinking about doing the same with my boat this spring (assuming Spring ever comes). But in thinking about mounting the speakers there, I am concerned about losing structural support for the seat (and my fat arse). Did you do anything to reinforce the seat base around the speaker? I was looking for some sort of metal mounting ring that would support the vertical force so the speaker's not taking that force. Was also thinking of just doing a plywood backing to reinforce it. Probably worried about nothing, but I have a tendency to over-engineer and it usually works for me.
  2. Fry, Love the picture, that gives me some idea or what I'm looking at (and what the burgundy looks like with the graphics!). What height did you buy and do you have any pictures of the back deck with the top down? And if you don't mind, how much height is there between the deck and the bimini by the console? I know it would irritate me to stand up from sitting and hit my head on something. I already have a basement I do that in, I don't need to do it on my boat too! To all, Thank you for the feedback. Nothing driving me in one direction, but honest feedback and that really helps. Any more pics or opinions are welcomed. I'm going to analyse the hell out of this until some winter day when I'm snowed in and just decided to buy one because winter sucks! (I know me). I'm thinking that I would probably only have it on there for a few months during the summer and would take it off for spring and fall fishing, so maybe it's worth the purchase.
  3. I almost want to start another thread, but I'll start here. Thinking ahead to winter modifications to the boat and I think I want to put a bimini top on. Since we will use the boat to just cruise around sometimes and getting out of the sun can be a good thing on some days, I like the idea. But, I'm 6ft, its a small boat, and I worry about negating the fishability of the boat and the amount of clutter a bimini would cause on such a small boat. The thought of constantly ducking or having clutter on the back deck bothers me. So does 3rd degree sunburn! For those of you who have installed a bimini top, what do you like and dislike about it on this size boat? I'm looking for more decision points because I don't want to spend a few hundred dollars, drill holes in my gunwales, and then hate the bimini top.
  4. So, I got it figured out. Didn't realize that the back of the motor well butts up to the storage area, so I was able to through bolt it there on the port side and there is still enough room for another 6 gallon tank if I mount it towards the stern. A couple of 1/4" bolts and a homemade "washer" of 1 1/2" flat aluminum to ensure the weight was well distributed on the bulkhead and we're good to go. Mounted the plug holder on the starboard side towards the back so I can get at it with the cover on. Need to zip tie the cables out of the way, but that minor. I splashed her on Friday and got in some break-in hours. By myself I got her up to 6100 RPM @ 33MPH a couple of times, but that might have been a bit over trimmed. I was impressed by how well the hull tracked considering it's basically flat. I spent a little time experiencing a trolling motor for the first time. That's going to take some practice, but I was impressed with the amount of thrust its capable of. Even took my wife out yesterday and got her approval, she was impressed. More comfortable that my Proline 190 that I gave up a few years ago. I spent some time with the shop vac getting the manufacturing remnants (and even a broken drill bit!) out of the storage compartments. Never comfortable having metal shavings and dust around motors and pumps, that's just not good. I receive my VesselView Mobile module tomorrow, so another quick install. I want to get a coat of wax on the motor and polish/wax the hull. Still need to get some of the factory/shipping marks off the hull. Custom graphics should be later this week. Now to get some time to actually go fishing! ? I'm so into having the boat, almost forgot why I bought it!! That's not necessarily a bad thing if I'm enjoying it, right?!??
  5. Did my penance at DMV Saturday (3 hours for a 15 minute transaction, some things never change) and picked the boat up last night, in the rain. Waiting to get in touch with the local graphics/sign shop to get the registration numbers made and the boat name. Got a chance to pull off the cover tonight and start to load up all the stuff I bought at the Defender warehouse sale this spring. Then I pulled out the Minn Kota Precision dual bank charger that I bought. Dang, that is one big heavy brick! Trying to figure out where the heck I'm going to mount that sucker. Was hoping to put in a second gas tank in back, but there would be no "safe" room for the charger. Don't want to take up space in the storage in front of the engine well if I can avoid it (besides that's hatch would have to be open while charging and I want to be able to leave the cover on). So, is my only pratical option to mount it in the motor well and skip putting in the extra fuel tank? Would love to see some pictures of other peoples solutions with battery chargers, especially one of these Minn Kota Precision monsters. It's gonna have to be through bolted no matter where I put it, so that's the other challenge with everything foamed.
  6. Looks like someone made this idea into a product.... https://www.amazon.com/SurePlate-Trailer-DM16004-License-Deluxe-Max/dp/B01MSX02R2 Expensive, but I don't have any old tires laying around.
  7. Got "the call" today, a month early. Apparently they've had some folks back out of their orders. Went down and got my paperwork and headed to DMV tomorrow morning (yay?!??). Will pick it up Monday after work. Should be on the water Tuesday night.
  8. Anyone have the Vessel View module installed on a 40-60HP Mercury willing to share their experience? I saw one video of someone installing it on their Bass Tracker Heritage and I'm considering the same when mine gets delivered this month. But, I also was reading this chart that I believe is indicates limited functionality on the 40HP, which kind of makes sense to keep costs down. So I'm looking for actual experience with Vessel View Mobile on a smaller engine to know if its worth it. Thinking I can reuse an older phone (or buy a capable tablet) for GPS with Navionics Boating app and motor monitoring with Vessel View and then replace the RPM gauge in the dash with a stereo. Then eventually I can swap that setup for a Lowrance GPS/Sonar that will link to the Vessel View bluetooth module. Sounds like a good idea, but I may be getting wrapped up in gadget obsession.
  9. As I'm enjoying the wonderful summer weather, staring at the lake, thinking what a wonderful day to have a boat (doh! August 5th is way to far away! I'm dying here!).... How are the batteries wired on the stock boat? I'm assuming they are wired so both will charge off the motor's alternator, but one should never assume. Thinking about getting an onboard charger and then I was thinking I may want to get a batter combiner and just get a lower cost single bank charger and let the combiner take care of the other battery. I had a Yandina Combiner 100 on my Proline 190 and it worked great, never had a dead or low battery during the season. But, since I don't have my boat yet, I can't go look at how it's wired. Doh!
  10. As I anxiously await the manufacture of my 40th Anniversary Bass Tracker Heritage Edition....(Aug 5 manufacture date ☹️) ...I'm thinking of new ways to spend money on the boat I don't have yet because as we all know, the definition of a boat is "hole in the water you throw money into", so I want to get an early start! Does anyone have experience with the Everbrite products (or similar products) on aluminum boats? I'm wondering if it's worth considering on this boat since its a "mill finish" and I'm planning to have this boat for a long time? I'm thinking that a coat of one of these products before this boat ever hits the water would be a good move in the long run to keep it looking new. But, I haven't found a lot of people that have used the products and they also sound too good to be true, so I hesitate.
  11. Anyone get custom color matched registration numbers or boat name decals for their Heritage? I tried to get the color numbers for their bass tracker decals through customer service and got referred to a sales site to buy preprinted tracker decals. That was not at all what I wanted. Was hoping to match their decal colors, not just get close enough.
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