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Brian Schram

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About Brian Schram

  • Birthday 08/20/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    White lake MI
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    That's impossible lol

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  • About Me
    I'm a fishin nut that's all...

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  1. Yes. Really REALLY lol
  2. Thank you and you're exactly right. You had to had been there to really understand how big this thing was. I HAVE been saving a few other pics though I call "post hater" pics ;).
  3. Just released another pic of this FREAK fish I've been saving
  4. Yes that's correct. Randy called me to congratulate me in the fish
  5. Hey all good some believe it and some don't lol. It was a good enough picture for the guy that has the current Ohio state record so that's good enough for me. I don't think many have even seen a 9lb smallmouth yo really judge
  6. Lmao open a new can of worms shall we?? Now that their is not an instant birth into the Classic from opens have you noticed how many Elites are fishing them??!! Thanks man appreciate it and yes I don't believe that I will see let alone catch another one like that. But who knows cuz that's what I said last fall when I lost one not too much smaller than that one lol
  7. Heck yes I did!! Yes yes YES!! I try to tell my buddy fisherman this its OK to hold your fish out like you're actually proud of it. I ALWAYS hold my fish out and yes you are correct it was a phone camera. The only thing we had. But I love this and I'm definitely going to share it because too many fisherman completely ruin trophy fish pics because they are afraid of the long arm theory. Lol
  8. Thanks guys! The landing job was interesting with the rough water and no net!! Blade bait right under the nose!!
  9. I do tend to long arm fish often. It comes from John Gillespie telling at me to hold his fish out on the TV show lol. BUT I will say this and this is my opinion on long arming. I think full extension is too much. I like about half way where there is a little bend in your arm. This hold really showcases the fish which is what you are trying to do. I have seen some horrible pics of giant fish and I just feel bad. Fisherman are so worried about being called out for long arming that they compromise and end up with a horrible photo of a trophy fish. You shouldn't ever be afraid to hold your fish out proud because of people. You know how big your fish is and you always will. And like I said fingers never lie!! Hey A-Jay thanks for the message!! Yes you're fish is a beauty 5 lber and it looks like a 5lber too. Even though holding it out (like many of us do) I can see that it is a 5lb smallmouth. Yes I hear you there it was just mind blowing that somebody would call my fish a 5ish fish lol. Even a 6ish fish. So I had to say something but I will leave it alone now and let the people that want to enjoy the fish enjoying. And the people that do not well they are allowed to have their opinion
  10. These are the guys that are such a nuisance in a Lake St Clair smallmouth tourney but really fun to catch just fun fishing!! Beautiful Tiger muskie
  11. 9lb 7ounces Thanks mane!! Appreciate that you got a couple studs yourself!! Thank you! Appreciate that!
  12. No that is the only pic I took. It's only Catch and immediate release here so I did not spend much time. Especially when I found out that it missed the state record by some ounces. I wasn't planning on submitting it anywhere just Sharing with anglers
  13. Congrats on that big ole pig!
  14. Wow Otsego I am very familiar!! Raised not far from there Thank you she was a buffalo!! Yesir I wrote his theme
  15. Hey y'all my name is Brian James Schram. I am a country music artist and a fishing maniac. I've been fishing ever since I can remember and I have appeared on many TV shows such as Zona's Awsome Fishing Show, Facts of Fishing, John Gillespie and more. My personal best Largemouth bass is 10lbs even and I just broke my personal best smallmouth at a whopping 9-7. The inland lakes have my heart where I live in White Lake Michigan but my favorite lake for big smallmouth is hands down Lake St Clair. My personal best Muskie there is 55 1/4 inches and my personal best walleye is 33" and 13lbs. In my opinion it is the best consistent bass fishery in the world. Even the largemouth bass are very underrated. I Just recently discovered this forum and glad I did. The people are really nice and I look forward to reading/sharing reports, tips, etc. Thank you Bassresource for creating such a great and reliable forum!!
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