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Scuba Steve

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    SW burbs of Chicago
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
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  1. Just going with my original idea. Sincere thanks to those who tried. Question was apparently too difficult. We can shut this down.
  2. Yeah I messed with the one I have for about 15 minutes today lol. Not getting through those legend tournament guides. If someone takes my car, well then it's just not my day anyway. I'm trying to take one extra step as a deterrent on the typical petty thief scumbag, or bored saturday night teenagers. Spankey that was exactly my point. Anybody that breaks into my car probably just wants to watch the world burn anyway and will take whatever they can. I usually like to keep 2 or 3 combos on me at all times and that breaks the $1,000 mark. That's before the value of any other equipment. Well yeah the window is out of my control regardless.
  3. No, I didn't need to ask the question, but figured I would at least ask before I go to home depot and buy supplies. Wanted to see if there's anything I can do different. Your critique about what needs to be posted is comical coming from a troll who got called out and then decided to post something constructive. That part, is at least appreciated. Thank you.
  4. Your question did not seek clarification, nor does vehicle type or rod length matter. My rods fit in my car. That info was clearly provided. So with that, topic is still open. Thanks in advance. Appreciate the info but not what I'm asking.
  5. Why does the question have to be answered without substance? Just read the question and be done with it...
  6. Hey everybody. Has anyone been able to find a way to do this? I do prefer to lock my two rods to the inside of my car. Any diy or pvc ideas floating around out there? Not looking to do a big pvc rod tube on the roof either. Thanks.
  7. Who has taken advantage of this already? What did you donate? What did you pick up? What's on your 2020 list?
  8. your first sentence was more what im after. I understand recommended lure rating and everything thats not what im asking. I was curious if that same rod rated 1/4-3/4 would have an easier time casting 1/4 if it was longer. Thats all. reason being if I take my 6’6 mh wading with me, and I wanted to try a smaller presentation, would it be easier with a longer rod. maybe i worded it poorly off the bat. But i think i get it.
  9. No worries at all i appreciate it. I’ve just been toying with if a longer medium heavy wouldn’t feel as stiff in the tip in the same model.
  10. Lets take st croix for example. Would a 6’6 mojo bass cast and handle the same as a 7’6 in your opinion? Or would the tip be a little more flexible? Same rod specs. Only thing different being length.
  11. I have a 6’6 M and a 6’6 MH in casting. I’ve never been a huge fan of 7’+ rods but I was just wondering if the extra length would fling baits better.
  12. Maybe a dumb one, but forgive me I have not experienced what I’m about to ask. I have a 6’6 MH baitcast rod. If I were to get a 7’, or a 7’3, would it cast lighter lures better? Does the extra length allow the tip of the rod to taper into a thinner diameter? Or are the tip diameters ultimately the same across all rod lengths? Make sense? Like would a 7’6 be more “whippy” than a 6’6? Thanks for reading.
  13. I had an xf. Hated it. Hope you like it though. I don’t own any xf rods.
  14. I have the 6’8 MF LTB that is named “jerkbait.” It’s my favorite rod!
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