WRB - thanks for the great advice and looking it over. The owner has agreed to make me out on the water to run the boat through its paces as a test drive. We are meeting at his house first so I can do a dry inspection of the transom, motor, and hull to make sure there is nothing concerning. This was his current boat that he used until he upgraded to a 21ft ranger.
I know that the current owner has replaced the carpets (said the decks are strong with no soft spots, carpet was done as it was ratty, will check when I go and see it)
You have pointed out a few thing I have already seen (wierd gel coat, hoping this will come back with some work, seat is rough and will likely need some upholstry work) The bracket on the transom is for a talon which is not attached (but included in the sale) and will be installed for our water test next week. Some electronics on the boat as well which will be tested when we are going to see it Boat has a cover and is stored under it regularily along with a tarp in the winter when not in use. THanks for the advice on the trailer. Current owner says its mechnically and structurelly sound but will double check he's not trying to pull the wool over my eyes. (unlikely salt water issue as there is none around where we are)
I'll definately contact @Way2slow in relation to questions on the motor. Out of curiosity, whats the concern running a 4 blade vs 3 blade prop? (Sorry I'm new to this and haven't done much research on it)
Thanks again for your detailed analysis