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Everything posted by NittyGrittyBoy

  1. I'll be going to a local pay pond, tannic water full of cypress trees and mats. Lots of punching in store for tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get on em, maybe have a good frog bite too
  2. @ChrisD46 So for topwater, I still use braid on my frog rod. That's a given. But I have 2 topwater rods, 1 spooled with 15lb flouro, and the other spooled with 15lb big game mono. The flouro rod is pretty much my buzzbait/fluke rod, it has a little stretch but not much and my topwater mono gets used for poppers, walking baits, ploppers, and prop baits. For me I always had an early hookset when it came to topwater and switching to a line with some stretch helped my hookup ratio tremendously. If you can find it, it is totally worth watching. Mikey Balzz fishing on YouTube was explaining how he fishes topwater bites and alot of times when he gets a bite he completely stops and waits till he feels the fish. And he was throwing flouro or mono not sure, so I was like dang I need to try that. And i first swapped to the mono throwing prop baits and my hookup ratio was almost 1:1. No brainer for me. For me, it flat works Also solved alot of my bent hook problems.
  3. My biggest bass come anywhere between December and April. Agreed it keeps alot of boats out of the water
  4. Weird. I was that guy that had braid on every reel. Every lure, technique, everything was done using braid. I didn't hate it. But I'm reverting back to multiple types of lines for various various presentations. Now I have mono, flouro, and braid. Theres just so many benefits to having different lines for different lures etc. For example cranking with 12lb flouro vs braid. Topwater with mono vs braid. All braid isnt wrong, I've caught tons of fish. But with different line setups, I think you could catch more and after all, isnt that what we as bass fisherman are after, more and bigger bass?
  5. Biggest way to see a difference is to watch what the Pro's throw in Northern lakes, what what they throw in Southern lakes. Night and day difference. Sometimes same lures, but presentations, lines, and cadences vary greatly! For me, punching is a southern thing and dropshots are a northern thing. Change my mind haha
  6. I was hoping for a picture of you, holding a 13lb bass you caught off shore on 15lb big game. Shucks. ??
  7. Still enjoy it, nice job!
  8. I sure dont disagree. ? ssshhhhhh...
  9. Ok, so I have a tiller handle 30hp that's pull start, no need for a battery there. I am the battery. And I use a small lawn mower battery for depth finder. I rarely use one. I dont have deep reservoirs or mark schooling fish. I fish rivers and ponds. I never ran out of battery, just needed more power. Sometimes current gets really strong in my rivers. I have plenty of room for 3 batteries, plus another if I ever decide for an electric start. My tin boat is an 84' bass tracker, with center console removed. It's almost completely a deck to fit my fishing style. Tons of flipping and punching. I think I answered my own question. 101 for the win.
  10. I mainly river fish, so fighting current is a usual thing. I use a 16ft bass tracker, I had a 70 24v that did the job. But to be honest I wanted a little more out of it. So I sold it and now looking to upgrade. Question is, I'm looking at 80lb 24v or 101lb 36v. Is the 101lb worth the extra money and extra battery? I do believe the 80lb would suit my needs just fine, but would that 101lb give me such an improvement I couldn't say no? Theres only $300 price difference between the 2, not including cost of extra battery
  11. Just ordered more crush cranks this week myself. If the jerkbait works half as good as they're cranks do count me in on a 6th sense provoke.
  12. I love how you start off by saying, "I fish mostly shallow (less than 15') Sir with all do respect our definitions greatly differ on the term shallow. Nevertheless carry on..?
  13. Better options out there personally.
  14. I'm gonna order some tatsu, thanks for the overwhelming majority vote.
  15. Traditional Zoom fluke. Worked for years. Belly Weight the hook to adjust for depth. Simple but effective
  16. Looking to swap several of my braid setups to flouro. Wanting a quality line with low memory, without having to use conditioner. Been throwing Pline tactical and have been somewhat impressed, looking for other suggestions.
  17. Heat shrink w/ hook through it. You'll never lose another
  18. Having just fished a few mountain lakes in North Ga this past weekend I would recommend crawfish color jigs on Flouro. Ned rigs and jerkbaits. Those are what we had success on If your able, pick up a trout colored swimbait for the big bite
  19. Life got busy, still been fishing a bit, but glad to be back for sure. Just fished Chatuge this past weekend catching spots around docks on jigs!! Believe it or not but on a kayak! I think I'm hooked.
  20. Oh yeah? ??
  21. Theres alot more to casting UL baits than I thought.
  22. I actually own 2 SLX's and have nothing but good things to say about them. They're also in the running.
  23. Yall have givin tons of options and that's what I needed? Now I'm gonna pilfer through reviews and narrow it down!
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