So, I got it figured out. Didn't realize that the back of the motor well butts up to the storage area, so I was able to through bolt it there on the port side and there is still enough room for another 6 gallon tank if I mount it towards the stern. A couple of 1/4" bolts and a homemade "washer" of 1 1/2" flat aluminum to ensure the weight was well distributed on the bulkhead and we're good to go. Mounted the plug holder on the starboard side towards the back so I can get at it with the cover on. Need to zip tie the cables out of the way, but that minor.
I splashed her on Friday and got in some break-in hours. By myself I got her up to 6100 RPM @ 33MPH a couple of times, but that might have been a bit over trimmed. I was impressed by how well the hull tracked considering it's basically flat. I spent a little time experiencing a trolling motor for the first time. That's going to take some practice, but I was impressed with the amount of thrust its capable of. Even took my wife out yesterday and got her approval, she was impressed. More comfortable that my Proline 190 that I gave up a few years ago.
I spent some time with the shop vac getting the manufacturing remnants (and even a broken drill bit!) out of the storage compartments. Never comfortable having metal shavings and dust around motors and pumps, that's just not good. I receive my VesselView Mobile module tomorrow, so another quick install. I want to get a coat of wax on the motor and polish/wax the hull. Still need to get some of the factory/shipping marks off the hull. Custom graphics should be later this week.
Now to get some time to actually go fishing! ? I'm so into having the boat, almost forgot why I bought it!! That's not necessarily a bad thing if I'm enjoying it, right?!??